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The manner of Sunni elders towards Shiite Imams’ [AS] shrines.
ID: 436 Publish Date: 27 September 2016 - 10:21 Count Views: 5044
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The manner of Sunni elders towards Shiite Imams’ [AS] shrines.


The manner of Sunni elders towards Shiite Imams’ [AS] shrines.

Summery of this program…

The respect of Sunni elders towards Shiite Imams’ [AS] shrines:

Harun al-Rashid’s respect tribute towards commander of faithful [AS]:

فأخبره بعض شیوخ الکوفة أنه قبر أمیر المؤمنین علی علیه السلام” «ثم إن هارون أمر فبنی علیه قبة»هارون الرشید  وأخذ الناس فی زیارته والدفن لموتاهم حوله

Some of “Kufa” scholars said: the grave of commander of faithful [AS] is there, “Harun al-Rashid” ordered a dome to  established on “Ali” [AS]’s grave, and after him, people would go to commander of faithful “Ali” [AS]’s holy shrine pilgrimaging and would bury their loved once there due to the blessing of that place.

Umdah al-Matalib, “Ahmad ibn ali al-Husseini”, p 62

“Ibn Khalkan”’s description of Imam “Kazim” [AS]’s holy shrine:

توفی فی الحبس ودفن فی مقابر الشونیزیین خارج القبة، وقبره هناک مشهور یزاروعلیه مشهد عظیم فیه قنادیل الذهب والفضة وأنواع الآلات والفرش ما لا یحد” 

He died in prison and buried in “Shunizyin” grave yard, his grave is well-known and is place of pilgrimage. His holy shrine had dome and court and cresset made by gold and silver were hanging there and various types of expensive carpets were there.

Vafiyat al-A’ayan, “Ibn Khalkan”, v 5, p 310

Abu Ali Khalal’s resort to Imam “Kazim” [AS]’s holy shrine:

خرجنا مع إمام أهل الحدیث أبی بکر بن خزیمة «وعدیله أبی علی الثقفی مع جماعة من مشائخنا وهم إذ ذاک متوافرون إلی زیارة قبر علی بن موسی الرضی بطوسقال فرأیت من تعظیمه یعنی بن خزیمة لتلک البقعة وتواضعه لها وتضرعه عندها ما تحیرنا

Whenever I faced a problem, I’d go beside “Musa bin Ja’far” [AS]’s grave and would resort to him then that problem would get solved.

The history of “Baghdad”, “Khatib al-Baghdadi”, v 1, p 120

“bin Khazimh” ‘s tribute towards Imam “Reza” [AS]’s holy shrine:

خرجنا مع إمام أهل الحدیث أبی بکر بن خزیمةوعدیله أبی علی الثقفی مع جماعة من مشائخنا وهم إذ ذاک متوافرون إلی زیارة قبر علی بن موسی الرضی بطوسقال فرأیت من تعظیمه یعنی بن خزیمة لتلک البقعة وتواضعه لها وتضرعه عندها ما تحیرنا

Me and “Abi Bakr bin Khazimah” left the house and went to imam “Reza” [AS]’s holy shrine along with “Abu Ali Thaghafi” and group of sheikhs. He says: I saw “bin Khazimah” paying tribute and bowing before imam “Reza” [AS]’s grave and is so modest towards it that all of us got surprised.

Thzib al-Tahzib, “bin Hajar Asqalani”, v 7, p 399

“Ibn Habban” ‘s resorting to imam “Reza” [AS]’s holy shrine:

قد زرته مرارا کثیرة» من قبر امام هشتم را زیاد و مکرر زیارت کردم. «وما حلت بی شدة فی وقت مقامی بطوس فزرت قبر علی بن موسی الرضا صلوات الله علی جده وعلیه ودعوت الله إزالتها عنی إلا أستجیب لی وزالت عنی تلک الشدة

I’ve pilgrimaged the grave of Imam “Reza” constantly. When I was living in “Tus”, whenever I’d face a hardship I’d go to Imam “Reza” [AS]’s shrine and resort to him and my problem would get solved. I experienced it a lot and saw the result.

Al-Thuqat, “ibn Habban”, v 8, p 457

Muslims’ reaction towards establishing shrine and dome over Sahabah’s graves!

Salman al-Farsi’s grave in “Madain”:

وقبره الآن ظاهر معروف بقرب ایوان کسری علیه بناء

His grave is well-known and is close to “Taq Kasra” and has dome and shrine.

History of Baghdad, “Khatib Baghdadi”, v 1, p 163

Grave of “Talha” in “Basrah”:

ومن المشاهد المبارکة بالبصرة مشهد طلحة بن عبد الله أحد العشرة رضی الله عنهم وهو بداخل المدینة وعلیه قبة وجامع وزاویة فیها الطعام للوارد والصادر وأهل البصرة یعظمونه تعظیما شدیداً

When I went to “Basrah” I saw the place of “Talah” martyrdom which had shrine and dome, he was killed in the battle of “Jamal”, and there is a mosque beside his grave and there’s kitchen there as well that his pilgrims are served there.

The grave of “Zubair bin Awam” in “Basrah”:

وجعل الموضع مسجداً ونقلت إلیه القنادیل والآلات والحصر والسمادات وأقیم فبه قوام وحفظة «ووقف علیه وقوفاً

They made shrine for “Zubair”  and put guards there to protect his grave, dome, carpet and valuable things. They dedicated lands and buildings for “Zubair” to spend gained money for his shrine.

Sunnis’ sirah {manner} towards their own Imams.

“Abu Hanifah” shrine in “Baghdad”: {the imam of hanafis}

وفی هذه الأیام بنی أبو سعد المستوفی الملقب شرف الملک مشهد الإمام أبی حنیفة رضی الله عنهوعمل لقبره ملبناً، وعقد القبة، وعمل المدرسة بإزائه، وأنزلها الفقهاء، ورتب لهم مدرساً

Mr. “Abu Saed Mustufi” known as ”Sharaf al-Mulk” made shrine for “Abu Hanifah”. He made grave and dome for him and established a school beside it and ordered scholars going there and they made classes there.

“Malik bin Anas” shrine in “Medina” {Imam Malik}

وأمامها قبر إمام المدینة أبی عبد الله مالک بن أنس رضی الله عنه وعلیه قبة صغیرة مختصرة البناء

When I went to “Medina” I saw the grave of Imam of “Medina”, “Abi Abdullah Malik bin Anas” that there was a small dome on it.

“Imam Shafi’i” shrine in “Egypt”:

أنشأ الکامل دار الحدیث بالقاهرة وعمر قبة علی ضریح الشافعی

They’ve established big dome on the grave of “Imam Shafi’i” and arranged dedications for his shrine.

Seir a’alam nabala’, “Zahabi”, v 22, p 128

The shrine of “Ahmad bin Hanbal”, respected by “Wahhabism”:

ودفن ببغداد، وقبره مشهور معروف یتبرک به

“Ahmad bi Hanbal” is buried in “Baghdad” and his grave is well-known and blessed.

Tahzib al-Asma’ and al-lughat, “Yahya bin Sharaf al-nuwi” v 1, p 112

Some benevolences from “Ahmad bin Hanbal”!!

The wrath of “Ahmad bin Hanbal” and the extinction of ants’ generation: there were many ants in our house and they drove my father up the wall and kept bothering him, my father got little bit angry then we saw a big black ant appeared and ate up all the ants after this event we didn’t see any ant in my father’s house.

“Ahmad bin Hanbal”, waving hand and stopping nose bleeding!!:

فقال له أبو عبد الله: أی شیءٍ حالک بنی؟ فقال: یا جدی هو ذا أموت, ادعُ الله لی ثم جعل یحرک یده کأنه یدعو له, فانقطع الدم وقد کانوا یئسوا منه, لأنه کان یرْعف دائمًا

My father said: my son! What’s happened?! He said: I’m dying pray for me. “Ahmad bin Hanbal” wove his hand and prayed and my nose bleeding stopped at once while all family members were disappointed thinking I’m dying.

Instant Healing of an old woman paralyzed for 20 years by Ahmad bin Hanbal’s praying!:

قال: حدثنی علی بن أبی حرارة - جار لنا - کانت أمی مُقعدةٌ نحو عشرین سَنة, فقالت لی یومًا: اذهب إلی أحمد بن حنبل فَسلهُ أن یدعو الله لی «فَسرت إلیه فدققتُ علیه البابَ وهو فی دِهلیزه, فلم یفتح لی, وقال: مَن هذا؟ فقلت: أنا رجلٌ من أهل ذاک الجانب, سَألتنی أُمی - وهی زَمِنة مُقعَدة - أن أسألک أن تدعو الله لنا, فسمعتُ کلامه کلامَ رجلٍ مُغْضب فقال: نحن أحوجُ إلی أن تدعو الله لنا, فولیت منصرفًا؛ فَخرجت عجوزٌ من داره, فقالت: أنتَ الذی کلَّمت أبا عبد الله؟ قلتُ: نعم, قالت: قَد ترکتُه یدعو الله لها, قال: فجئت من فَوری إلی البیت فَدققتُ الباب, فَخرجت علی رجلی‌ها تمشی, حتی فتحت الباب, فقالت: قد وهبَ الله لی العافیة»”

My mother was paralyzed for 20 years and wasn’t able to move. She told me: my son got “Ahmad bin Hanbal” asking him to pray for me. I went to him, he opened the door and told me: who are you? I said: I’m here asking you to pray for my sick mother, he got angry, I got disappointed on my way back home I saw an old woman coming out of Ahmad bin Hanbal’s house, she said: were you talking to “Amad bin Hanbal”? I said: yes I was. She said: go home quickly, I saw him raising his hand towards heaven, when arrived at the door, I knocked the door and my mother who was paralyzed for 20 years opened the door for me, thanks to his prayer!!!

Resorting to “Ahmad bin Hanbal” turned dark night into brightness!!:

خرجتُ أنا وأبی فی لَیلة مُظلمة نزور أحمد, فاشتدَّت الظلمة, فقال أبی یا بُنی, تعال حتی نتوسَّل إلی الله تعالی بهذا العبد الصالح حَتی یضئ لنا الطریق «فإنی مُنذ ثلاثین سَنة ما توسَّلتُ به إلا قُضیت حاجَتیفدعا أبی وأمَّنْتُ أنا علی دُعائه, فأضاءّت السماء کأنها لیلة مُقمرة حتی وَصلنا إلیه

At a dark night, me and my father were going to pilgrimage “Ahmad bin Hanbal”, it was so dark and we lost the way. My father said: my son, let’s resort to “Ahmad bin Hanbal” to find the way, because it’s been 30 years that whenever I resort to him my need is fulfilled, at that dark night we resorted to him and suddenly sky got bright, moon appeared and we found the way.

The regret of “Nakir and Munkar” {angels who ask question after death} of asking question from “Ahmad bin Hanbal”:

سمعت بنداراً محمد ابن بشار العبدی، یقول: رأیت أحمد بن حنبل فی المنام شبیه المغضب، فقلت: یا أبا عبد الله، أراک مغضباً فقال: وکیف لا أغضب وجاءنی منکر ونکیر یسألان: من ربک؟ فقلت لهما: ولمثلی یقال من ربک! فقالا لی: صدقت یا أبا عبد الله، ولکن بهذا أمرنا فاعذرنا ,سمعت عبد الله بن أحمد، یقول: رأیت أبی فی المنام فقلت: ما فعل الله بک؟ قال: غفر لی قلت: جاءک منکر ونکیر؟ قال: نعم! قالا لی: من ربک؟ قلت: سبحان الله، أما تستحیان منی؟! فقال لی: یا أبا عبد الله، اعذرنا بهذا أمرنا

“Muhammad bin Bashar” says: I saw “Ahmad bin Hanbal” in my dream, he was angry. I said: O “Abu Abdullah” why are you angry? He said: why not, “Nakir and Munkar” came to me and said: who is your god? I told them: are you asking “Ahmad bin Hanbal” who your god is? They looked down and said: you’re right but we left in charge of asking question.

The sone of “Ahmad bin Hanbal” says: I saw my father in dream and said: what happened after being put in grave? He said: god forgave me, I said: did “Nakir and Munkar” come? He said: yes they did, they asked me, who is your god? I said: refuge to god, aren’t you ashamed asking me question? Then they said: “Aba Abdullah”, this is our task.

Every year, God goes at Ahmad bin Hanbal’s  grave pilgrimaging!!

 «کان قد جاء فی بعض السنین مطر کثیر جداً قبل دخول رمضان بأیام، فنمت لیلة فی رمضان، فأریت فی منامی کأنی قد جئت علی عادتی إلی قبر الإمام أحمد بن حنبل أزوره، فرأیت قبره قد التصق بالأرض حتی بقی بینه وبین الأرض مقدار ساق أو ساقین «فقلت: إنما تم هذا علی قبر الإمام أحمد من کثرة الغیث، فسمعته من القبر وهو یقول: لا بل هذا من هیبة الحق عز وجل

In a year much rain fell before month of “Ramadan”, I was sleeping and saw in my dream that I’ve gone at Ahmad bin Hanbal’s grave pilgrimaging and saw his grave sticking to the ground, I got upset that rain has destroyed the grave, but suddenly I heard a sound coming out of grave saying: my grave is destroyed due to rain but it’s because of the greatness of god, because god almighty had come here pilgrimaging me.

The virtues of Imam “Ahmad bin Hanbal”, v 1, p 607

“Tat,hir” verse and Prophet’s spouses!

قُلْنَا من أَهْلُ بَیتِهِ نِسَاؤُهُقال لَا وأیم اللَّهِ إِنَّ الْمَرْأَةَ تَکونُ مع الرَّجُلِ الْعَصْرَ من الدَّهْرِ ثُمَّ یطَلِّقُهَا فَتَرْجِعُ إلی أَبِیهَا

They asked: are Prophet [PBUH]’s “Ahl al-Bayt” his wives? He said: No, they’re not and  swear to god a woman lives with a man and gets divorce and gets back to her father’s house.

Sahih Muslim, “Muslim bin al-Hajjaj” v 4, p 1874

As well as Imam “Nuwi” says in the book “description of Sahih Muslim” v 22, p 16:

والمعروف فی معظم الروایات فی غیر مسلم أنه قال نساؤه لسن من أهل بیته

In most of books other than “Sahih Bukhari” Prophet [PBUH]’s wives are not among his “Ahl al-Bayt”{people of the house}.

Mr. “Ausi Sakafi” says in the book “Rooh al-Ma’ani” v 22:

أن النساء المطهرات غیر داخلات فی أهل البیت الذین هم أحد الثقلین

Prophet [PBUH]’s clean wives are not amongst “Ahl al-Bayt” that on of “Thaghlayn” {Imam “Ali”, Fatimah [AS], Imam Hasan, Hussein and Imams of Imam Hussein [AS]’s off springs} is in there.

فقالت أَنْزَلَ اللَّهُ هذه الآیةَ إنَّمَا یرِیدُ اللَّهُ إلَی آخِرِهَا وما فی الْبَیتِ إِلاَّ جِبْرِیلُ وَرَسُولُ اللهِ وَعَلِی وَفَاطِمَةُ وَحَسَنٌ وَحُسَینٌ علیهم السلامفَقُلْت یا رَسُولَ اللهِ أنا من أَهْلِ الْبَیتِفقال إنَّ لَک عِنْدَ اللهِ خَیرًافَوَدِدْتُ أَنَّهُ قال نعم فَکانَ أَحَبَّ إلَی مِمَّا تَطْلُعُ علیه الشَّمْسُ وَتَغْرُبُ

When the verse “(إنَّمَا یرِیدُ اللَّهُ) was sent down in my home, Prophet [PBUH], Ali [AS], Fatimah [AS], Hasan and Hussein [AS] were there. I said: O messenger of god, am I among your “Ahl al-Bayt”?, prophet said [PBUH] said: you’re a good guy, I wish prophet had said that you’re amongst my “Ahl al-Bayt” too.

Description of “muskil al-Athar” v 2, p 244.

There’s a narrative from “Ayesha” in the book “description of “Ibn Kathir” :

فَقُلْتُ: يَا رَسُولَ اللَّهِ، وَ أَنَا مِنْ أَهْلِ بَيْتِكَفَقَالَ: تَنَحَّيْ فَإِنَّكِ عَلَى خَي

I said: O prophet, am I among your ”Ahl al-Bayt”, prophet [PBUH] said: no you aren’t, stay away of my “Ahl al-Bayt”.

Tafsir of “great Quran”, Ibn Kathir Damascene, v 3, p 486

“Ayesha” says, “I’m not among “Ahl al-Bayt” “Umm Salamah” says” I’m not amongst “Ahl al-Bayt” but Wahhabis keep saying: they amongst “Ahl al-Bayt”.

Detailed issues of this program:


Hello to all dear viewers of the program “Habl al-Matin”, I wish the best for you. It’s been weeks that we’ve started discussion about destruction of graves regarding to the coming of the anniversary of the destruction of Shiite Imams graves in “Baq’i”. I hope you watch the program tonight either. Tonight we at our master service “Ayatollah “Qazvini”. Hello dear master.

Ayatollah “QAZVINI”:

Greeting to you and all dear viewers across the globe, I wish success for all of them.


More power to all of those who help at the studio till “Habl al-Matin” live broadcasting program is aired on “Velayat” global channel.

Dear master, in last programs we talked about mindset of evil “Wahhabism” towards Shite imams’ [AS] holy shrine and Shiites sanctities. You told us about Sunni elders and scholars’ opinion. In this session we want to know the manner {sirah} of Sunni elders towards Shiite Imams’ [AS] holy shrine.

Did the used to go to Shiite Imams’ shrines and if they would respect their shrines?!

Summery of last session:

Ayatollah “QAZVINI”:

We said in last session in detailed about the “Fatwa” of Takfiri Wahhabism that prophets’ [PBUH] graves as well as the grave of righteous people must be destroyed including their shrines and digging their graves and taking bones out.

Then we said that “Wahhabis” give such “Fatwas” due to their grudge and enmity towards Shiite. The main target of evil Wahhabism is removing what has left from Shiite Imams [AS] including their shrines and graves. Their “Fatwas” are quite against Holy “Quran”.

We also talked about this holy verse of “Quran”:

فی بُیوتٍ أَذِنَ اللَّهُ أَنْ تُرْفَعَ وَ یذْکرَ فیها اسْمُه

In houses which Allah has allowed to be raised up, and His Name to be remembered therein. In the morning and evening.

Sura AL-NOOR, verse 36

We said that the meaning of “Houses” is Prophets’ [PBUH] houses including Hadrat “Fatimah” [AS]’s and commander of faithful [AS]’s house which has been the best house and “Raise up” contains establishing shrine and dome.

…”الَّذِینَ غَلَبُوا عَلی أَمْرِهِمْ لَنَتَّخِذَنَّ عَلَیهِمْ مَسْجِدا

'But those who prevailed over the matter said; 'We will build around them a Mosque.

Sura “AL-KAHF”, verse 21

In this verse god hasn’t denied this issue; but he says in the 13th verse of this Sura that this is true story:

نَحْنُ نَقُصُّ عَلَیک نَبَأَهُمْ بِالْحَقِّ إِنَّهُمْ فِتْیةٌ آمَنُوا بِرَبِّهِمْ وَ زِدْناهُمْ هُدی

In truth We tell to you their news. They were young men who believed in their Lord, and We increased them in guidance.

And “Zamakhshari” says:

«{لَنَتَّخِذَنَّ} علی باب الکهف {مَّسْجِدًا} یصلی فیه المسلمون ویتبرکون بمکانهم»

We want to establish mosque in where that “Kahf” companions are buried there till Muslims go there saying prayer and get blessing from their place.

Then we discussed about prophet Muhammad [PBUH]’s shrine that “Ayesha” would say prayer there, if saying prayer beside graves is forbidden, as they say, these guys {Wahhabis} should reproach “Ayesha”, at first.

We also said a separation wall was set up between Ayesha’s house and Prophet [PBUH]’s grave by “Ayesha” and then by second caliph till prophet [PBUH]’s grave remains safe.

After 100 years of Islam, “Umar bin Abd al-Aziz” destroyed Ayesha’s chamber {the  place that they believe that prophet [PBUH]’s grave is there} and now it’s turned to “Al-Masjid an-Nabawi”.

Nowadays Muslims from across the world go to that Holy place for pilgrimage and say prayer there, and as well as “Wahhabis” say prayer there beside prophet [PBUH]’s grave, the graves of Hadrat “Fatimah”, “Abu-Bakr” and “Umar” are there as well.

If saying prayer beside the grave is really forbidden if it contains “Wahhabis” or it just includes Shiite?!

The tribute of Sunni elders to Shiite Imams’ [AS] shrines:

It’s written in the book “Omdah al-matalib” p 62:

“Harun al-Rashid” has gone out for hunting and had sent hunting dog preying a deer, he found out that birds and deer go somewhere that hunting dog can’t go there. When they leave that place and hunters go after them they get back there and hunters don’t dare getting close to that place, this event surprised him:

«فتعجب الرشید من ذلک ورجع إلی الکوفة وطلب من له علم بذلک»«فأخبره بعض شیوخ الکوفة أنه قبر أمیر المؤمنین علی علیه السلام»

“Harun al-Rashid” summoned those who knew about it and asked them: what is it about? Some “Kufa” scholars said: the grave of commander of faithful [AS] is there.

It’s also written in Sunni and Shiite resources that the reason of this event that the grave of commander of faithful Ali [AS] was hidden till the time of “Harun al-Rashid” is that the ancestors of the experts of Wahhabi channels and “Khwarij” wanted to dig “Ali” [AS]’s grave.

Then it says: after he was told that it’s “Ali” [AS]’s grave is there, “Harun al-Rashid” ordered:

«ثم إن هارون أمر فبنی علیه قبة»

“Harun al-Rashid” ordered a dome to be construct on “Ali” [AS]’s grave.

«وأخذ الناس فی زیارته والدفن لموتاهم حوله»

After him people would go to commander of faithful [AS]’s grave pilgrimaging and would bury their loved once there due to blessing.

So, Shiites weren’t the founders of constructing shrine, but it was “Bani Abbasid” that you’re their devotees and after that “Bani Umayyad”.

The resorting of “Abu Ali Khalal” to Imam “Kazim” [AS]’s holy shrine!

As for the manner of Sunni elders towards Shiite Imams’ [AS] shrine, you should refer to the book “The history of Baghdad” from “Khatib Bagdadi”, he quoted from “Abu Ali Khalal” one of the great scholars of Sunni:

«ما همنی أمر فقصدت قبر موسی بن جعفر فتوسلت به الا سهل الله تعالی لی ما أحب»

Whenever I’d face a problem, I’d go beside “Musa bin Ja’far” [AS]’s grave and would resort Imam “Kazim” and my problem would get solved.

The history of Baghdad, v 1, p 120

From the vision of Wahhabi scholars all these guys polytheist and must be killed, as “Muhammad bin abdu al-Wahhab” says:

«مَن جَعَل بَینَه وبَین الله وَسائِط یَدعُوهم أنّه کافرٌ مُرتدٌّ حَلالُ المالِ والدَّم»

Anyone who puts mediator between himself and god is apostle and must be killed and his/her properties must be confiscated.

The compilations of “Muhammad bin abd al-Wahhab”, v 1, p 147

It’s also written in the book “Al-Muntazam” from “ibn al-Jawz”, v 9, p 89

«إبراهیم الخلال یقول ما أهمنی أمر فقصدت قبر موسی بن جعفر فتوسلت به إلا سهل الله لی ما أحب»

“Ibrahim Kalil” says: whenever I got a problem, I’d go beside the grave of “Musa bin Ja’far”, I’d resort to him and my problem was solved.

Wahhabi experts say: “there’s not any connection between dead people and this world, neither they hear us nor they solve our problem”, answer these narratives.

Mr. “Ibn Juwzi” and “Khatib Baghdadi”, not of them said that this narrative is not valid. Baseless things that the expert of Wahhabi evil channels say are against “Quran”.

Mr. “Ibn Habban” says about “Ibn Khazimah” who is a Sunni big scholar, in the book “Tahzib al-Tahzib” v7:

«خرجنا مع إمام أهل الحدیث أبی بکر بن خزیمة»«وعدیله أبی علی الثقفی مع جماعة من مشائخنا وهم إذ ذاک متوافرون إلی زیارة قبر علی بن موسی الرضی بطوس»«قال فرأیت من تعظیمه یعنی بن خزیمة لتلک البقعة وتواضعه لها وتضرعه عندها ما تحیرنا»

If establishing shrine and dome is illegitimate and Haram, so why “Ibn Kazimah” bow down before that shrine humbly?! According to Wahhabism “Fatwa” this person is certainly pagan and apostle and must be killed!!

We don’t know where the grave of “Ibn Khazimah” is to see how Wahhabis seize the spoils of his grave.

Mr. “Ibn Habban” who is amongst Sunni big scholars, he says in the book “Al-Thughat”:

 «وقبره بسناباذ خارج النوقان مشهور یزار بجنب قبر الرشید»

Imam “Reza” [AS]’s grave is beside the grave of “Haru al-Rashid”.

Before imam “Reza” [AS] is buried there, “Harun Al-rashid” has had shrine, and it’s not clear that if there was any Shiite in “Tus” before Imam “Reza” [AS] goes, because when Imam “Reza” [AS] came to Iran Shiism was drawn to Iran provinces.

So there’s no any reason that there was even one Shiite in “Tus” {Mashhad} before Imam “Reza” goes there; because that was the center of “Abbasid” reign. Who’s constructed dome for “Harun al-Rashid’s” grave, Sunnis or Shiites?!

The dome and the shrine of “Harun al-Rashid” were established by “Tabei’n” {those who met companions of prophet [PBUH] not himself} and their followers!! And Imam “Reza” [AS] was buried in his grave.

We believe that the presence of Imam “Reza” [AS] has certainly move “Harun al-Rashid’s” grave to the hell and he will burn there due to his crimes, because him and his children including “Ma’mun” committed many crimes during their life.

“ibnHabban” says in continue:

«قد زرته مرارا کثیرة»«وما حلت بی شدة فی وقت مقامی بطوس فزرت قبر علی بن موسی الرضا صلوات الله علی جده وعلیه ودعوت الله إزالتها عنی إلا أستجیب لی وزالت عنی تلک الشدة»«وهذا شیء جربته مرارا فوجدته کذلک»

I pilgrimage Imam “Reza” [AS]’s grave constantly, when I was living in “Tus” after I’d face problem, I’d go beside Imam “Reza” [AS]’s grave and resort to him then that problem would have been solved, I’ve experienced it several times and saw its result.

Al-Thughat, v 8, p 475

I don’t know whether the experts of “Wahhabi” channels can read these issues or not or they may believe that reading such things are Haram.

Mr. brainless “Aqeel” who’s not as smart as an animal, if he was living at that time would say: well, those who worship cow, resort to cow and see the result!” I don’t what kind of brain he has in his head.

“Mecca” polytheists would see Prophet Muhammad [PBUH]’s miracles, but they’d say:” it’s magic. This guy doesn’t say:” it’s magic” but he says: those who worship cow resort like that and get the result !! what relationship exists between Wahhabis and cow, I don’t know.

Sunni dears, the manner of Sunni scholars towards Shiite Imam [AS] has been like this, be careful of Wahhabis who want to pervert you destroying your religion and life, if your religion is destroyed your everlasting is destroyed as well and undoubtedly you’ll be the clear instance of this verse:

…“خَسِرَ الدُّنْیا وَ الْآخِرَةَ

… he loses this world and the Everlasting Life; that is indeed a clear loss.

Sura AL-HAJJ verse, 11

Swear to god “Wahhabism” hasn’t benefited anyone and won’t benefit, these guys have nothing other than evil thoughts and they always avoid any debate because they know they’ll be decried in the first debate.

Wahhabism is afraid of any debate and when someone calls them as soon as they find out that he knows a little bit about “Quran”, Hadith and tradition they hang up the phone, but when that guy doesn’t dominate on these things they say:” he was Ayatollah”.

So these issues were some instances of Sunni elders’ manner towards the grave and shrines of Shiite Imams [AS], there are many narratives showing that Sunni elders and scholars would resort to Shiite Imams [AS].

Resorting to Shiite Imams’ [AS] grave is written in Sunni resources such as: Islam History” from Mr. “Zahabi”. He‘s written in this book about resorts done by Sunni elders that led to result.


We can see it in present time either, when we go to Hadrat “Ma’sumah” and Imam “Reza” [AS] holy shrines, sometimes we see Sunni elders and scholars who came to this channel.

Sunnis go to “Karbala” and “Najaf” as well as other Holy shrines with quite respect.

Dear Master, what was the reaction of Muslims towards constructing shrine for companions of prophet [PBUH]?!

Muslims’ reaction towards establishing shrine and dome over the graves of companions.

Ayatollah “QAZVINI”:

That’s nice question, there have been many remaining of the companions, though, some of them have been removed but there are still many remaining. For instance we can mention to the grave of “Abu Ayyub Ansari”.

The grave of “Salman Farsi” in “Mada’in”

Mr. “Khatib Baghdadi” says in the book “History of Baghdad” {one of Sunnis books}:

«وقبره الآن ظاهر معروف بقرب ایوان کسری علیه بناء»

His grave is well-known and is close to “Taq Kasra” and has shrine and dome.

In the 4th or 5th century AD, there has been dome on his grave, who’s established shrine and grave on his grave if it’s really Haram?! How is that it’s not been destroyed over these years?!

The grave of “Talha bin Abd Allah” in “Basrah”!

At that time in “Iraq”, Sunni would mainly govern and Shiites’ reign was to short. Mr. “Ibn Battuta” says in his logbook:

«ومن المشاهد المبارکة بالبصرة مشهد طلحة بن عبد الله أحد العشرة رضی الله عنهم وهو بداخل المدینة وعلیه قبة وجامع وزاویة فیها الطعام للوارد والصادر وأهل البصرة یعظمونه تعظیما شدیداً»

Translation is available above.

It’s always been the Sirah {Manner} of Muslims, however, nowadays Wahhabism want to destroy these places. This act of Wahhabism means that no one has ever understood this issue and all don’t know about Islam and couldn’t translate “Quran”, and just some rookie Wahhabis can translate “Quran” and narratives properly.

The grave of “Zubair bin Awam” in “Basra”!

Mr. “Ibn Juwzi” says in the book “Al-Muntazam” v 14: when people of “Basra” were constructing a building, found out that there’s a grave there belongs to “Zubair bin Awam”:

«وجعل الموضع مسجداً ونقلت إلیه القنادیل والآلات والحصر والسمادات وأقیم فبه قوام وحفظة»«ووقف علیه وقوفاً»

They established shrine and dome on his grave, and put some guards there to protect the grave and valuable items. And dedicated lands and buildings till their money is spent for his shrine

“Al-Muntazam”, “Muhammad bin Juwzi”, v 14, p 383

What are these narratives showing?

The grave of “Abu Ayyub Ansari” in Turkey!

It’s also written in the book “The history of Baghdad” v 1, p 154 that “Abu Ayyub Ansari” is buried in “Turkey”:


«فقالوا هذا قبر أبی أیوب الأنصاری صاحب النبی فأتیت تلک البنیة فرأیت قبره فی تلک البنیة وعلیه قندیل معلق بسلسلة»

They said: here is the grave of “Abu Ayyub Ansari” the owner of prophet [PBUH] and I saw that they’ve hung   +++by chain.

This issue is for the 4th or the 5th century, about 1000 years ago, it shows that this manner “Sirah” existed at that time.

As well as Mr. “Ibn Kathir Damascene” says in the book “Al-Bedayah and al-Nhayah” v 8, p 59:

«مات أبو أیوب بأرض الروم سنة ثنتین وخمسین ودفن عند القسطنطینیة وقبره هنالک یستسقی به الروم إذا قحطوا وقیل إنه مدفون فی حائط القسطنطینیة» «وعلی قبره مزار ومسجد وهم یعظمونه»


Sunnis be more careful, however you’re watchful but there some who are decieved by Wahhabism. In the perspective of Wahhabism all countries including Iran, Iraq, Mecca, Medina, Turkey and other lands are the lands blasphemy and they just know themselves as real Muslims!!

Wahhabism disrespect the graves of prophet [PBUH] and Shiite Imams and gives “Fatwa” that an-Nabawi chamber must be burned and grave must be dug up!

We don’t from which book Wahhabis have gotten their talks.


Thank you very much master, Sunnis are divided to four faiths such as “Shafi’i”, “Hanbali”, “Hanafi”, and “Maliki”, each one of these faiths have Imams and elders and they extract their fiqh resources of their talks.

I want to ask you about the manner of Sunni towards the grave of their own imams? How has been the behavior of “Shafi’i”, “Hanbali”, “Hanafi”, faiths’ followers towards the grave of their own Imams?!

Sunnis’ sirah {Manner} towards the graves of their Imams!

Ayatollah “QAZVINI”:

At first, I’ll talk about the time of establishing the graves of Sunni Imams?! Some may imagine that their shrines were constructed in last centuries!

“Abu Hanifah’s” shrine in “Baghdad” {the imam of Hanafi faith}

«وفی هذه الأیام بنی أبو سعد المستوفی الملقب شرف الملک مشهد الإمام أبی حنیفة رضی الله عنه،»«وعمل لقبره ملبناً، وعقد القبة، وعمل المدرسة بإزائه، وأنزلها الفقهاء، ورتب لهم مدرساً»

At that time “Abu Sae’d Mustufi” known as “Sharaf al-Mulk” established shrine for “Abu Hanifah”. He made dome on his grave and a school beside his shrine and ordered jurisprudences to go over and they made chambers there studying.

Al-Muntazam, “Ibn Khalkan”, v 5, p 414

Mr.” Zahabi” says about him:

«وعلیه قبة عظیمة ومشهد فاخر ببغداد»

He has great shrine with big dome in “Baghdad”.

Seir al-A’lam al-Nabala’” v 6, p 403

Mr.” Ibn Jubair” says in his logbook: I went there and saw a soaring dome and “Abu Hanifa’s” grave was under it.

“Ibn Batutah” says in his logbook: the grave “Abu Hanfah” in Baghdad has big dome and there used to be a kitchen there feeding people who come to his shrine; like the kitchen in Imam “Reza” [AS]’s holy shrine that pilgrims are fed there.

The phrase «قبة عظیمة» shows “Abu Hanifah’s” majestic shrine. Last year celebration was held there on the occasion of the prophet [PBUH]’s birthday that we talked about it before.

There’s narrative in the book “History of Baghdad” v1, from “Imam Shafi’i”:

«قال سمعت الشافعی یقول انی لأتبرک بأبی حنیفة وأجیء إلی قبره فی کل یوم یعنی زائرا فإذا عرضت لی حاجة صلیت رکعتین وجئت إلی قبره وسألت الله تعالی الحاجة عنده فما تبعد عنی حتی تقضی»

I heard from Imam “Shafi’i” who said: I get blessing from “Abu Hanifah”, and pilgrimage his grave and when I need something I say prayer beside his grave if it’s possible and ask god to give me what I want and then need is fulfilled.

History of Baghdad, v 1, p 123

In response to the viewer who had called and said:” you guys have made these narratives, pay attention, Imam “Shafi’i” died in year 204 AD, and “Abu Hanifah” died in the year 150 AD.

Imam “Shafi’i” wasn’t Shiite, but he was a Imam of a sect who would resort to another imam of another sect.

The shrine of “Malik bin Anas”, “the imam of Maliki sect followers”!

Ibn “Batutah” says in his logbook:

«وأمامها قبر إمام المدینة أبی عبد الله مالک بن أنس رضی الله عنه وعلیه قبة صغیرة مختصرة البناء»«وقبر الحسن بن علی بن أبی طالب علیهم السلام وهی قبة ذاهبة فی الهواء بدیعة الأحکام عن یمین الخارج من باب البقیع»«وفی آخر البقیع قبر أمیر المؤمنین أبی عمر عثمان بن عفان رضی الله عنه وعلیه قبة کبیرة

When I went to “Medina”, I saw the grave of Imam of Medina “Abi Abdullah Malik bin ‘Anas” that there was a dome on it with a small shrine. As well as the grave of Imam Hassan [AS] had soaring dome and graves of “Migrants” and other companions were there. And the grave of “Othman bin Afan” was At the end of the “Baqi’” cemetery which had big dome.

The shrine of Shiite Imams in “Baqi’” cemetery as well as the graves of Sunni Imams and elders were destroyed in the year 1344 AD.

The shrine of “Imam Shafi’i” in “Egypt”!

«أنشأ الکامل دار الحدیث بالقاهرة وعمر قبة علی ضریح الشافعی»

They’ve established big dome on the grave “Imam Shafi’i” and arranged dedications. for there.

Seir a’lam al-Nabala’, “Zahabi”, v 22, p 128

“Ibn Khalkan” also says:

«وقبره یزار بها»

His grave is the place of pilgrimage.

Wafiyat al-A’ayan, v 4, p 165

«حللت فی موضع حصین وبنی بالقاهرة دار حدیث ورتب لها وقفاً جیداً وکان قد بنی علی ضریح الإمام الشافعی، رضی الله عنه، قبة عظیمة»

The shrine of Imam “Shafi’i” in “Cairo” has many dedications, a big dome is on the grave.

Wafiyat al-A’ayan, v, 5, p 81

Shiites have done such works, the grave of “Imam Shafi’i” is the place of pilgrimage and all Muslims including “Shafi’i”, “Maliki”,”Hanafi”,”Hanbali” and the followers of all Sunni sects go there for pilgrimaging.

The shrine of “Amad bin Hanbal” Wahhabism’s favorite person in “Baghdad”!

Mr. “Nuwi” says in the book “refinement of names and letters” v 1, p 112:

«ودفن ببغداد، وقبره مشهور معروف یتبرک به»

“Ahmad bin hanbal” is buried in “Baghdad” and his grave is well-known and people go there for blessing.

Wahhabis! this narrative is about your Imam, if you accept that; though, as “Doctor Tayyib” Sheikh of “Al-Azhar” says:” these guys have made the sect of “Ahmad bin hanbal” dirty” it’s written in this narrative that people go to his shrine to be blessed by his grave.

There is a narrative in the book “the virtues of Ahmad bin Hanbal” from “Ibn Juwzi” which says: “Malik Khalid bin Abd al-Aziz Al-Saud” ordered this book to be printed paid by himself and to be distributed amongst people to be done a favoe in the path of knowledge.

It’s written in this book printed and distributed by “MalikKalid’s” order:

«فی ذکر کراماته وإجابة سُؤاله»

about benevolences seen from the grave of “Ahmad bin Hanbal”.

Virtues of al-Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal, “Muhammad al-Juwzi”, v 1, p 397

If we say an issue about Shiite imams [AS] less important than this narrative, you Wahhabis will make uproar that why we said such thing.

Mr.”Kalkarabi” who would kill Shiites in “Afganistan” for a while and know he’s got asylum living in west make uproar that they’ve quoted such benevolences for Imam “Ali” [AS] and imam “Sadiq” [AS], what’s left for god?!

Some benevolences from “Ahmad bin Hanbal”!!

I suggest you to read several parts of this book carefully: first part: Muslims’ dreams about “Ahmad bin Hanbal”; second part: the benevolences from “Ahmad bin Hanbal”!!

The author quotes from the son of “Ahmad bin Hanbal”:

There a lot of ants in our house which had driven my father up the wall, ants would bother him a lot, once that my father got little bit angry we saw a big ant appeared and ate up all ants, then we didn’t see any ant in our house.

“Ahmad bin Hanbal” waving and stopping nose bleeding:

Then he says:

“someone’s nose was bleeding nonstop. Even doctors couldn’t do anything for him then my father waved and prayed then his nose bleeding stopped:

 «فقال له أبو عبد الله: أی شیءٍ حالک بنی؟ فقال: یا جدی هو ذا أموت, ادعُ الله لی» «ثم جعل یحرک یده کأنه یدعو له, فانقطع الدم وقد کانوا یئسوا منه, لأنه کان یرْعف دائمًا»

Translation is available above.

Virtues of Ahmad bin Hanbal, “Muhammd Juwzi”, v 1, p 397

The fertility of all palms, the blessing of “Ahmad bin Hanbal’s” pen”!!

He says in continue:

«قال: دخلتُ یومًا علی أبی عبد الله وهو یملی علی, وأنا أکتب» «فاندقّ قلمی, فأخذ قلمًا فأعطانیه, فجئت بالقلم إلی أبی علی الجعفری, فقلت: هذا قلم أبی عبد الله أعطانیه» «خُذ القلم فَضعه فی النَّخلة عسی تَحمل, فوضعه فی النَّخلة فحملت النَّخلة»

Translation is available above.

Virtues of Ahmad bin Hanbal, “Muhammd Juwzi”, v 1, p 398

Instant healing of an old woman paralyzed for 20 years after Ahmad bin Hanbal’s praying!!

Then he writes:

«قال: حدثنی علی بن أبی حرارة - جار لنا - کانت أمی مُقعدةٌ نحو عشرین سَنة, فقالت لی یومًا: اذهب إلی أحمد بن حنبل فَسلهُ أن یدعو الله لی» «فَسرت إلیه فدققتُ علیه البابَ وهو فی دِهلیزه, فلم یفتح لی, وقال: مَن هذا؟ فقلت: أنا رجلٌ من أهل ذاک الجانب, سَألتنی أُمی - وهی زَمِنة مُقعَدة - أن أسألک أن تدعو الله لنا, فسمعتُ کلامه کلامَ رجلٍ مُغْضب» «فقال: نحن أحوجُ إلی أن تدعو الله لنا, فولیت منصرفًا؛ فَخرجت عجوزٌ من داره, فقالت: أنتَ الذی کلَّمت أبا عبد الله؟ قلتُ: نعم, قالت: قَد ترکتُه یدعو الله لها, قال: فجئت من فَوری إلی البیت,» «فَدققتُ الباب, فَخرجت علی رجلی‌ها تمشی, حتی فتحت الباب, فقالت: قد وهبَ الله لی العافیة»

Translation is available above

After resorting to “Ahmad bin Hanbal” dark night got light.

What interesting is that “Abdullah bin Musa” Sunni scholar says:

«خرجتُ أنا وأبی فی لَیلة مُظلمة نزور أحمد, فاشتدَّت الظلمة, فقال أبی یا بُنی, تعال حتی نتوسَّل إلی الله تعالی بهذا العبد الصالح حَتی یضئ لنا الطریق» «فإنی مُنذ ثلاثین سَنة ما توسَّلتُ به إلا قُضیت حاجَتی» «فدعا أبی وأمَّنْتُ أنا علی دُعائه, فأضاءّت السماء کأنها لیلة مُقمرة حتی وَصلنا إلیه»

Translation is available above

This guy says resorted to “Ahmad bin Hanbal” while he’s dead and Wahhabis believe that dead guys have connection with this world! I don’t know whether or not brainless “Aqeel” dares to say in here “those who worship cow resort to cow”?!

I usually reads people’s message after morning prayer, someone had said in his message

Will you Wahhabis draw your sword fighting commander of faithful if he comes and orders us to destroy the grave of “Muawiyyah” or not?!

It’s very nice question! If commander of faith full or Imam “Mahdi” [AS] come and says: the grave of “Muawiyyah” must be destroyed, what will “Wahhabis” do? We don’t doubt that these guys will even stand against prophet [PBUH].

when we said that no program will go on air at Friday’s night, Wahhabis experts said: it seems like something has happened to Mr. “QAZVINI”, his program is not aired and he’s been expelled. before they say that Mr. “Abul Qasimi” has been expelled, I inform that he’s on an educational missionary trip overseas and will get back soon. We’ll be at your service at Friday’s night as well till our dear gets back.

These narratives are part of the talks of Sunni scholars about their Imams, I’m not going to obtrude but what will Wahhabis do if we say such narratives about Shiite Imams [AS].

There’s another narrative In the book “virtues of Ahmad bin Hanbal” which has been published ordered by “Kalid bin Abdulaziz”:

«سمعت بنداراً محمد ابن بشار العبدی، یقول: رأیت أحمد بن حنبل فی المنام شبیه المغضب، فقلت: یا أبا عبد الله، أراک مغضباً» «فقال: وکیف لا أغضب وجاءنی منکر ونکیر یسألان: من ربک؟ فقلت لهما: ولمثلی یقال من ربک! فقالا لی: صدقت یا أبا عبد الله، ولکن بهذا أمرنا فاعذرنا»

Translation is available above.

Parts of this book that I suggested to be read are full of such issues. Let me tell you another narrative from this book:

God goes at Ahmad bin Hanbal’s grave pilgrimaging!!!

«کان قد جاء فی بعض السنین مطر کثیر جداً قبل دخول رمضان بأیام، فنمت لیلة فی رمضان، فأریت فی منامی کأنی قد جئت علی عادتی إلی قبر الإمام أحمد بن حنبل أزوره، فرأیت قبره قد التصق بالأرض حتی بقی بینه وبین الأرض مقدار ساق أو ساقین» «فقلت: إنما تم هذا علی قبر الإمام أحمد من کثرة الغیث، فسمعته من القبر وهو یقول: لا بل هذا من هیبة الحق عز وجل،» «فسألته عن سر زیارته إیای فی کل عام»

I saw in my dream that I’m at Ahmad bin Hanbal’s grave pilgrimaging, I saw his grave is sticking to the ground, I got upset that rain has caused the destruction of grave, suddenly he heard a sound coming out grave: no it’s no because of rain that my grave is destroyed but due to the greatness of god my grave is sticking to the ground. God comes here every year pilgrimaging, I asked god: why do you com here every year pilgrimaging me?!

My friends you have no idea what uproar these Wahhabis will make if you say such issue towards prophet [PBUH] and Shiite imams. This book was published and distributed amongst people ordered by “Malik Khalid bin Abd al-Aziz” Saudi Arabia king.

He says in continue:

«فقال عز وجل: یا أحمد، لأنک نصرت کلامی، فهو ینشر ویتلی فی المحاریب» «فأقبلت علی لحده أقبله» «ثم قلت: یا سیدی، ما السر فی أنه لا یقبل قبر إلا قبرک؟» «فقال لی: یا بنی، لیس هذا کرامة لی، ولکن هذا کرامة لرسول الله صلی الله علیه وسلم؛» «لأن معی شعرات من شعره صلی الله علیه وسلم»

Then god almighty said: O “Ahmad”, you supported my talk to be published amongst people and is read in sanctuaries.

Then I said” O my lord amongst grave just your grave must be kissed, then he said: O my boy, it’s not my benevolence but it prophet [PBUH]’s benevolence. Because several hair strands belong to prophet [PBUH] are in my grave.

Virtues of Ahmad bin Hanbal, v 1, p 607

This book is filled by such phrases, we leave the judgment to people especially those who are the patrens of “Ahmad bin Hanbal” and Wahhabism.

The author of this book is “Ibn Juwzi”, Sunni prominent scholar, the publisher is “Malik Khalid “.

Oddly enough that god goes there every year pilgrimaging and it’s not blasphemy; but when we say: pilgrimage Imam “Reza” [AS] or Imam Hussein [AS] every year, it’s considered as blasphemy.

I don’t whether or not Wahhabis give “Fatwa” about god’s blasphemy, Of course it’s not unlikely that these brainless guys say:” god’s become polytheist due to pilgrimaging the grave of “Ahmad bin Hanbal” and prophet should kill god by gun since he must be killed!”

Mr. “Sujudy” may give “Fatwa” saying: god must be killed due to pilgrimaging the grave of “Ahmad bin Hanbal”.

How is it that his grave could be kissed because prophet [PBUH]’s hair strand is there, but we kissing prophet [PBUH]’s grave shouldn’t be kissed!!

In Wahhabis’ opinion kissing the grave of “Prophet [PBUH]’s children who prophet [PBUH]’s blood is in their vain is kind of blasphemy.


Dear Master, would you like to continue this discussion in the next sessions?

Ayatollah “QAZVINI”:

Yes, in this picture you see the grave of “Ahmad bin Hanbal”; I don’t know whether or not go goes there pilgrimaging, that time that his grave was higher that the surface of ground it stuck to the ground due to god’s greatness, but know his shrine isn’t sticking to the ground because of god’s greatness!!

It might that god is afraid of Wahhabism knowing him polytheist pilgrimaging “Ahmad bin Hanbal”, god knows that instead of prophet they send one of the followers of “Muhammad bin Abdulwahhab” killing him that why god doesn’t come pilgrimaging “Ahmad bin Hanbal” thus his grave has still dome and shrine.


Dear master, some viewers sent message about benevolences and virtues of “Ahmad bin Hanbal”.

Someone has said: what’s different between four Imams and Shiite Imams [AS]?! Shiite Imams [AS] fulfill needs as well as four imams {Sunnis imams}.

Ayatollah “QAZVINI”:

Swear to god we don’t know, you should ask Wahhabism, we do not know.


Maybe they want to make doubt for Shiites.

Ayatollah “QAZVINI”:

We believe that they {Wahhabis} are hallucinating. When they say:” god goes there pilgrimaging him”, he may fulfill wish either.

They have no shame, rather than elevating the position of “Ahmad bin Hanbal” they bring down god’s position. These guys who make such fake benevolences can also do other works.


We said this issue because some have faced doubt, however dear master’s last words made everything clear.

Ayatollah “QAZVINI”:

It’s quite clear that they make virtues for “Ahmad bin Hanbal”, prophet [PBUH] says about commander of faithful [AS]:

 «أنا مَدِینَةُ الْعِلْمِ وَعَلِی باب‌ها فَمَنْ أَرَادَ الْعِلْمَ فَلْیأْتِهِ من بَابِهِ»

I’m the city of knowledge and Ali is its gate…

Al-Mu’jam al-Kabir, “Tayrani”, v 11, p 65

They’ve made such virtue for “Umar and “Abu-Bakr” as well: {fake virtue}:

«أنا مدینة العلم وابو بکر أساسها وعمر حیطانها وعثمان سقفها وعلی بابها»

Al-Sawae’q al-muhraqah, v 1, p 87

When they see there are benevolences about Shiite Imams [AS], they make such things.

Viewers’ contact:


Just several minutes left from tonight’s program, we try to answer as many calls as we can.

Viewer: {Iman- Shiite}:

Hello to Ayatollah “QAZVINI” the respectable chief of “Velayat” global network and all those working on this channel. More power to you.

I want to ask about the contest “guardianship emanation”, I ask Ayatollah “Qazvini” to explain about massages we sent.


As for contest, If had asked our friends in control room they’d have helped you.


It was my first question, my second question is that if there’s any narrative about the grave of “Muawiyyah”?! I was watching, brainless “Aqeel”, as Ayatollah “Qazvini” says, was talking about…..

Ayatollah “QAZVINI”:

I didn’t say brainless “Aqeel” but Mr. “Mullazadah” said.


Yes, brainless “Aqeel” was talking about “guardianship” verse, he said: “Akramah” has said that this verse was sent than about “Ebadat bin samit”.


Thank you for you calling. Master, is there anything to say about the grave of “Muawiyyah”?!

Ayatollah “QAZVINI”:

We showed a clip about his grave, it’s been carved on his grave:

"من زار قبری وجبت له شفاعتی"

Anyone who pilgrimages me I’ll intercede him.

But some have written on his grave:

 "هذا الکلب ابن الکلب"

He’s dog the son of dog.


What about “Guardianship” and “Akramah”, as his second question.

Ayatollah “QAZVINI”:

In terms of personality “Akramah” has been corrupted and was amongst “Kawarij” {those who caused battle of “Nahravan” and fought “Ali” [AS], he‘s been the symbol of lying and people would say: that guy lies like “Akramah”.

As for “Akramah”:

“Tathir” {cleanliness} verse and prophet [PBUH]’s spouses:

He says I’m ready to perform “Mubahilah” that this verse was sent down about prophet [PBUH]’s wives. It’s written in the book “Sahih Muslim”: “Zeid bin Arqam” was asked:

«فَقُلْنَا من أَهْلُ بَیتِهِ نِسَاؤُهُ»«قال لَا وأیم اللَّهِ إِنَّ الْمَرْأَةَ تَکونُ مع الرَّجُلِ الْعَصْرَ من الدَّهْرِ ثُمَّ یطَلِّقُهَا فَتَرْجِعُ إلی أَبِیهَا»

They asked: is prophet [PBUH]’s “Ahl al-Bayt” {people of the house} contains his wives? He said: No it’s not. Swear by god an “Umar” follower lady marries a man and then gets divorce and returns to her father’s house.

Sahih Muslim, v 4, p 1874

This verse was sent down about the infallible “Ahl al-Bayt”. Its previous and next verses show that what this verse is about.

Imam “Nuwi” says in “description of Sahih Muslim” v 15, p 180:

«والمعروف فی معظم الروایات فی غیر مسلم أنه قال نساؤه لسن من أهل بیته»

In most of narratives prophet [PBUH]’s wives aren’t amongst his “Ahl al-Bayt”.

Mr. “’Alusi Salafi” says in the book “Rooh al-Ma’ani” v 22

, «أن النساء المطهرات غیر داخلات فی أهل البیت الذین هم أحد الثقلین»

Translation is available above.

This issue is quite clear, Wahhabis just want to deny issues, there’s no that that “Tathir” verse has been sent down about “Hadrat Fatimah [AS], Imam Hasan [AS], Imam Hussein [AS] Imam Ali [AS] and prophet [PBUH]”.

And it written in the book “Sahih Muslim” v 2, Hadith No. 1478:

This verse  یا أَیهَا النبی قُلْ لِأَزْوَاجِک ” was sent down about Prophet [PBUH]’s wives, they were strict towards prophet [PBUH] and:

«ثُمَّ اعْتَزَلَهُنَّ شَهْرًا أو تِسْعًا وَعِشْرِینَ»«ثُمَّ نَزَلَتْ علیه هذه الْآیةُ (یا أَیهَا النبی قُلْ لِأَزْوَاجِک)»

Prophet [PBUH] was in speaking term with his wives for 29 days or one month. Until this Holy verse was sent down “یا أَیهَا النبی قُلْ لِأَزْوَاجِک”.

The cause of the revelation of these verse is clear, those who say” the cause of revelation is important for us” pat attention to these verses’ cause of revelation which is about Prophet [PBUH]’s wives and “Tathir” verse cause of revelation is about “Ahl al-Bayt” {not including prophet’s wives} .

We’ve at the least 50 reasons that this verse was sent down about “Ahl al-Bayt”.

There’s a narrative from “Umm Salamah” in the book “description of Mshkil al-Athar” from “Abu Ja’far Tahavi”, v 2, p 244:

«فقالت أَنْزَلَ اللَّهُ هذه الآیةَ إنَّمَا یرِیدُ اللَّهُ إلَی آخِرِهَا وما فی الْبَیتِ إِلاَّ جِبْرِیلُ وَرَسُولُ اللهِ وَعَلِی وَفَاطِمَةُ وَحَسَنٌ وَحُسَینٌ علیهم السلام»«فَقُلْت یا رَسُولَ اللهِ أنا من أَهْلِ الْبَیتِ»«فقال إنَّ لَک عِنْدَ اللهِ خَیرًا»« فَوَدِدْتُ أَنَّهُ قال نعم فَکانَ أَحَبَّ إلَی مِمَّا تَطْلُعُ علیه الشَّمْسُ وَتَغْرُبُ»

Translation is available above.


thank you for watching us, bye.


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