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Wahhabis’ shamelessness, theft, and inner and inherent meanness
ID: 433 Publish Date: 21 September 2016 - 11:20 Count Views: 4659
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Wahhabis’ shamelessness, theft, and inner and inherent meanness

Wahhabis’ shamelessness, theft, and inner and inherent meanness

In the last session, we said issues about commander of faithful [AS]’s reliance on his own excellence and truthfulness.

Notice: meaning of “Khoms”

(among Shiite Muslims) one-fifth of the prizes of war, of the revenues of mines and mine-like resources, of the annual balance of money remaining with every household after all expenditures, of found treasures, of a halal property that is mixed with haram business profits, prizes of war, mining revenues, of the money received from a non-Muslim for land conveyed to him by a Muslim that were in the past delivered to any one of the 11 imams and now to reliable theologians that accept such voluntary contributions to the religious treasury. 

Commander of faith full [AS] said: other than me and Hadrat “Fatimah” not of have right to receive “Khoms” which is in fact the same as “divine due” and “Prophet [PBUH]’s due”.

Since “Khoms” is like “God’s due”, commander of faithful [AS] has mentioned to it as a virtue. We quoted narratives from Sunni resources; such as: “Sahih Muslim” Hadith No. 4577 and “Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal” v 4, p 105, and “Sunan abi Dawud” written by “Albani”, Hadith No. 2978.

As for trophy, “Wahhabis” claimed that trophy contains only spoils of war {booty}!! But we said responding to their claim that not only it contains spoils of war but it includes the profit of business, farming or other occupations. We also said narratives from Tafsir books.

The most potent point that we said was a narrative from the book “Sahih Bukhari” responding those who say that “Khoms” is just for spoils of war:

وقال مَالِک وبن إِدْرِیسَ الرِّکازُ دِفْنُ الْجَاهِلِیةِ فی قَلِیلِهِ وَکثِیرِهِ الْخُمُسُ وَلَیسَ الْمَعْدِنُ بِرِکازٍ وقد قال النبی فی الْمَعْدِنِ جُبَارٌ وفی الرِّکازِ الْخُمُسُ

Sahih Bukari, v 2, p 545

It’s been decisively said in this narrative that “Khoms” is for all things extracted from mine as well as “  “ extracted from the sea.

Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] says:

من انتَهب نهبة فلیس مِنّا

Those who plunder people’s due aren’t from us.

Musnad ibn abi Shabih, v 2, p 375

Recently, Wahhabis have had close relationship with “Israel”, these “Umar” followers would say: “Shia and Jewish have close relationship” Mr. “Kalkarab” also said in his last night program: “Shia scholars have covenanted with Jewish.

O people! Sunnis! Wahhabi youths! You judge if Shiite has relationship with Jewish or Wahhabi leaders and the experts of “Wahhabi” devil Zionist networks.

“Kalkarab” would say last night: “there are more than two million illegitimate children in Iran” then someone called them and said: “Mr. “Heidari” is right, one of these illegitimate guys is himself who’s migrated there from “Kalkarab”.

Of course Mr. “Aqeel” must be added to these unidentified guys because he himself said:” my parantage reaches to “Hashim”! after referring to “Hashimi” parentage book, it came out that he’s unidentified.

Those who keep insulting Commander of faithful [AS] and say that the blood of those who were killed in the battles of “Jamal” and “Siffin” is on the head of “Ali” [AS]; they’re certainly amongst unidentified guys.

The view of “ibn Taymiyyah” about “Khoms

“Sheikh Al-Islam” or we’d better says “Sheikh Al-Sheitan” {ibnTaymiyyah} says:

«وأما الخمس فقد اختلف اجتهاد العلماء فیه «فقالت طائفة سقط بموت النبی ولا یستحق أحد من بنی هاشم شیئا بالخمس «وقالت طائفة بل الخمس إلی اجتهاد الإمام یقسمه بنفسه فی طاعة الله ورسولهفهذا قول لم یقله قط أحد من الصحابة» «وکل من نقل هذا عن علی أو علماء أهل بیته کالحسن والحسین وعلی بن الحسین وأبی جعفر الباقر وجعفر بن محمد فقد کذب علیهمفإن هذا خلاف المتواتر من سیرة علی رضی الله عنه «فإنه قد تولی الخلافة أربع سنین وبعض أخری ولم یأخذ من المسلمین من أموالهم شیئا

Notice: the meaning of “Ijtihad”: (fiqh) ijtihâd : (in Shiism) superior canonical scholarship (enabling the person to develop a capacity for making conclusions, and offer verdict on controversial propositions based on his interpretation of the Holy Qoran and Traditions which is the highest level of religious scholarship in Shiism,

Scholars’ “Ejtihad” different when it comes to “Khoms”, because a tribe said: god’s decree ended after Prophet [PBUH]’s death. no one from “Bani-Hashim” has right to get “Khoms”. Some other say “Khoms” is related to Imam’s “Ijtihad”, he can divide “Khoms” however he like for the sake of god and his messenger. Narratives quoted from “Ali” and the scholars of “Ahl al-Bayt” such as: Imam “Hasan”, Imam “Husein”, Imam “Sajjad”, Imam “Baqir” and Imam “Sadiq”, are all lie. And it’s against successive narratives gotten from Ali’s manner. Commander of faithful [AS] was caliph for four years and during these years he’s not gotten anything from Muslims as “Khoms”.

Minhaj al-sunnah al-Nabawiyyah, v 6, p 106

May god bless Mr. “Yazdani” who did great work. With his effort all lies of “Ibn Taymiyyah” and “Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahhab” were disclosed and went down the history and “Wahhabis” couldn’t respond. Anyone who’d say the name “Ibn Taymiyyah”, they’d hung up the phone this is their ultimate disgrace on “Wahhabi” networks.

Did commander of faithful [AS] receive “Khoms” from anyone?

“Beihagi” says:

«جاء رجل إلی علی رضی الله عنه فقال إنی وجدت ألفا وخمس مائة درهم فی خربة فی السوادفلک أربعة أخماسه ولنا الخمس «قال الشافعی قد رووا عن علی رضی الله عنه بإسناد موصول أنه قال أربعة أخماسه لک

Someone came to Commander of faithful [AS] and said: I’ve found 1500 dirhams in a ruined place, what would I do? “Ali” [AS] answered: four-fifth of that belongs to you and one-fifth of that belongs to us. “Shafi’i” says: Hadrat “Ali” [AS] gave him four-fifth of the money and got one-fifth for himself.

Sunan Al-Beihaghi al-Kubra, v 4, p 156

There’s a narrative in the book “Wasā 'il al-Shīʿa” that some said to “Ali” [AS]: O commander of faithful [AS]! I got amount of money but I didn’t observe Halal and Haram collectingit, can I repent ?! Imam [AS] said:

«ائْتِنِی بِخُمُسِه  فَقَالَ هُوَ لَک إِنَّ الرَّجُلَ إِذَا تَابَ تَابَ مَالُهُ مَعَهُ

Bring its one-fourth for me, he did so.

Painful fate of Prophet [PBUH]’s tradition, after his demise!

Let’s look at the fate of Prophet [PBUH]’s tradition. Tell us that what was the content of 500 narratives from Prophet [PBUH] that first caliph burned them? I can claim that at least 10 out of those 500 narratives were about this fact that Prophet [PBUH]’s received “Khoms” from people.

See what had happened to Prophet [PBUH]’s tradition just 10 years after beginning of Islam that they say:” Prophet [PBUH] ‘s tradition was destroyed and just saying prayer is left for me.

«سَمِعَ عُمَرَ بْنَ الْخَطَّابِ یقُولُإِنَّ حَدِیثَکمْ شَرُّ الْحَدِیثِ، إِنَّ کلَامَکمْ شَرُّ الْکلَامِفَلْیقُمْ بِکتَابِ اللَّهِ، وَإِلَّا فَلْیجْلِسْ

I heard that “Umar bin Khattab” said to companions: your Hadith is evil hadith and your talk is evil talk. If you want say something whether say it from “Quran” or be silent.

The history of Abi-Zara’ Damascene, v 1, p 534

“Ibn Haz Andulusi” the pattern of “Ibn Taymiyyah” quotes that Umar {second caliph} said:

إن حديثكم شر الحديث إن كلامكم شر الكلام .فهذا قول عمر لأفضل قرن علی ظهر الأرضفکیف لو أدرک ما نحن فیه من ترک القرآن وکلام محمد صلی الله علیه وسلم ، والإقبال علی ما قال مالک وأبو حنیفة والشافعی وحسبنا الله ونعم الوکیل وإنا لله وإنا إلیه راجعون

Your Hadith is evil Hadith and your talk is evil talk, this talk of “Umar bin Khattab”: your Hadith is evil Hadith, is for the best century on the earth, if “Umar” were still alive he’d see that we’ve discarded both Holy “Quran” and Prophet [PBUH]’s talks.

Al-ahkam fi osul al-ahkam, v 6, p 98

I found this narrative last night:

«مما أدرکت علیه الناس إلا النداء بالصلاةقال الزهری: دخلت علی أنس بدمشق وهو یبکیفقال: ما أعرف شیئاً مما أدرکت إلا هذه الصلاة وهذه الصلاة قد ضیعتقال الطرطوشی رحمه الله: فانظروا رحمکم الله إذا کان فی ذلک الزمن طمس الحق، وظهر الباطلحتی ما بعرف من الأمر القدیم إلا القبلةفما ظنک بزمنک

whole the tradition of prophet [PBUH] is gone and just inviting to saying prayer is left. “Zahari” says: I went to “Anas”, Prophet [PBUH]’s servant saw him crying. He said: whole the tradition of Prophet [PBUH] is gone and just saying prayer is left that they want to remove it too. “Tartushi” says: when “Anas” was Prophet [PBUH]’s servant, and even 50 years had passed of Prophet [PBUH]’s death yet. Other than standing towards “Qibla” nothing has left. What is our status now?

Al-Rasael al-Shakhsiyyah, v 1, p 179

There’s narrative in the book “Sahih Bukhari”, v 1, p 197:

«ما أَعْرِفُ شیئا مِمَّا کان علی عَهْدِ النبی «قِیلَ الصَّلَاةُقال أَلَیسَ ضَیعْتُمْ ما ضَیعْتُمْ فی‌ها

There’s not much left from what existed at the time of Prophet [PBUH], I said: saying Prayer is prophet [PBUH]’s tradition which is left. He said: didn’t we destroy saying prayer?!

“Kalkarabi” {Wahhabi expert} says: “Shiites can’t defend their spouse and they’re always raped” I ask all who call Wahhabi evil networks to ask Mr. “Sujoodi” if what Mr. says is true?! Ask him this question because his parents and sister and cousin are Shiite.

I ask those who call them to ask those who say: “we were Shiite and now we’re thesis” if your wives were raped before becoming thesis?!

Is that the logic of religion?! Is that the logic of Islam?! Wahhabi experts would say: Sunni scholars shouldn’t participate in unity meetings with Shiite”, but all attended.

I ask dear Sunnis to respond Wahhabis’ shamelessness. I ask Sunni’s seminary knowledgeable students and teachers and dear students to respond these Wahhabis’ shamelessness, if d they don’t do so it might some Shiites can’t control themselves and pass red lines, we expect Sunnis to respond them before Shiites do so.

Details of this program:


Hello to all dear viewers of “Velayat” global network. Greeting to our dear master Ayatollah “QAZVI NI”.

Ayatollah “QAZVINI”:

I express my sincere greeting to all dear and honorable viewers across the world.


In the last session we narratives in which commander of faithful [AS] had reasoned on his inalienable imamate and caliphate after prophet [PBUH]’ demise. In those narratives “Ali” [AS] proved that he believed that he was the true imam, narratives are available in Sunni and Shiite books. I ask master to tell a summery of last session for those who couldn’t watch our program.

Ayatollah “QAZVINI”:

Commander of faithful says: except me and Hadrat “Fatimah” no one has right to receive “Khoms” which is in fact like “god’s due” and “prophet’s due”.

(وَ اعْلَمُوا أَنَّما غَنِمْتُمْ مِنْ شَی‌ءٍ فَأَنَّ لِلَّهِ خُمُسَهُ وَ لِلرَّسُولِ وَ لِذِی الْقُرْبی)

And know that one fifth of whatever you take as spoils belong to Allah, the Messenger, kinsmen of the Messenger….

Sura AL-ANFAL {8}, verse 41

Since “Khoms” is like “god’s due”, commander of faithful [AS] has said as a virtue. Then we said narratives from Sunni books such “Sahih Muslim” Hadith 4577 and “Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal” v 4, p 105. It’s written there that “Khoms” belongs to “Ahl al-Bayt” [AS].

Wahhabis say:” spoil just contains war spoils”!! We said a narrative from Mr. “Alusi”:

«وغنم فی الأصل من الغنم بمعنی الربح»

In fact, spoil means “gain”.

Rooh al-Ma’ani, “Alusi”, v 10, p 2

In response to those who say that “Khoms only includes war spoils”, we said a narrative rom the book “Sahih Bukhari” which Sunnis’ prominent book. I ask them to pay attention.

«وقال مَالِک وبن إِدْرِیسَ الرِّکازُ دِفْنُ الْجَاهِلِیةِ فی قَلِیلِهِ وَکثِیرِهِ الْخُمُسُ وَلَیسَ الْمَعْدِنُ بِرِکازٍ وقد قال النبی فی الْمَعْدِنِ جُبَارٌ وفی الرِّکازِ الْخُمُسُ»

It’s said in this narrative that all items extracted from mine, “Khoms” includes them.

All dear Sunnis working in mine gold, gem, sand mines- According to what prophet [PBUH] has said, “Khoms” contains all of these things.

If they don’t pay “Khoms” they’ll be responsible on the day of resurrection.

«مَسْأَلَة الرِّکاز، وَفِیه وجوب الْخمس وَهُوَ إِجْمَاع الْعلمَاء»

There’s consensus amongst scholars that underground items contain “Khoms”.

Description of Sahih Bukhari, “Abu Abdullah al-Bukhari Ju’fi”, v 2, p 544

It’s been said in this narratives that there’s consensus amongst scholars in this regard, have our scholars ever told about it ?

And it’s written in the book “Sahih Bukhari” v 2, p 544, as well:

«فی الْعَنْبَرِ وَاللُّؤْلُؤِ الْخُمُسُ»

“Khoms” contains pearls.

We ask Sunnis, those who are dealing with marine works and extract valuable objects from the sea, have you ever paid their “Khoms”?!

Those who are working in the mine, have you ever gone to your scholars saying:” we work in mine and we got this much profit, should we pay the “Khoms” of our wealth or no?”

The experts of Wahhabi evil networks keep saying:” religious resources have created “Khoms” to make living, earning much money”, have they ever said:

فی قَلِیلِهِ وَکثِیرِهِ الْخُمُسُ

We said narratives from prophet [PBUH] addressing tribes’ chairman: say prayer, pay “Zakat” {obligatory payment made annually under Islamic law on certain kinds of property and used for charitable and religious purposes} and the “Khoms” of wealth.


Thank you very much dear master. You mentioned to Wahhabi networks’ experts who steal and don’t let Muslims to pay the “Khoms” of their wealth.

At mean time, UAE scholars make doubts about “khoms”, please tell us about doubts that Wahhabism make about “Khoms”

Ayatollah “QAZVINI”:

In last session we said a narrative from the book “Musnad abi Shaybah” v 2, p 375, Prophet [PBUH] says:

 «من انتَهب نهبة فلیس مِنّا»

Those who loot people’s wealth aren’t from us.

It’s said by the author that this narrative’s document is valid and faultless.

Recently, they’ve had close relationship with Israel and Jews, these “Umar” followers say “Shiite has close ties with Israel.

Imam Sadiq [AS] says: if someone disgraces a believer, god almighty will decry him, even inside his/her house!

Mr. “Kalkarabi” would say: there are more than two million illegitimate children in “Iran”, someone called them and said: Mr. “Heidari” is right, one these unidentified guys is himself who has migrated from “Kalkarab”.

God almighty responds him and he can’t do anything.


thank you. Please tell us about doubts that Wahhabis make about “Khoms”.

The view of “Ibn Taymiyyah” about “Khoms”

Ayatollah “QAZVINI”:

There’s much to say about it, “Ibn Taymiyyah” says: sometimes evil disguises herself as me and deceive people. We doubt if he’s wise.

Pay attention to some of his baseless talks. It’s written in the book “Minhaj al-Sunnah al-Nabawiyyah” v 6:

«وأما الخمس فقد اختلف اجتهاد العلماء فیه»

Scholars’ “Ijtihad” is different than each other about “Khoms”, because a sect said: god’s decree is gone by prophet’s demise.

Today you say “Khoms” doesn’t need to be paid and then you’ll deny saying prayer and stop performing “Hajj”, you like your mean ancestor {cursed dynasty} want to destroy Islam.

«ولا یستحق أحد من بنی هاشم شیئا بالخمس»

No one from “Bani Hashim” has right to get “Khoms”.

If so, where did “Umar” and “Abu-Bakr” get war spoils that they divided, through which “Talha”,”Zubair” and “Marvan” got so rich?! We said all its narratives from Sunni resources.

«وقالت طائفة بل الخمس إلی اجتهاد الإمام یقسمه بنفسه فی طاعة الله ورسوله»

Some other say “Khoms” is related to Imam’s “Ijtihad”, he can divide however he likes for the sake of god and his messenger.

Who is this Imam? “Yazid ibn Muawiyyah” or “Walid”?! Is imam the one who drink wine and say morning prayer by four “Rakat” due to being drunk.

Then in this part he picks on Shiite. I believe guys like “Ibn Taymiyyah” and their followers are incompetent to say “Shiite”! they don’t deserve to pair up the shoes of our scholars or even average Shiite or to clean Shiites’ shoes by their tongue.

Such guy is going to make remark about Shiite! His lies were disclosed for the whole world and even experts of “Wahhabi” networks don’t side him.

God bless Mr. “Yazdani” because he did great work, with his efforts Ibn Taymiyya’s and Muhammad ibn Abdulwahhab’s lies went down the history and Wahhabis couldn’t respond.

In continue “Ibn Taymyyah” has written that “Rafezi” has said: “Khoms” {one-fifth} of Muslims’ gains is taken and the successor of infallible Imam uses of it however he likes.

«فهذا قول لم یقله قط أحد من الصحابة»

Even one of companions hasn’t said such thing in this field.

Is mining amongst jobs or not? All Sunni jurisprudences such as “Ibn Abbas”, “Abdullah ibn Masud” and “Malik” have given “Fatwa” that “Khoms” includes jobs such as: “mining”.

These guys lie clearly, they say: not of companions or “Tabe’in” {those who met one or some of companions not prophet Muhammad [PBUH] himself} have said that “Khoms” includes Muslim’s gains!”

«وکل من نقل هذا عن علی أو علماء أهل بیته کالحسن والحسین وعلی بن الحسین وأبی جعفر الباقر وجعفر بن محمد فقد کذب علیهم»

All narratives quoted from “Ali” and scholars of “Ahl al-Bayt” such as: Imam Hasan, Imam “Hussein”, Imam “Sajjad”, Imam “Baqir” and Imam “Sadiq” [AS], are all lie.

See, what a shameless and liar guy he is! Once he says: we don’t have such narratives then he says: ”all these narratives quoted from Shiite Imams are lie.

Then he says:

«فإن هذا خلاف المتواتر من سیرة علی رضی الله عنه» «فإنه قد تولی الخلافة أربع سنین وبعض أخری ولم یأخذ من المسلمین من أموالهم شیئا»

Such thing is against successive narratives about Ali’s “Sirah” {manner}. Commander of faithful was caliph for four years and during this period he didn’t get anything from any Muslim as “Khoms”.

Minhaj al-Sunnah al-Nabawiyyah, v 6, p 106

Look at his narratives ! Is he your “Sheikh al-Islam”?! keep him for yourself, we don’t accept such Islam described by “Ibn Taymiyyah”.

They {Wahhabis} claim that god can’t lift up the stone created by himself and creates one thousand gods like himself, gives gun to his prophet to kill god; keep such to yourself.

Has commander of faithful [AS] received “Khoms” from anybody !?

This guy {Ibn Taymiyyah} has said: there’s consensus that “Ali” [AS] hasn’t received “Khoms” during his caliph!

To prove what a shameless liar he is and he’s the “Sheik of liars”, I’ll say a narrative from the book “sunan al-Kubra” v 4 from “Beihaghi”:

«جاء رجل إلی علی رضی الله عنه فقال إنی وجدت ألفا وخمس مائة درهم فی خربة فی السواد»

Someone said to “Ali” [AS]: I’ve found 1500 dirhams in a ruined place in “Sawad”, what would I do?

Dear friends ! Wahhabi and Sunni conscious youths, you judge, commander of faithful [AS] answered:

«فلک أربعة أخماسه ولنا الخمس»

Four-fifth belongs to you and rest of it is ours.

Then “Ali” [AS] found out that he’s poor, told him: I let you to keep rest of it {one-fifth} as well.

Didn’t commander of faithful [AS] receive “Khoms” and hasn’t said anything about “Khoms”?!

«قال الشافعی قد رووا عن علی رضی الله عنه بإسناد موصول أنه قال أربعة أخماسه لک»

“Shafi’i” says: Hadrat “Ali” [AS] gave him four-fifth and divided one-fifth {Khoms} of that money amongst needy people.

it’s so clear that “Ibn Taymiyyah” has lied and “Ali” [AS] has received “Khoms”. These issues are from Sunni books now I say narratives from Shiite books.

A narrative is written in the book “Wasā 'il al-Shīʿa” v 9, p 506,

Someone came to commander of faithful [AS] and said” O commander of faithful, I’ve got amount of money without observing “Halal” and “Haram” in collecting it. Can I repent ?! “Ali” [AS] said:

«ائْتِنِی بِخُمُسِه»

Bring One-fifth of that money giving it to me.

Those who say day and night that “Shiite religious resources have forged these narratives”, should pay attention that this narrative has been quoted from commander of faithful [AS]:

«ائْتِنِی بِخُمُسِه» «فَقَالَ هُوَ لَک إِنَّ الرَّجُلَ إِذَا تَابَ تَابَ مَالُهُ مَعَهُ»

Give me one-fifth of the money and he did so.

Shameless liar “Wahhabis”, pay attention to this narrative, do you need a narrative better than it?

«تَصَدَّقْ بِخُمُسِ مَالِک فَإِن اللَّهَ رَضِی مِنَ الْأَشْیاءِ بِالْخُمُسِ وَ سَائِرُ الْمَالِ لَک حَلَالٌ.»

Pay one-fifth {Khoms} of your wealth as god’s due and rest of your wealth will be “Halal”

Wasā 'il al-Shīʿa, sheikh hurr al- Aamili, v 9, p 507

Wahhabis, the time of concocting nonsense is over. I apologize to dear viewers but you think that you are in a stable and door is closed, you’re taking on a satellite network, millions of people can hear you, at least say: “we don’t know”, why do you lie to people. You think you can make a fool of people.

And many other narratives that their content prove that “Ibn Taymiyyah” has lied to people, he’s “sheikh of liars and the founder of lying.

There’s comprehensive narrative in the book “Tahzib al-Ahkam” v 4, p 142. Imam [AS] says: “Khoms” includes all your profits, spoils and awards you get from others.

«فَمَنْ کانَ عِنْدَهُ شَی‌ءٌ مِنْ ذَلِک فَلْیوصِلْ إِلَی وَکیلِی»

Anyone who should pay “Khoms” should give it to my advocate.

Our religious resources are Imam Mahdi [AS]’s advocates and there many narratives from Imam “Sadiq” [AS] and Imam “Hasan Askari” in this regard.

«نَظَرَ فِی حَلَالِنَا وَ حَرَامِنَا وَ عَرَفَ أَحْکامَنَا فَلْیرْضَوْا بِهِ حَکماً فَإِنِّی قَدْ جَعَلْتُهُ عَلَیکمْ حَاکما»

He overseas our Halal and Haram {he says what is Haram or Halal} and knows our decrees and is surrendered to them. I’ve put him to rule you.

Al-kafi, “Kuleini”, v 1, p 67

«مَنْ کانَ مِنَ الْفُقَهَاءِ صَائِناً لِنَفْسِهِ حَافِظاً لِدِینِهِ مُخَالِفاً عَلَی هَوَاهُ مُطِیعاً لِأَمْرِ مَوْلَاهُ فَلِلْعَوَامِّ أَنْ یقَلِّدُوه»


Amongst scholars each one who is pious and watches his religion and stand against his desire and follows his lord’s orders, it’s necessary for average people to imitate from him.

Bihar al-Anvar, “Majlisi”, v 2, p 88

“Al-lahyari” Afghan sheikh, the shame of Afghan society, says: people, don’t give “Khoms” to scholars, this is their business” I ask him: what are these narratives?!

If a narrative passes from three {is repeated more than three times}, it’ll become “Mustafiz” hadith {a hadith that its narratives in each level is more than three} and is valid.

“Sayyed bin Tavus” says: since I’ve seen Imam “Mahdi” [may god hasten his reappearance] a lot I’m familiar his tune.

This guy {al-lahyari} labels anyone that he wants as immoral corruption, I don’t know if he has religion, humanity and conscience or not?

He ascribes obscene things to religious resources. One would say: I’m sure when he looks at the mirror, he says such things.

I’ve said many times: I know things from him that if public decency let me, I’d said some of them so that he doesn’t dare to talk!!

I keep all these things in my heart to tell to people if he goes too far and passes the limit of shamelessness. His closest friends have told me things about him that saying them to people would disgrace him.

I told him twice” discuss your scientific issue rather than ascribing obscene things to them, each one of these slanders could be followed by “Ta’zir” {punishment not imposed by god}

When Imam “Mahdi” [AS] appears, undoubtedly, this corrupted sheikh is the first guy will face “Ta’zir”.

Those who know what guy he is, “it’ll be the ultimate foolishness if someone gives compliment to such disgraced, Irreverent who ascribes obscene things to others.”

He teaches guys like “’Amr ibn al-‘As” who made big plots against commander of faith [AS] a lot.

In continue, “Ibn Taymiyyah” says in the book “Minhaj al-Sunnah”, v 7, p 483:

«فهذا هو الزهد فی اللذات و المال الذی لا یدانیه فیه أحد من الصحابة لا علی و لا غیره»

It’s the same piety against the worldly pleasures and wealth that not of companions including “Ali” got close to it.

He says in this narrative that neither “Ali” [AS] nor other companions have said such thing. Then he says: even prophet [PBUH] didn’t get “Khoms” from Muslims.

Tell us the content of 500 hundred narratives from prophet [PBUH] that first caliph burned them. I want to claim that amongst those 500 narratives, there were at least 10 narratives that prophet [PBUH] has received “Khoms” from people.

As well as second caliph collected narratives and burned them. “Anas” and “Malik” cry due to the removal of prophet [PBUH]’s tradition. Last night I found a narrative from “Muhammad bin abdulwahha” that I’d not ever seen that. Mr. “Kalkarabi” answer if you really are a man!! There is a narrative in the book “history of Abi Zara’ Damascene” v 1, p 534, from second caliph:

«سَمِعَ عُمَرَ بْنَ الْخَطَّابِ یقُولُ: إِنَّ حَدِیثَکمْ شَرُّ الْحَدِیثِ، إِنَّ کلَامَکمْ شَرُّ الْکلَامِ»«فَلْیقُمْ بِکتَابِ اللَّهِ، وَإِلَّا فَلْیجْلِسْ»

I heard that “Umar bin Khattab” said to companions: your Hadith is evil hadith and your talk is evil talk. If you want to say something, say It from “Quran” or say nothing.

Maybe they say: “it’s a narrative and they may made mistake!”

“Ibn Hazm ‘Andulusi” who is a pattern for “Ibn Taymiyyah” who has praised “Ibn Hazm” several times in the book “Minhaj al-Sunnah”, he quotes this narrative from “Umar bin Khattab” {second caliph} in the books “Ahkam fi Asool al-Ahkam” v 6,p 98:

«إن حديثكم شر الحديث إن كلامكم شر الكلام»

Your Hadith is evil hadith and your talk is evil talk.

Then “Ibn Hazm” says in continue, I think if Mr. “Kalkarabi” and mindless “Aqeel” hear it they pass away:

«فهذا قول عمر لأفضل قرن علی ظهر الأرض»

This talk of “Umar bin Khattab”: “your hadith is evil hadith”, is for the best century on the earth.

Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] says:

خَیرُ الْقُرُونِ قَرْنِی

The best century is my century {the century that prophet lived in}

Ibn Hazm” says:

Umar bin Khattab says about the best century: your hadith is evil hadith and your talk is evil talk.

«فکیف لو أدرک ما نحن فیه من ترک القرآن وکلام محمد صلی الله علیه وسلم» والإقبال علی ما قال مالک وأبو حنیفة والشافعی وحسبنا الله ونعم الوکیل وإنا لله وإنا إلیه راجعون»

If “Umar bin Khattab” were alive, he’d see that we’ve discarded both “Quran” and prophet [PBUH]’s talks.

This is what “ibn Hazm ‘Andulusi” said. And as well as “Ibn Qim”, the disciple of “Ibn Taymiyyah” says in the book “al-e’lam al-Muqe’in”:

«فهذا قول عمر لأفضل قرن علی ظهر الأرض»«فکیف لو أدرک ما أصبحنا»

This talk of “Umar”: “your word is the evil talk” is for the best century on the earth. What would we do if “Umar” were at our time?

He says in continue: “we discarded Holy “Quran”, prophet [PBUH]’s tradition, companions’ quotations and lived up to some others’ talks.” Like “Ibn Hazm”, “Ib Qim” doesn’t say the name of “Abu Hanifah” and “Shafi’i” and just use of “some other one”.

«مما أدرکت علیه الناس إلا النداء بالصلاة»«قال الزهری: دخلت علی أنس بدمشق وهو یبکی»«فقال: ما أعرف شیئاً مما أدرکت إلا هذه الصلاة وهذه الصلاة قد ضیعت»«قال الطرطوشی رحمه الله: فانظروا رحمکم الله إذا کان فی ذلک الزمن طمس الحق، وظهر الباطل»«حتی ما بعرف من الأمر القدیم إلا القبلة»«فما ظنک بزمنک»

“Translation is available above”

Al-Rasa’el al-Shakhsiyyah, “Muhammad bin abdulwahhab”, v 1, p 179

There’s a narrative in the book “Sahih Bukhari” v1, p 197, narrator says: I went to “’Anas bin Malik” and he said:

«ما أَعْرِفُ شیئا مِمَّا کان علی عَهْدِ النبی»«قِیلَ الصَّلَاةُ»«قال أَلَیسَ ضَیعْتُمْ ما ضَیعْتُمْ فی‌ها»

Nothing is left from what was at the time of Prophet [PBUH]. I said what about saying prayer? He said didn’t we destroy it?!

It might that prophet [PBUH] received “Khoms” from 1000 guys and said narratives about “Khoms”, “Mut’a” {short term marriage} and Imamate and generally anything else that we {Shiite} believe.

Did prophet would say prayer putting his hands on each other {on the belly}?! Did he used to perform “Wudu” like this or if he would wash his legs performing “Wudu”?!

“Zahri” says: I went to “’Anas bin Malik” and saw him crying. I ask him the reason of his crying, he said: nothing is had left from prophet [PBUH]’s tradition except saying prayer that I was destroyed.

This narrative is in “Sahih” Bukhri” {Sunni book}, not “Kafi” and “Bihar al-Anvar”. Mr. said on an English network: “Shiites don’t have hadith, tradition at all”

Look at these narratives and feel ashamed.

A ask Sunni dear youths and students and seminary students to read these narratives and say them to others.

There is narrative from “Abu darda’” in the book “Sahih Bukhari” v 1,p 232:

His spouse says: “Abu darda’” came to me, he was so angry, I told him: why are you angry? He answered:

« والله ما أَعْرِفُ من أُمَّةِ مُحَمَّدٍ شيئا إلا أَنَّهُمْ يُصَلُّونَ جميعا »

Swear by god, they left nothing from Muhammad’s tradition and destroyed all of them, unless saying mass prayer.

This person is the companion of prophet swearing like that.

Dear “Shafi’i”! I ask you guys to pay attention to this narrative, it’s written in the book “Al-umm”:

«کلُّ سُنَنِ رسول اللَّهِ صلی اللَّهُ علیه وسلم قد غُیرَتْ حتی الصَّلَاةِ»

They changed all the traditions of prophet [PBUH] even saying prayer.

Al-Umm, “Ibn Edris Shafi’i” v 1, p 235

Prophet Muhammad [PBUH] says:

«إِنِّی تَارِک فِیکمُ الثَّقَلَینِ کتَابَ اللَّهِ عَزَّ وَ جَلَّ وَ عِتْرَتِی أَهْلَ بَیتِی»«مَا إِنْ تَمَسَّکتُمْ بِهِمَا لَنْ تَضِلُّوا»

I left two things amongst you as trust: “god’s book” {Holy Quran} and “my Ahl al-Bayt”, if you stick to them, you’ll never go astray.

The result leaving prophet [PBUB]’s trusts is this:

کلُّ سُنَنِ رسول اللَّهِ صلی اللَّهُ علیه وسلم قد غُیرَتْ حتی الصَّلَاةِ

Prophet [PBUH] said:

« وَإِنْ تَسْتَخْلِفُوا عَلِيّاً وَمَا أَرَاكُمْ فَاعِلِينَ تَجِدُوهُ هَادِياً مَهْدِيّاً »

If you put “Ali” as caliph, you’ll see him as directed guide, though, I don’t think that you listen to me.

Jame’ al-Ahadith, “Hakim nishapuri”, v 3, p 153

«إِنْ وَلَّیتُمُوهَا عَلِیاً فَهَادٍ مُهْتَدٍ یقِیمُکمْ عَلَی صِرَاطٍ مُسْتَقِیم»

“Al-Mustadrak” “Hakim Nishapuri, v 3, p 153

There tens of narratives in this regard, then he begins yelling on Wahhabi networks. Sometimes some people lie a lot and make it look like a real story that they themselves believe their own lies.

« وَإِنْ تَسْتَخْلِفُوا عَلِيّاً وَمَا أَرَاكُمْ فَاعِلِينَ تَجِدُوهُ هَادِياً مَهْدِيّاً »

If you select “Ali” as caliph you’ll see him guided director, though, I don’t think that you listen to me.

Jame’ al-ahadith, “Suyuti”, v 3, p 262

«إِنْ وَلَّیتُمُوهَا عَلِیاً فَهَادٍ مُهْتَدٍ یقِیمُکمْ عَلَی صِرَاطٍ مُسْتَقِیم»

Al-mustadrak, Hakim Neishapuri, v 3, p 153

There’re tens of narratives in this regard, then he just shouts on the network. Some times someone lies a lot and makes it look like a real story that even himself believes his own lies!

I wanted to show a clip but I’m afraid that “Kalkarabi” begins his insults, that young boy who had called them last night was right that one out of two million illegitimate children is this guy “Kalkarabi”.

I apologize to all of you, but let me say what “Kalkarabi” says with respect, he says:

“Shiite can’t defend their wives and they’re assaulted by others.”

Those who contact them ask Mr. “Sujoodi” if what he says is true because Mr. Sujoodi’s parents, sister and cousin are Shiite. I ask those who call them to ask those who say:” we were Shiite and know we’re theist”, if their wives were assaulted before becoming Theist?!

Shiite guys are obligated to ask theists if what Mr. “Kalkarabi” says that Shiites’ wives are assaulted is true?!

Is it the logic of Islam and religion?! Shame on you with this Islam of yours! Shame on you with the god of yours who has curly hairs and can create thousands of god like himself.

One of religious resources would say: shamelessness has a limit, but these guys {Wahhabis} have crossed the limit.

Wahhabi experts would say:” Sunni scholars shouldn’t attend unity meetings with Shiite”. But all participated in.

That’s why they’re so angry and can do nothing other than cursing and insulting. They’re now in total desperation and misery and feel no support from Sunnis that’s why they’re so angry and disrespect and insult us.

I ask Sunnis, their seminary students and their masters as well as Sunni students to respond these Wahhabis’ shamelessness before Shiites do so.


I think we won’t have enough time to listen to viewers’ contacts.

Ayatollah “QAZVINI”:

They were points that we had to say since they crossed the lines, there‘s a limit for tolerance. We’re ready to have scientific discussion with them if they want.

We’ve always offered Mr. “Khedmati” to have friendly debate. Regardless this fact that he keeps insulting us, I’m ready to debate with him, whenever he’s prepared we can have friendly debate on disputed matters between Shiite and Wahhabism.


And Theism will be the main topic of debate.

Ayatollah “QAZVINI”:

These discussions will start from theism and then we’ll discuss about issues like: resort and…, it’s not big deal.

Mr. “Khidmati”, If you’re right, at least come here, each one of us talk ten minutes on this global network and program.

As well as “Kalkarabi” and brainless “Aqeel” if they want I’ll debate with them either.


Thank you dear master and viewers.

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