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Reviewing the roots of explosion ...(2)
ID: 415 Publish Date: 17 August 2016 - 21:31 Count Views: 4770
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Reviewing the roots of explosion ...(2)


Reviewing the roots of explosion and the destruction of the grave of prophet Muhammad [PBUH] and divine prophets [PBUTH].(2)

Fatwa: a ruling on a point of Islamic law given by a recognized authority.

The “Fatwa” of nefarious “Wahabbism” regarding to the destruction of Shiite Imams [AS]:

“Albani” has issued “Fatwa” decisively in the book: “Tahzir Al-Masajid” p 68:

“ فعجبت حینئذ کیف ضلت هذه الظاهرة الوثنیة قائمة فی عهد دولة التوحید

I’m surprised that the innovation of worshiping idol still exists in unity age.

We said the “Fatwa” of permanent committee in “Saudi Arabia”; their “Fatwa” was as follow:

وأن ینبش من دفن فی المسجد بعد بنائه، ویخرج جثته من المسجد حتی عظامه ورفاته لاعتدائهم بالدفن فیه

And anyone who was buried in the Mosque his grave must be dug up and if the body still exists must be taken out of grave and same goes for the bones.

“Abd Al-Muna’m Ibrahim” has issued “Fatwa” that prophet’s [PBUH] chamber must be burnt and destroyed.  And “Muqbil ibn Hadi” a famous “Wahabbi” says: we’ll see one day that shovels and picks are annihilating all shrines and their domes.

“Abdullah Ibn Jibreen” who is amongst the leaders of “infidelity” was asked: can we give pay our obligatory charity to Shiites? He says: No! because Shiite is hypocrite for four reasons. He has issued “Fatwa” that Prophets’ [PBUTH] shrines and Shiite Imams and righteous people are the signs of associating with god:

يجب هدم تلك القباب

It’s obligatory to destroy these monuments and shrines.

They issue such “Fatwa” but “Ka’b Al-Ashraf” castle in “Saudi Arabia” is currently the place pilgrimaging of those who travel there from different countries, “Kheibar castle” has been recorded as an antiquity that destroying it Haram.  big church in ”Jeddah” is kept as antiquity next to river.

The grave and the grave of “Abu Hanifah” with high tech-facilities is located 200 meters away of

Imam “Kazim” holy grave

The grave of “Imam “Shafi’i” the leader of “Shafi’i” is in “Egypt” with dome and shrine. Many of Muslims go there pilgrimaging and even on person hasn’t issued “Fatwa” that saying prayer in his shrine is unacceptable.

The grave of “Abu Ayyub al-Ansari” in “Istanbul” is the place of worshiping. The grave of “Abu Lubaba” one of prophet’s [PBUH] companions is in “Tunisia” and the grave of “Anas Ibn Malik” prophet’s [PBUH] servant in “Jordan”.

Strange event about the grave of “Muawiyah”

One of honorable scholars told me: we asked many people to show us the grave of “Muawiyah” in “Sham” but they didn’t tell us, after long time effort we found where he’s buried there. When we got there we gave money to the servant he opened the door. We asked him: have you ever seen any miracle of his grave during this period? He swore and said: I always come here for sweeping, I don’t  where this dog come from and leaves excrement, he would say: I always clean the grave and whenever I come here it’s dirty.

The view of famous scholar of Islam about “Muawiyah the son of Abu Sufyan”!

The view of “Sebt Ibn Juzi”:

أن معاوية كان يقال أنه من ثلاثة من قريش

It’s been said that “Muawiyah” had three fathers.

عمارة بن الوليد بن المغيرة المخزومي ومسافر بن أبي عمرو وأبي سفيان

Zekra al-Khava, “Sebt ibn Juzi”, p 473

The view of “Zamakhshari”:

«وکان معاویة یعزی إلی أربعةإلی مسافر بن أبی عمرو، وإلی عمارة بن الولید، وإلی العباس بن عبد المطلب، وإلی الصباح مغن أسود کان لعمارة کان أبو سفیان دمیماً قصیراً، وکان للصباح عسیفاً لأبی سفیان شاباً وسیماً، فدعته هند إلی نفسها

“Muawiyah” was ascribed to four fathers. “Musafir ibn Abu Umar”, “Amara ibn Walid”, “Abbas ibn Abd al-Mutallib” and “Sabah mughn Asvad”. “Abu Sufyan” was amongst these guys, he gave money to “Hend” saying that he’s the father of “Muawiyah”.

Rabi’ Al-Abrar, “Zamakhshari”, v 4, p 275,256

The view of commander of faithful [AS]:

فَوَ الَّذِی فَلَقَ الْحَبَّةَ وَ بَرَأَ النَّسَمَةَ مَا أَسْلَمُوا وَ لَکنِ اسْتَسْلَمُوا وَ أَسَرُّوا الْکفْرَ فَلَمَّا وَجَدُوا أَعْوَاناً عَلَیهِ أَظْهَرُوه

Swear to god “Muawiyah” and his companions aren’t Muslim, he just pretends of being Muslim and has hidden his blasphemy. And now that he’s some supporter, he’s revealed his blasphemy.

Nahj Al-Balagah, [Subhi Salih], p 374

The view of “Ammr Yasir”

 «قال عمار بن یاسر یوم صفین وذکر أمرهم وأمر الصلح فقالوالله ما أسلموا ولکن استسلموا وأسروا الکفر فلما رأو علیه أعوانا أظهروه

“AmmarYasir” lectured in “Seffeyn” war and invited people to peace and said: swear to god, “Muawiyah” and his companions didn’t become Muslim but they pretended of being Muslim and hid their blasphemy till they collected their supporters and then they revealed their blasphemy.

Majma’ al-Zavaed, “Heithami”, v 1, p 113

The view of “Abd al-Razzaq Sana’ni”

 “فذکر رجل معاویه فقال لا تقذر مجلسنا بذکر ولد أبی سفیان

Someone said the name of “Muawiya”, then “Abd al-Razzaq” said: don’t pollute our gathering by saying his name.

Seir al-A’lam, “Zahabi”, v 9, p 570

Commander of faithful [AS]: “Muawiyah” is evil!

أراد معاویة أن یخدعه باستلحاقه “.وقد عرفت أن معاویة یستزل لبک ویستغل غربک فاحذره” .فإنما هو الشیطان”.

By taking you into custody, “Muawiyah” wanted to deceive you, know that “Muawiyah” has perverted you thought, “Muawiyah” is evil.

Rabi’ al-Abrar, “Zamakhshari”, v 1, p 365

عن الأعمش قال قیل لقیس بن أبی حازم لأی شیء أبغضت علیاقال لأنی سمعته یقول انفروا معی إلی بقیة الأحزاب

“A’mash” says: I said to “Qeis ibn Abi Hazim”: why are you Ali’s [AS] enemy. He said: because I heard that Ali [AS] said in battle of “Seffin”: come with me fighting “Muawyah” who is the remaining of “Ahzab” [those who caused battle of “Ahzab”].

Studying about the reasons of “Wahhabis” for destroying the graves of scholars:

They rely on a narrative quoted by “Abu al-Hayyaj” written in “Sahih Bukhari” hadith number 960, he says:

«قال لی عَلِی بن أبی طَالِبٍ ألا أَبْعَثُک علی ما بَعَثَنِی علیه رسول اللَّهِأَنْ لَا تَدَعَ تِمْثَالًا إلا طَمَسْتَهُولا قَبْرًا مُشْرِفًا إلا سَوَّیتَهُ

“Ali” [AS] told me: do you want me to give you a mission that prophet [PBUH] gave me?! Break any sculpture that your eye lay upon, and even any high grave.

The document of this narrative has some faults:

 first narrator: “Vaki’ Ibn jarrah”:

وَقَال عَبد الله بن أحمد بن حنبل عَن أبیه: أخطأ وکیع فی خمس مئة حدیث

“Abdullah” the son of “Ahmad ibn Hanbal” has quoted of his father: “Vaki’ ibn Jarrah” has made mistake in 500 narratives.

Tahzib Al-Kamal, “Yusuf ibn Zaki Abdul Rahman” v 23, p 208

Can we trust someone who has made mistake in 500 narratives?! It’s written in the book “the scale of moderation” written by “Zahabi” v 7, p 127:

کان وکیع یلحن ولو حدثت بألفاظه لکانت عجبا

Narrative quoted by “Vaki’ ibn Jarrah” were full of faults and if say their words you’ll get surprise.

second narrator: “Sufyan Ibn abi Ayinah”:

صح سفیان بن سعید (ع) الحجة الثبت متفق علیه مع أنه یدلس عن الضعفاء

The scale moderation, “Zahabi”, v 3, p 245

There’s a narrative in the book “Tahzib Al-Tahzib” v 4, p 101:

حدث سفیان بحدیث فجئته وهو یدلسه فلما رآنی أستحییوقال نرویه عنک

He was making “Tadlis”[covering the fault of a narrative by adding or deleting words or the name of persons in the document of the narrative] when he saw me he got ashamed and said: we’ll narrate from you.

یحیی بن معین یقول لم یکن أحد اعلم بحدیث أبی إسحاق من الثوری وکان یدلس

“Jarh and Ta’dil” v 4, p 22

“Shu’bah ibn Hajjaj” says:

قال شعبة بن الحجاج التدلیس أخو الکذب

“Tadlis” is the brother of “liying”

Third narrator: “Abi Vael”:

 “قال: کان أبو وائل عثمانیاً

The interpretion of Nahj Al-Balaghah, v 4, p 59

It’s written in the book “Tazkira Al-Huffaz” v 1, p 60

وروی عاصم بن بهدلة عن شقیق قال عثمان أحب إلی من علی

The detailed issues of this program


Greeting to you dear viewers, I wish the best for you who are watching “Velayat” global channel.

The occasion hat we passed was the anniversary of the destruction of the graves of Shiite Imams who buried in “Al-Baqi’” cemetery in “Medina”. God willing part of this program will be allocated to your contacts. Tonight’s dear guest is “Ayatollah Qazvini”.

Ayatollah “Husseini Qazvini”:

Greeting to you and dear and honorable viewers. I express my condolence on the occasion of the destruction of holy shrine of Shiite Imams in “Baqi’” [Imam Hasan [AS] Imam Sajjad [AS] Imam Baqir [AS] and Imam Sadiq [AS] by coward and nefarious “Wahhabis” the children of evil and born out of “Umayyad” the cursed dynasty in “Quran”.


The fact is that, this disaster is never deleted from the history and destroying the shrine of Shiite Imams in “Baqi’” cemetery will always remain in the mind of “Ahl Al-Bayt” lovers.

This shrine is always in our heart as flower garden, whether way is open to go there pilgrimaging or not, and god willing we’ll always keep alive the name and the memory of Shiites Imam [AS] specially oppressed Shiite Imams [AS] buried in “Baqi’”.

In previews program we discussed about the “Fatwa” of some of “Wahhabis” regarding to the annihilation of the shrine of Prophet Muhammad [PBUH], I ask Ayatollah Qazvini” to tell those who might not have seen our last program, a summery of their “Fatwa”.

The “Fatwa” given by evil “Wahhabis” about the destruction of Shiite Imams’ [AS] graves 

Ayatollah “Qazvini”:

I quoted the “Fatwa” of evil “Wahhabism” about the destruction of Shiite Imams’ [AS] graves in “Baqi’” cemetery from the book “Menhaj Al-Sunnah” from “Ibn Taymiyyah” v 2, p 437, he says: the graves of prophets [PBUTH] and prophet’s [PBUH] are innovation.

“Ibn Qyyim” the pupil of “Ibn Taymiyyah” says in a narrative: «اتخذت أوثانا». He says that Shiite Imams’ [AS] shrines specially the holy grave of prophet Muhammad [PBUH] are the centers of idolatry.

“Albani” says in the book “Tahzir Al-masajid” p 68

« فعجبت حینئذ کیف ضلت هذه الظاهرة الوثنیة قائمة فی عهد دولة التوحید»

I’m surprised that the innovation of idolatry still exists in the age of theism government.

In this sentence he says that the holy grave and shrine of prophet Muhammad are the signs of idolatry, and believes that “Al Saud” blasphemy state is the government of theism.

We said the “Fatwa” of permanent committee in “Saudi Arabia”:

«وأن ینبش من دفن فی المسجد بعد بنائه، ویخرج جثته من المسجد حتی عظامه ورفاته لاعتدائهم بالدفن فیه»

And anyone who’s buried in mosque their grave must be dug up, body must be taken out of grave if it’s possible. Even their bone and dust remaining from the body must be taken out.

 The “Fatwa” of permanent committee in scientific discussions, “Ahmad Abdulrazzaq Darvish, v 6, p 414

Amongst mosques that they holy graves must be destroyed is “Al-Majid an-Nabawi” that the graves of Prophet [PBUH], “Umar” and “Abu-Bakr” are there.

“Bin Jabrin” who is amongst the leaders of blasphemy , he was asked: can we pay obligatory to Shiites? He said: No! because Shiite is libertine. And we don’t doubt that Shiite is burning in the Hell.

On the day of resurrection Shiites will complain of him and due to issuing such “Fatwas” he’ll be punished severely:

(وَ مَنْ لَمْ یحْکمْ بِما أَنْزَلَ اللَّهُ فَأُولئِک هُمُ الْکافِرُونَ)

Whoever does not judge according to what Allah has sent down are the harmdoers.

Sura AL-MAEDA, v 44

God willing this guy will be placed on the lowest position of the Hell along with hypocrites and libertines, he’s given “Fatwa” that the shrines of prophets [PBUH] and Shiite Imams are the signs of blasphemy:

« يجب هدم تلك القباب»

Destroying these monuments and shrines is obligatory.

“Berak” has such sentence: all these shrines are the signs of blasphemy and polytheism and anyone who’s made them are the enemies of god and prophet.

“Wahhabis” discrimination in issuing the “Fatwa” of destroying graves!

They’ve issued such “Fatwas”, but “Ka’b al-Ashraf” castle in “Saudi Arabia” is the worshiping place for people who go there from different countries, “Kheibar” castle has been recorded as an antiquity and destroying it is Haram [forbidden] and….

This person has issued such “Fatwa” about Shiite Imams graves, but he doesn’t dare to give such fatwa about Sunni Imams, we see “Abu Hanifah” shrine with grate facilities located 200 meters away of imam “Kazim” [AS] holy shrine. “Wahhabis” don’t dare to even talk about destroying his shrine, same goes for the shrine of “Ahmad Ibn Hanbal” in “Baghdad”.

They don’t have guts to say that the shrine “Bukhari” who is a Sunni famous scholar and “Wahabis” care about it too, is the sign of blasphemy and idolatry. They just say such thing about the holy graves of Shiite Imams [AS].

Such things show that they just commit this crime towards Imam “Hasan” [AS] and other oppressed Shiite Imams [AS] buried in “Baqi’” cemetery.

They had prepared the plan of destroying the shrines of Imam “Ali” [AS], Imam “Hussein” [AS], and lady “Zeynab” [AS], there’s a quotation that 38 elders of “Al Saud” had issued such “Fatwa”:

It’s obligatory for “Wahhabi” adolescents to go destroying these graves!

The grave of “Muawiyyah ibn Abi Sufyan” is located in “Syria” that no one has ever given “Fatwa” about destroying it.

They say it’s not clear if the grave of Commander of faithful [AS] is really here. They’re very mad and are dying of sorrow that millions of pilgrims go to commander of faithful “Ali” [AS] holy shrine.

Last year about 23 million pilgrims from across the world went to province of “Najaf” from there different people [Shiite, Sunni, Jewish, Christian from Europe, USA, middle east] walked towards province of “Karbala” located 90 kilometers away of “Najaf”.

They can’t see and stand love of pilgrims towards commander of faithful [AS]! Same goes for other Shiite Imams, they’re dying of grief.

They have no choice unless forging narrative to remove the virtues of Shiite Imams [AS] and say that resorting to them is blasphemy and introduce their shrine as the center of idolatry. The more they disrespect Shiite Imams [AS] more love Shiite and Sunni people will have for pilgrimaging their holy shrines.

Last year one of Sunni scholars who had become Shiite wanted participate in “Arbaen” walking [walking between “Njaf” and “Karbala” respecting to Imam Hussein done on the fortieth day of Month of “Muharram] but he didn’t have enough money for traveling and getting visa, one person paid the cost of his trip.

Anyone from “Wahhabi” scholars who became Shiite whether they made him houseless aand forced him to divorce his spouse or they will kill him like what happened in one of provinces and he was murdered by “Wahhabis” before his family.

“Muawiyah” has shrine, dome, it’s never happened that “Wahhabis” go there saying that here is the center of polytheism or at least put a banner on the wall that saying prayer here is forbidden.

Shiites go over and say:

 «هذا قبر کلب بن کلب»

It’s the grave of dog the son of dog.

The view of Islam big figures about “Muawiyah ibn Abu Sufyan”

I’ll talk about “Muawiyah” in detailed, these guys disrespect and insult “Ali” [AS] but when they they’re talking about “Muawiyah” they call him “Muawiyah, may god be pleased of him” or “emir Muawiyah”.

The view of “Sebt Ibn Jizi”:

He amongst Sunni famous scholars, “Zahabi” has praised him. He says about “Muawiyah” in his book “Tazkira al-Khavas” p 473.

« أن معاوية كان يقال أنه من ثلاثة من قريش » « عمارة بن الوليد بن المغيرة المخزومي ومسافر بن أبي عمرو وأبي سفيان »

It’s been said that “Muawiyah” had three fathers.

A Sunni person has said such thing about him.

The view of “Zamakhshari”:

«وکان معاویة یعزی إلی أربعة»

«إلی مسافر بن أبی عمرو، وإلی عمارة بن الولید، وإلی العباس بن عبد المطلب، وإلی الصباح مغن أسود کان لعمارة»

«کان أبو سفیان دمیماً قصیراً، وکان للصباح عسیفاً لأبی سفیان شاباً وسیماً، فدعته هند إلی نفسها»

“Mauwiyah” has been ascribed to four fathers, “Abu-Sufyan” wasn’t among them, he gave money to “Hend” introducing him as his father.

This “hend” is the same woman who drew the liver of “Hamzah” [prophet’s [PBUH] uncle] out of his chest and chew it

The view of commander of faithful [AS]:

“Ali” [AS] says in “Nahj Al-Balaghah” 16th sermon which is about “Muawiyah” in battle of “Seffin”:

 «فَوَ الَّذِی فَلَقَ الْحَبَّةَ وَ بَرَأَ النَّسَمَةَ مَا أَسْلَمُوا»«وَ لَکنِ اسْتَسْلَمُوا وَ أَسَرُّوا الْکفْرَ »«فَلَمَّا وَجَدُوا أَعْوَاناً عَلَیهِ أَظْهَرُوه»

In this sermon, not only “Ali” [AS] doesn’t know him amongst companions, but “Ali” [AS] says that “Muawiyah” isn’t Muslim.

The view of “Qeis ibn Sa’d”:

“Belaziri” quotes from him in the book “Ansab al-Ashraf” v 2, p 391,

«فأجابه قیس: یا وثن بن الوثن، دخلتم فی الإسلام کارهین، وخرجتم منه طائعین»

“Qeis” answered: O’ idol the son of idol, you embraced Islam by force and left it willingly.

These books aren’t Shiites books.

The view of “Ibn Abbas”:

«کنت مع بن عَبَّاسٍ عِنْدَ مُعَاوِیةَ نَتَحَدَّثُ حتی ذَهَبَ هَزِیعٌ من اللَّیلِ فَقَامَ مُعَاوِیةُ فَرَکعَ رَکعَةً وَاحِدَةً»فقال بن عَبَّاسٍ من أَینَ تُرَی أَخَذَهَا الْحِمَارُ »

Me and “Ibn Abbas” were with “Muawiyah”, at midnight “Muawiyah” got up and said 1 “Raka’t” prayer. “Ibn Abbas” said: where has this donkey gotten this decree!

“Sharh ma’ani al-Athar”, “Abu ja’far Tahavi”, v 1, p 289

The view of Badr al-ddin Eini”:

«کنت مع ابن عباس عند معاویة نتحدث حتی ذهب هَزِیعٌ من اللیل، فقام معاویة فرکع رکعةً واحدةً»«فقال ابن عباس: من أین تُرَی أخذها الحمارٌ؟!»

Then he says:

«أخرج ذلک من طریقین صحیحین علی شرط مسلم»

This narrative has been quoted via two ways and both of them have the conditions of “Sahih Muslim” [Sunni book]

The view of “Abd al-Razzaq Sana’ni”:

In the book “Seir a’lam nabala’” v 9, p 570 a narrative has been quoted from “Abd al-Razzaq Sana’ni”:

«فذکر رجل معاویه فقال لا تقذر مجلسنا بذکر ولد أبی سفیان»

Some said the name of “Muawiyah”, then “Abd al-Razzaq” said: don’t make our meeting dirty by saying his name.

“Abd al-Razzaq” has been told about by “Yahya ibn Mu’in”:

«یا أبا صالح لو ارتد عبد الرزاق عن الإسلام ما ترکنا حدیثه»

If even “Abd al-Razzaq” becomes apostate, we’ll accept his narratives.

I’m at your service, however this preface got long but these issues are good gifts for evil “Wahhabi”  who hold celebration on such days on their evil channels.

Third narrator: “Habib ibn THABIT”:

It’s written about him in the book “Tahzib al-Tahzib”:

«وقال بن حبان فی الثقات کان مدلسا»

“Ibn HABBAN” has said that “Habib” used to do “Tadlis”.

As well as “Ibn KHAZIMAH” says about him:

«وقال بن خزیمة فی صحیحه کان مدلسا»

Tahzi al-Tahzib, “Ibn HAJAR al-ASQALANI”, v 2, p 156

Fourth narrator: “ABI VAEL”:

“Ibn abi Al-HADIDsays about him:

«قال: کان أبو وائل عثمانیاً»

The exegete of NAHJ al BALAGHA, “Ibn abi al-HADID”, V 4, P 59

«وروی عاصم بن بهدلة عن شقیق قال عثمان أحب إلی من علی»

Tazkira al-huffaz, “ZAHABI”, v 1, p 60

Commander of faithful [AS] who prophet Muhammad [PBUH] says about him

«عَلِی مَعَ الْقُرْآنِ وَالْقُرْآنُ مَعَ عَلِی لَنْ یتَفَرَّقَا حَتَّی یرِدَا عَلَی الْحَوْضَ»


«ویلبسون المعصفر لا یرون بذلک بأسا»

They used to put on yellow clothing.

Al- MA’RIF, “ibn QATIBAH”, V 1, P 449

While it’s written in “sahih Muslim” v 3, p 1648:

«نَهَانِی رسول اللَّهِ عن التَّخَتُّمِ بِالذَّهَبِ وَعَنْ لِبَاسِ الْقَسِّی»

Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] forbid men from wearing gold ring and yellow dress.

«أَنَّ عَبْدَ اللَّهِ بن عَمْرِو بن الْعَاصِ أخبره قال رَأَی رسول اللَّهِ عَلَی ثَوْبَینِ مُعَصْفَرَینِ فقال إِنَّ هذه من ثِیابِ الْکفَّارِ فلا تَلْبَسْهَا»

Sahih Muslim, v 3, p 1647

We studied this narrative in terms of document, and to study it in terms of implication, I have some questions from “Wahhabis”: do you accept this narrative?! Commander of faithful [AS] has said in this narrative:

I’ll give you a mission, like the mission that prophet [PBUH] gave me, go and even the high graves.

Definitely, “Ali” [AS] wasn’t able to apply Islamic rules at the time of triple caliphs, and could apply Islamic rules when took over caliphate, question is that, where did he want send “Abu al-Hayyaj”?

Does he want send him to the regions conquered at the time of triple caliphs or regions taken at the time of his caliphate? They say: we didn’t have any conquering at the time of commander of faithful [AS].

If this narrative is proved [to be valid], so “Ali” [AS] is sending “Abu al-Hayyaj” to the regions conquered at the time of “Abu-Bakr”, “Umar” and “Uthman”,  Did they hear from prophet Muhammad [PBUH] that he’s said: “destroy high graves”?!

Why didn’t first, second and third caliphs say that prophet [PBUH] has ordered high graves to be destroyed and they just want to do so at the time commander of faithful’s [AS] caliph. If this narrative is valid, “Abu al-Hayyaj” is going to a region conquered at the time of the caliphate of three caliphs and graves were high as well and caliphs didn’t order them to be destroyed [even]. So, they disobeyed prophet’s [PBUH] order and acted against it and “Quran” says about such guys:

(وَ مَنْ یعْصِ اللَّهَ وَ رَسُولَهُ وَ یتَعَدَّ حُدُودَهُ یدْخِلْهُ ناراً خالِداً فی‌ها وَ لَهُ عَذابٌ مُهین)

And he who disobeys Allah and His Messenger and transgresses His Bounds, He will admit him to a Fire and shall live in it for ever. For him, there is a humiliating punishment.

Surah AL-NISA, verse 14

So question is that why didn’t “Abu-Bakr”, “Umar” and “Uthman” send some guys to conquered areas to even the graves until “Ali” [AS] became caliph and he sent “Abu al-Hayyaj” to do so?!


Did triple caliphs used to any blasphemous deed before Islam?

Ayatollah “Qazvini”:

Yes, people would worship idol for 25 years.

Second point:  assuming that some areas were conquered when “Ali” [AS] was caliph, he sent “Abul-Hayyaj” to destroy high graves belong to infidels not Muslims!

What is the meaning of “Even” in Ali’s [AS] order?

At the time of ignorance, they would make the grave like hump, prophet [PBUH] said: don’t make your graves in the shape of oval but make it even, what has making grave even got to do with destroying it?!

It’s written in “Tafsir Qirtabi” v 10:

«قال علماؤنا: ظاهره منع تسنیم القبور»«وذهب الجمهور إلی أن هذا الارتفاع المأمور بإزالته هو ما زاد علی التسنیم»«ویبقی للقبر ما یعرف به ویحترم وذلک صفة قبر نبینا محمد وقبر صاحبیه رضی الله عنهما علی ما ذکر مالک فی الموطأ»

Scholars have said: prophet’s [PBUH] intention is that, don’t make grave like camel hump”, “most of scholars believe that after making grave even, they raise the height of the grave, “like the graves of prophet [PBUH] and “Umar” which are higher than the surface of the ground but even and aren’t like camel hump.

«والتسنیم فی القبر: ارتفاعه قدر شبر مأخوذ من سنام البعیر»

“Tasnim” of the grave means: we make the grave as much as one span higher than the surface of ground and make it even.

Quran decrees, “QIRTABI”, v 10, P 380

And now Muslim’s grave even and they don’t make it like camel hump. It shows that “Wahhabi” scholars interpretation of this narrative is wrong. Their incorrect interpretation is the reason of their lack of knowledge and rely on a narrative that has several major faults.


thank you very much dear master, there are some other questions, but we don’t have much time, we want to allocate remaining time to viewers’ contacts, we’ll continue our discussion in the next program.

Viewer: [M.R “ALAVI” Sunni]:

Greeting to you my Shiite brothers, discussion was about “Muawiyah”, you broadcasted a scene of the grave of “Muawiyah”, it had written at the bottom of the screen “may god be pleased of him”, I really got upset; because all “Umayyad” betrayed Islam, and third caliph “Othman” and “Umar ibn Abd al-Aziz” were only guys who didn’t betray Islam. Other than these two guys rest of “Umayyad” betrayed Islam, this is what I want to say.


Thank you, M.R “ALAVI”, god bless you, Bye.

Ayatollah “QAZVINI”:

If he didn’t say the last issue some would say: his Shiite, that’s why he saying such things, I thank those who are really fair; they say the truth while relying on their beliefs.


Yes, these guys are fair not radical, thank you very much M.R “ALAVI”.

Viewer [M.R “ALZADIH” Shiite]:

Greeting to you and master “QAZVINI”, I want to cite a part of a narrative and ask master “QAZVINI” to read it completely till all Shiites enjoy. It says at the first of the narrative: «…أَلَا وَ مَنْ أَحَبَّ عَلِیا», thank you, bye.


Thank you for your calling.


Hello, thank you for you good program, it’s a while that I’m watching both you and other channels, they’re guys on other channels who answer our questions via “Quran”; this issue has made a question in my mind that how come they answer what we discuss here, by “Quran”?! this issue is very important for me.

Ayatollah “QAZVINI”

M.R “KHARRAZI” tell us one these issues.


Some friends said: god, Shiite Imams [AS] and all creatures follow and imitate Fatimah “AS”, the clips of this discussion are available, I’ve collected them. I ask you ask you collect these clips and answer these guys. I want to know that why they discuss such questions, and they’re answering us by “Quran” not by Hadith.

Ayatollah “QAZVINI”:

What answer do they give to this Hadith from “Quran”?!


For instance, there’s a clip that says: god almighty and all creatures should imitate of “Fatimah” [AS].

Ayatollah “QAZVINI”:

It’s says that god must be the imitator of Fatimah [AS]?


Yes, its clip is available.

Ayatollah “QAZVINI”:

M.R “KHARRAZI” if someone says it neither we need “Quran” nor Hadith, it’s absolute infidelity ! if one believes it that guy apostate, if someone becomes apostate his/her spouse is forbidden for her/him and there’s no need for divorce; and heirs can divide his/her property before death, and after dying neither requiescat is necessary nor he/she is buried in Muslims cemetery. If one says:

«قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّی اللهُ عَلَیهِ وَسَلَّمَ لِفَاطِمَةَ: «إِنَّ اللَّهَ یغْضَبُ لِغَضَبِک وَیرْضَی لِرَضَاک» هَذَا حَدِیثٌ صَحِیحُ الْإِسْنَادِ، وَلَمْ یخَرِّجَاهُ »

Al-MUSTADRAK, “Hakim NEISHABURI”, v 3, p 167

If he means it, It’s the same as theism.


sorry to interrupt you, some Shiites contact them [Wahhabis] whether they’re knowledgble or not, they ask Shiites questions but they can’t answer, that guy was taking advantage of their lack of knowledge, I ask Shiites who call “Wahhabi” channels to do so if they have enough knowledge.


M.R “KHARRAZI”, we don’t have much time, we have said a lot that those who don’t know about some thing or don’t enough information shouldn’t contact such channels, “Wahhabi” experts use of different tricks and plots to show that they’re wright.

Ayatollah “QAZVINI”:

Imam “Hasan ASKARI” says in a narrative about Shiites who debate opponents without enough knowledge:

«فَذَلِک حَرَامٌ عَلَی شِیعَتِنَا أَنْ یصِیرُوا فِتْنَةً عَلَی ضُعَفَاءِ إِخْوَانِهِمْ وَ عَلَی الْمُبْطِلِین»

Some of Shiites do illegitimate deed and it makes some of young Shiites who don’t have enough information to be seduced.

Bihar al-Anvar, “MAJLISI”, v 2, p 125


I have friends who are Sunni, when they hear such matters, we can’t defend them and don’t have response for such matters.


Thank you we don’t have time, it’s necessary to know that they hang up viewers’ contacts and don’t let them to answer.


If you let me I want to say another thing, please collect these clips and talk about them till people realize the reality. Thank you.

Ayatollah “QAZVINI”:

We’ll show these clips in other programs with suitable response but we don’t these clips in this program, they’re not worth dealing with in this program. We put these clips on cyberspace and the group “VELAYAT” global channel in Telegram, Twitter, YouTube and What’s App, constantly and we put out their response too and it’s not like we remain silence.

One of our duties on “VELAYAT” global channel is to stand against the gasconade of “Wahhabis”, as Imam “Hasan ASKARI” said to Shiites in the response of someone who would discuss “Koranic” doubts:

«أَ مَا فِیکمْ رَجُلٌ رَشِید»

Isn’t there a chivalrous to response this person?!

“Bihar al-Anvar” “MAJLISI”, v 10, p 392

I hope that in the future channels like “VELAYAT” global channel are set up and can answer the doubts of “Wahhabis” as best as possible.


Last viewer M.R “ALIZADEH” mentioned to this narrative “«…أَلَا وَ مَنْ أَحَبَّ عَلِیا” .

Ayatollah “QAZVINI”:

This narrative is written in many of Shiite books, this narrative is written in the book “MUSTADRAK” from “Hakim NEYSABURY” V 3, P 141:

«قال سمعت رسول الله یقول من أحب علیا فقد أحبنی ومن أبغض علیا فقد أبغضنی هذا حدیث صحیح علی شرط الشیخین ولم یخرجاه»

I heard from prophet [PBUH]: anyone who likes “Ali” it’s as if they like me and his enemy is my enemy.

“TAYRANI” says in “MU’JM KABIR”, V 1, P 319:

«أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صلی اللَّهُ علیه وسلم قال لِعَلِی من أَحَبَّهُ فَقَدْ أَحَبَّنِی وَمَنْ احبنی فَقَدْ أَحَبَّهُ اللَّهُ وَمَنْ أَبْغَضَهُ فَقَدْ أَبْغَضَنِی وَمَنْ أَبْغَضَنِی فَقَدْ أَبْغَضَ اللَّهَ»

“HEITHAMI” says in the book “MAJMA’ ZAVAED”, v 9, p 139:

« فأما من أحبك وصدق عليك فهم جيرانك في دارك ورفقاؤك في جنتك »

O “Ali”! blessed are those who like you, they will accompany you in the heaven.


Hearing someone  praising  commander of faithful [AS] is very worthy because commander of faithful [AS] is favored by god! God willing your heart is filled with grace towards “Ali” [AS]. Thank you for watching us.



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