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The speech in the Hekmate Motahar Meeting in Sistan and Baluchestan Province
ID: 292 Publish Date: 02 February 2016 - 11:17 Count Views: 4280
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The speech in the Hekmate Motahar Meeting in Sistan and Baluchestan Province

Topic: the Hekmate Motahar Meeting for the Payur army’s staff in the headquarters of BAsij Moghavemat Nahiyeh  in Sistan and Baluchestan Province (the celebration of the teacher week and the survey of martyr Erudite Motahari’s ideas about confronting with the cultural aggressions)

Professor Hossein Ghazvini:  

I condole and cherish the martyrdom days of martyr Motahari. Although martyr Erudite Motahari was alive for few years after the revolution, this magnanimous man had a prediction about the expansion of the Islamic revolution and the increase of the doubts as it is said in the following statements

’ because of the greatness of this revolution and its expansion for the culture of the Shiite in the future, there will be a lot of doubts for the Shiites. I recommend the clergymen to study twenty times more than the past and to learn the foundations of reason and argumentation and to get ready to answer to a lot of doubts that will be for the Shiites in the near future’’.

As a matter of fact, at the present,  we can understand that how well this great, reflective, gracious,  high-minded and sagacious man and the unique philosopher of the era predicted and how well he predicted the matters related to the Shiite people’s reflections at the beginning of  the Islamic republic government prosperity. Now, we can understand how martyr Erudite Motahari’s prediction and introspection have been proved in our society and the enemies of the Shiite and the Prophet’s Family could not and cannot tolerate the shining of the Shiite culture and they have got ready to the fight with all of their ability and have tried to eradicate the chining culture of the Shiite with all of their forces.

Nowadays, the enemies of the shining culture of the Shiite are trying to eradicate the culture of the Shiite and during the history, these enemies tried to eradicate the culture of the Shiite in a very worrying way. They started fighting with the culture of the Shiite even from the time of the prophet’s prophecy and the time that al-Dar Hadith assigned the leader of the believers (Imam Ali (peace be upon him) as a successor after the prophet:

 يضحكون و يقولون لأبي طالب قد أمرك أن تسمع لابنك و


At the first session, sneering and ridiculing about introducing Imam Ali (peace be upon him) for guardianship and assignment started. Then in the story:

                                                                                                                  سد الابواب إلا باب علي[2]



Also, in relation to the story of Sedighe Tahere Tazvich and the capture of Yaman and …we can see obviously the signs of invading against the guardianship

During twenty three years of the prophet’s prophetic mission as we approach to last years of the prophet’s prophetic mission.                                                                                                   

After the prophet, in the era of the well-guided caliphs, in martyr Erudite Motahari’s interpretation, the people that pillaged Imam Ali’s right (peace be upon him) and stole Imam Ali’s real wealth (peace be upon him)                     did not avoid any invasion to the school of guardianship and Imamate. They started with invading the prophets’ house and hitting only the prophet’s memory, Sedighe Tahere, and they also enforced Imam Ali (peace be upon him) to swear allegiance in the mosque. In addition, they deprived and limited them economically and confiscated the properties that were in the control of the leader of the faithful (Imam Ali (peace be upon him), Honor Fateme Zahra (peace be upon her) and the prophet’s family        because they were scared that they would use the financial facilities to eradicate the illegitimate government or they would use them to form the reinforcements. Therefore, they confiscated all of the incomes related to the Prophet’s Family.

They even planned that Khaled Bin Valid assassinated the leader of the faithful (Imam Ali (peace be upon him) in the Prophet’s Mosque. It is interesting to know that it has been said in some of the Sunni sources ‘’ when the first caliph recognized  that the Islamic society may have been made chaotic and killing, bloodshed and fratricide would have been spread in the society if the plan of killing and assassinating Imam Ali (peace be upon him) had been done’’. Hence, the first caliph thought that it would not be a wise action with regard to the objections that were done by some relatives and tribes about the central government.

Or they had decided that Khaled Bin Valid assassinated the leader of the faithful (Imam Ali (peace be upon him) at the end of group prayer as soon as the first caliph went out and they made a fuss in the mosque so that it would not be recognized who murdered and assassinated Imam Ali (peace be upon him). However, the first caliph thought in the prayer that this would not be in the favor of the society and therefore, at the end of the prayer, he repeated the last sentences of the prayer several times so that he would make Khaled understand that he should not do that plan. In the end, he had to say before salaam of the prayer

 يا خالد لا تفعل ما أمرتك، ‌السلام عليكم و رحمة الله[3].

O’ Khalegh, do not do whatever I had told you ‘’.

The leader of the faithful (Imam Ali (peace be upon him) took Khaled’s belt, picked him up and threw him on the earth. Then, he said ‘’ what kind of story was it?’’Khaled said ‘’ they had ordered me to cut off your neck with this sword as soon as the first caliph finishes his prayer’’.

This was the highest crime against the leader of the faithful (Imam Ali (peace be upon him) and in fact, they could not tolerate Imam Ali’s presence (peace be upon him) in the Islamic society, made him deprived of his real right, prevented him from using the financial resources and took his incomes for themselves. In addition, they beat his wife under his very eyes and took him to the mosque by force and made him stay at home in order that he swore allegiance with them. In other words, his presence in the society was not tolerable for them at all.

When Bani Omaye appeared in the government, the innocence of the Prophet’s Family was revealed more and the invasions were done in other ways in the society. In Siyuti ‘s interpretation, as one of the great scientists of the Sunnite that is considered as  the scientific pillars in the Sunnite in the period of Bani Omaye, they cured and abused Imam Ali (peace be upon him) over seventy thousand pulpits during eighty years. They defamed the name of the Shiite as much as even it was better to address a Shiite person Zendigh and Yahudi rather than a Shiite person. In addition, they were too disgraceful as much as they found necessary killing and hanging a baby that was named Ali.   

كانت بني اميه اذا سموا مولودا اسمه علي قتلوه[4]                     

These events are ended and they did what they wanted to do during the history (as Salmane Farsi’s interpretation). The history of the Shiite had a lot of ups and downs during these fourteen centuries and tolerated heavy invasions. An interpretation related to one of the great scientists of the Sunnite is

 ‘’if the invasion and the pressure that had been imposed on the Shiite during the history were imposed on another religion, nothing would have remained from it at all’’.

However, God had willed to keep the Prophet’s Family’s light shining regularly يُرِيدُونَ أَنْ يُطْفِئُوا نُورَ اللَّهِ بِأَفْوَاهِهِمْ وَيَأْبَى اللَّهُ إِلَّا أَنْ يُتِمَّ نُورَهُ وَلَوْ كَرِه َالْكَافِرُونَ[5]

The light that has been turned on by God will burn beard whose wants to blow it.

Where are the people that ruled and were proud of their government in few days of the world? Where are Yazidian and Sefianian and their works? Syrian and Sham used to be the seat of Bani Omaye Government, but now where are their nobles? In Sham, they cured and abused Imam Ali (peace be upon him) on the pulpits of Sham during eighty years. A three -year girl, her works and holy shrine are shining like a moon. The dignitaries, the great persons, the senior officers and the commanders came, turned around the three -year girl’s grave like a butterfly, expressed their love and requested need from her holy threshold. But where are the boast of Bani Omaye lineage?

One of the professors had gone to Surieh and he said that they found Movie’s grave hard there. He said ‘’ we saw that the grave was covered with the thorns, the wood chips and a lot of dirt’’. There was an old man there and he said ‘’ I clean here every day, but birds and cats make here dirty with their dirt around the noon. I do not know what its secret is?’’.

 These invasions already went on until a person, among Imam Ali’s children (peace be upon him), was assigned for the end of the world and he was supposed to be born around the twelfth Imam’s government, to direct the history of Islam from a wrong way to a right way with his thought and revolution and with his Islamic government foundation, to change the world with his revolution and to make the world intellectuals and the world politicians aware of the culture of the Islam that is originated from the Prophet’s immaculate and pure Family. The man that was from the world God’s wealth was granted to us and he founded and established this Islamic magnificent revolution. 

Maybe, we do not cherish Imam Khomeini (may God’s mercy be upon him), the government and the revolution as much as they are deserved into the country. I have travelled many different countries and I had different meetings with young people, university students and professors even in Arab Saudi and with the personalities of al-Jazayer and Egypt. Tear drops were flowing from their faces when they heard Imam Khomeini’s name (may God’s mercy be upon him). I talked to some young people of al-Jazayer and Egypt near Beitollah al-Haram. They said‘’ lucky to you which you have leaders such as Imam Khomeini (may God’s mercy be upon him) and Ayatollah Khamenei. They roar like a lion against the worldly hegemonism and they have fear from nothing, but our dignitaries and governors buy a centimeter of the mouse hole with millions dollars with the smallest threat from the worldly hegemonism’’. I have heard these sentences over and over again which they said ‘’ thank God which has granted you the religious and sagacious leaders’’.

As the Islamic culture was expanding, the invasions against Islam were increasing widely. We saw that they used all of equipments and facilities available in the communication era in order to eradicate Islamic republic holy system of Iran and the culture of the Shiite and the Imams. In the scope of the publication, some books are against the Shiite such as the book ’ al-Shiite and al-Tashih’’ whose writer is Dr Musa Musafi, Honor deceased Ayatollah Syyed Abolhasan Esfahani’s grandson.    Sadam had said in one of his speeches ‘’although there was no use in the eight-year war, this book criticized the culture of the Shiite and this was enough for us to defame the Shiite ’’. This book was published in eight million circulations in 1385 in Sudan and it was published in the Islamic countries.   

The book ‘ al-Fekr Alsiyasi , al-Shiite Men al-Saghife Ela Velayat al-Alfaghie’’(the political thought of the Shiite from Saghife to the primacy of the top spiritual leader)’’ whose writer is Ahmad Kateb , one of the clergymen in the theological school and Hojatieh school, when he wrote this book and took it to London in order to publish it , the English governors said ‘’ we did a wrong about the Satan verses and it was enough for our seventy generations and we are not looking for trouble any longer more. He also took it to America in order to get it published, but they did not publish it. But when he brought this book in Arab, they published it. If you refer to the Wahhabism’s sites, you will find its English, Farsi and Arabic text.   

The book ‘’Lellah Leltarikh ‘’ criticizes the ideas of the Shiite satirically and unpleasantly, acts impertinently toward the Imams, invades the high and mighty sources of the authorities of the Shiite and has not refused to insult and culminate the high and mighty sources of authorities. This book was published in millions in Arab.  One of the Shiite scientists in the region of Ghatif in Arab said ‘’ they brought this book with the lorry and distributed among the Shiite young people in the region that the Shiite people lived (Ghtif, Ahsa and …). In Kuwait, they published               one hundred circulations in the first publication and they distributed even in the lines that people were buying bread. Ayatollah Khamenei’s representative in Kuwait warned the Kuwait government ‘’ if you do not stop distributing these books, Kuwait will be like Lebanon. Therefore, because they scared from its consequences, they stopped distributing it and prevented the centers that did it. These kinds of events happen a lot.

In the satellite area, satellites with different languages work against the Shiite during all daytime. Recently, a series of satellites have broadcast some programs in Los Angles which was controlled by persons that were counterrevolutionary and the oppositions. Wahhabism has bought them and the matters that are uttered from Wahhabism’s dirty mouth against the culture of the Shiite can be uttered from an Iranian Shiite child’ mouth. At the present, forty five channels of the satellite are working against the culture of the Shiite and counterrevolution in America and thirty channels have almost come back and have made doubts about the Shiite during these recent months.   

In the internet area, according to my newest information, forty thousand the internet sites of Wahhabism work against the Shiite in spite of the fact            the total number of internet sites of the Shiite cannot be more than five thousand sites in all languages available in the world. I beg all of the dears that attend in this meeting to defend the Imams’ bounds as our duties nowadays. The legitimacy of our system depends on the survival of the culture of the Prophet‘s Family and the presence of the primacy of the top spiritual leader. The internet sites of Wahhabism overflow the fountainhead with the rain and make the young people pessimistic to the Islamic and Shiite beliefs and the culture of the Prophet‘s Family. They do some actions to weaken the value of the religion and the young people’s pure beliefs to the Prophet‘s Family. If we want to defend Imams’ boundary, there will not be a lot of cost. As I mentioned in the theological school of Imam Sadegh (peace be upon him), we should have over twenty million weblogs and sites in order to defend the boundary of the guardianship. Creating weblog or site does not have much cost. I have said in the theological courses’’ if a person does not have information about the computer, she or he will be considered an illiterate. Nowadays, if a person does connect into the internet and does not have information about the political, cultural and economic news of the world, she or he cannot have appropriate point of view in the political, cultural and doctrinal area’’. When I was in the service of doctrinal and political staff of the mobilization of the army, I said ‘’ one of affairs that the mobilization of the army should do is to provide the Internet for all of the mobilization bases all over the world and all of the person pertaining to mobilization should have at least a weblog on the internet to defend the boundary of the guardianship and Imams’ boundary. In other words, if the political and doctrinal area of the Shiite or the system be invaded in a site or weblog, twenty million weblogs and sites can defend it in a moment. When the enemies see that million the internet bases have stood against them, they will feel fearful. Islam has gone forward with scaring more than killing.                                       

تُرْهِبُونَ بِهِ عَدُوَّ اللَّهِ وَعَدُوَّكُمْ[6]

 You had better study all of the wars in the prophet’s period. Among eighty four wars, the number of the killed persons from both rivals was not more than eight hundred persons in the Ghazve and Sarieh Wars. The last research has been done by one of the Sunni intellectuals to get information about the number of killed persons in the wars in the prophet’s period.  For example, how many Muslims and polytheists were killed in the Badr War or any other wars? The total number that they have collected data is one thousand and four hundred from both rivals even with considering the war with Yahudian Binazir. It is nonsensical that some persons have said that the Islam has gone forward with sword and this can be uttered   only by prattlers. Hence, only reason that was able to make the Islam successful and improved was to make fear and horror among the polytheists and the opponents. Dears, have the exact number from persons that were killed in these eighty four wars of Ghazve and Sarieh in the prophet’s period and the number of the killed persons was seven hundred and forty eight totally. If God wills, you will see another statistic from the number of the killed persons in the magazine of the theological school and in the horizon of the theological school in answering Mr. Vaez Zade Khorasani’s interview in this week.

At the present, what we are dealing with is the newest doubts of the Wahhabism against the Shiite.

One of the personalities of Arab in the first rank, Abd al-Rahman Beraj that is one of the Muftis number two ,was asked whether it was possible to be jihad among the Islamic groups or not? He answered

  إن كان لأهل السنة دولة و قوة و أظهر الشيعة بدعهم، و شركهم، و اعتقاداتهم، فإن على أهل السنة أن يجاهدوهم بالقتال              

‘’ if the Sunnite has the powerful government and ability and the Shiite deals with resorting and defending the Prophet’s Family (peace be upon them) and his or her beliefs, it will be necessary for the Islamic governments to declare jihad against the Shiite and to crack them down’’.                                                

In the recent years, they are not doing actions against the Shiite and are not disagreeing against the Shiite widely because they have no possibility and ability to do that. We do not have any problem with the main part of the Sunnite. We do not have any problem with the Sunnite in spite of the fact that we have a lot of disagreements with them in the scope of beliefs. We address them our brothers and consider ourselves their brothers. Our main problem is with five percent of the Sunnite that have fallen in the Wahhabism and they always take order from overseas instead of taking patterns from the remarks related to the sagacious leader of the revolution. In addition, in the speeches and the sermons of the                                                                                          Friday prayer, instead of referring their sayings to Imam Khomeini (may Allah be merciful to him) and the great rank of leadership ( Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the current leader of Iran), they say ‘’ they said to us such thing and we should do in this way and …in the meeting that we had in Arab’’. These are the signs of the danger, dears.

In the last year, Mr Hosseini Bushehri , the manager of the Qom theological school, called me from Bushehr and said ‘’ some Wahhabi people that have been trained in Dubai and Emirate have come here and have corrupted  about three hundred of the Shiite young people. The leaders have captured and imprisoned them and they are looking for"هل من مبارز" in the prison and say ‘’ if you are right, come and have debate and controversy with us. You have nothing to say and your religion is false’’. It is strange that they have come in the Islamic republic government of Iran and transgress in this way and say "هل من مبارز". Excellency Mr. Husseini Bushehri wanted me to have controversy with three persons of the people that have been ready for the controversy. We thought that Ali Abad was quite a city and they were deserved for the controversy. We took some of the educated instructors of the theological school with us for the debate and the controversy there. We went to a party and three persons in a side and we (three persons) were in the other side. We understood that one of them was studying in the fifth grade of elementary school, the other one in the second grade of the junior high school and another one was clergy man in the grade three. They did not know even the alphabets .when they wanted to write Wahhabism, they did know how to write it. After they recited three verses of the holy Quran, they made three hundred of the Shiite young people change their thoughts and become Wahhabi. They made a Shiite child say ‘’ mourning for Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) is polytheism or your saying Ali or Hussein is polytheism. They picked up Mohrs of the mosque (a piece of clay or stone on which praying of Moslems place their foreheads) that there were God‘s name and some of the Imams’ names (peace be upon them) on some of them and threw all of them in the toilet. Why did they do that? Because these are the signs of polytheism. After we talked to them, we understood that they did not have worth debating. They could talk only five minutes and then they did not have anything to say. Their head leader said’’ in the first day, if a person like you had debated with us and had recited the verses of the Quran and the narrations in this way, we would not have been in the riot. We did not find any one in the struggle and there was no one against us; therefore, we got miserable ourselves and made others miserable as well. Guide us how to come out of the riot that we made. If they penetrate into our society, they will not care about whether they are Shiite or Sunnite. They only look for the young people to change their thoughts and lead them as long as they get ready to fasten their explosive belt and vest, enter in the Shiite society and then they kill themselves as well as some of our dears. We had such a thing in none of religious minorities. Even if you study the history of the Wahhabism, you will not find such a story, a person’s thoughts be changed as much as the person be ready to kill herself or himself for the sake of his or her idea, but the Wahhabism is like this.

They did more crimes in the recent ten, twelve years in comparing to Hojaj Bin Yusef Saghafi’s crimes. The crimes that they did were terrible and against humanity as much as we cannot describe. We collected about forty films from the instances of the crimes of Wahhabism. They were grim and corrupted and there were no humanity and moral principles in them. When they kill the Shiite people, they use the slogan ‘’ لا إلا إلا الله’’. They distributed the compact disk of their crimes among people in order to make fear and horror among them. They poured oil on some people and fired them. They cut off the head of some people like sheep. We have found some examples of Wahhabism crimes in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Aljazeera, Moscow, America, and Arab and …Wahhabism is nothing except killing human and genocide in the world. Because of Wahhabism crimes in the world, some western young people and intellectuals have been pessimistic to the Islam.        

 Hence, I have another request from you and the present clergymen in the meeting and it is the same interpretation of great rank of leadership (the current leader of Iran) ‘’we should not stop any try for introducing Wahhabism’’. We are ready to write the filthy beliefs of Wahhabism and the doubts along with their answers as a pamphlet once a week and let you have them and publish them out.

Imam Khomeini’s sentence (may God’s mercy be upon him) should be in our vision which bade

‘’ Wahhabism is promoter of Abusofyani Islam and American Islam’’.

We should remind Imam Khomeini’s sentence (may God’s mercy be upon him) in any speech and pamphlet.

Hence, if we do not be informed, we will open our eyes and will see that we are the way behind in our society. If they penetrate among the Shiite people with their army forces, in Imam Musa Sadr’s interpretation (may God’s mercy be upon him),

‘’if the breeze of Wahhabism blows to a person, there will not be any way out and salvation for that person forever’’.

It means that they train their people in a way that they never listen to any one. One of Wahhabis has said a sentence on the internet few months ago

 ‘’ if the prophet (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) becomes alive from the grave and says that Wahhabism beliefs are false and there is no problem in resorting to the prophet, we will not accept his remarks’’.

This is the highest level of impudence and disgrace because even if the prophet says’’ your way is false’’, they will not accept that. One of Arab Sunni dignitaries has written a book with the title ‘’ Daeye va Lis Nabia ‘’. Muhammad Bin Abd al-Vahab, the founder of Wahhabism, was a reformer and has not been the prophet, but you have promoted his rank to the prophetic degree.



regarding the harsh thoughts of Wahhabism among the Sunni people in this province and in the vicinity of Pakistan, what actions have been done? And what are the ways of dealing with them?


We are facing a limited minority of five percent of the Sunni people in your province which have become Wahhabi and ninety five percent of the Sunni people in your province are against the Wahhabism thought, but they do not have facilities and need help and organization. We are in contact with the prominent personalities in this province and even one of the Sunni great scientists has written a book about the rejection of Wahhabism and has published it in your province.   But unfortunately, they were not organized and supported and this five percent of the Sunni people in your province were prancing. They put Wahhabism remarks on the Internet sites, the books and the articles that consider the Shiite مهدورالدم practically and imprudently and defend genocide and terrorism   obviously. They distribute the compact disks of Bin Ladan Ghahreman and Sadam Shahid around the annual meetings. In some of their magazines and books, they promote the same Wahhabism ideas that are related to jihad against the Shiite. One of affairs that is necessary in this province and there is no way out is to beg you to bring the scientists of the Sunnite that are completely against the Wahhabism thought into action and help and support them and provide facilities for them. Only God knows if a Sunni clergyman enters into struggle and fight with Wahhabi, he or she will be more effective than thousand the Shiite clergy men like us. If this five percent of the Wahhabi Sunnite persons sees the severe invasion, the ninety five percent of the Sunni people will know their account. But unfortunately, in the leader of the believers’ interpretation (peace be upon him),

 ‘’ I am surprised that the false persons are integrated, united and organized in their false path, but the right people are without plan, disorganized and without integrity in their path’’.                                                                                            

To fight with Wahhabism, nothing can be useful as much as information transfer. In Ayatollah Mesbah Yazdi’s interpretation, ‘’ some persons do not have strong idea that prevents them from actions that are against their religion and law and also they do not believe in the doomsday as much as the fear of the doomsday prevents them from doing sin and crime , but they are afraid of their honor’’. If we transfer information, display their affairs and show  them to common people, they will draw back in order to keep their honor.                              

We use the same interpretation of great rank of leadership which bade

’’ We should not stop any try for introducing Wahhabism and the factors of Wahhabism in the country’’.

The best way is information transfer.        


Presently, the danger of Hojatie Club is not less than Wahhabism. Why isn’t there any action against it? They put the primacy of the top spiritual leader in question.


We are frank with everyone. The norm of a person’s humanity is the path of the prophet’s Family (peace be upon them) for us. Presently, a person that is standard-bearer of defending the prophet’s Family (peace be upon them) will put our primacy of the top spiritual leader in question. We stand against every one (in any wearing, appearance and organization) that disagrees with the thought path of the leadership that is the sign of the path of the prophet’s Family (peace be upon them). Even he or she is the officials’ child.Presently, it is necessary for us to stand against the parties that are working in the country (Bahia, Christian, Yahooed and Darvabesh). Our bath is the bath of the primacy of the top spiritual leader. We guide everybody that is not in this path. At the present, the danger of Wahhabism is so serious. No party is too imprudent to train a Sunni or Shiite child as long as he fastens an explosive vest to kill himself and others. We did not have such a thing and do not have in Zionism. Wahhabism in the country, for example Abd ai-Malek Rigi, their head says’’ Islamic republic government of Iran is polytheism and we should fight with gun against this polytheism and we are not standing on ceremony with them. If a person kills them, they will promise the heaven. This is the same action that Omar Sad did in Karabala and said ‘’ O’ God’s troops, ride your horse since the heaven angels are waiting for you’’.  Wahhabism is repeating it again.


At the present, clearly they are distributing software and publications against the Shiite in the mosque of Mecca. Aren’t you thinking to neutralize them?                 


We said in our speech, sites and meetings over and over again ‘’ it does not matter to us whether it be in the mosque of Mecca or the mosque of Medina’’. The norm of a person’s humanity is the path of the prophet’s Family (peace be upon them) for us and it does not matter what party and group  they are. We are obliged to fight with them and to act in the framework of the primacy of the top spiritual leader and leader’s guidelines and not to move beyond them. Sometimes, going to extremes spoils our job. We should accept our leader‘s proclamation with our soul and heart and make the solutions that are related to Wahhabism practical. The great rank of leadership’s representative in the meeting that we had with the army forces bade ‘’ the great rank of leadership has ordered that we refuse to behave grimly in confronting with any parties and groups and we should fight with them culturally.  People that fight us with arms or weapons and kill our young people are to be executed. We consider all of the Muslims apart from the people that fight against us with arms or weapons. Dears should know that the five percent of them are grim. I have said over and over again that even in Arab the ninety five of Wahhabism disagrees with this grimness, terrorism and genocide. Few prostitute clergy men are Wahhabi and they have grim and harsh thoughts such as Bin Jabrin, Abdolrahman Braj and Sheikh Saleh Fuzan and …

I had relationship with a lot of Wahhabism officials such Dr Abu Soleiman and …maybe I talked in his house over two hundred sessions. Dr Abu Soleiman is the member of Kabar commission of the Wahhabism scientists (the same as Cultural Revolution council in our country) and I consider God as witness in the case that no one respects and defends the Shiite as much as Dr Abu Soleiman does and he is more respectable than the Sunni clergymen in the country. When he came to Iran two or three years ago for a session, he was in Iran about a week. I really enjoy his respect and courtesy. We are against Tacfiri Wahhabism.     


Is it true to say that praying with the closed hands has been common in the time of the second caliph and it has not been common in the time of the first caliph in the Sunnite?                                                                           


In my opinion, these kinds of disagreements are not wise to be discussed. At the present, it is not our problem. Our problem is that the worldly hegemonism has appeared in the region and wants to eradicate the Islam and it does not matter whether it is Shiite and Sunnite. They are killing the Sunni people in Feluje and the Shiite people in the Sadr small town. They are bombing the Sunni people in Afghanistan and the Shiite people in Najaf and Karbala. It is not wise that we discuss about the religious matters and differences except sessions that are related to the religious lessons. Our norm is the prophet’s action (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) not anybody else. The prophet (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) did not perform ablution and pray in a private and hidden room and everyone had seen his actions. It is important for us how the prophet prayed during these twenty three years. If it be proved that the prophet (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) prays with the closed hands, we will pray like him because our pattern is the prophet (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) and the prophet‘s Family (peace be upon them) and if he prays with open hands, we will pray like him.


Please explain the history of praying with the open hands.   


 Deceased Saheb Javaher has said in the prayer part ‘’ when the Iranian captives came to the second caliph, he saw them standing against him with the closed hands and then he said ‘’ what kind of action is it?’’ they said ‘’ we stand against the dignitaries with the closed hands as respect in Iran’’. Afterwards, it is said that the second caliph ordered that they prayed in this manner as respect to God. Of course, the story is more than it. 


What countries are the financial supporters of this Wahhabism Thought?


It is completely clear that at the present, the centre of Wahhabism is Arab         and all of this financial support is done by Arab. Even in the last year, it has been said in the news sites that they have devoted thirty six percent of income of Arab for preaching Wahhabism Thought and they have the interest sections all over the world. They have set up a school for twelve thousand students and they have also set up over ten thousand theological schools in Pakistan. They use their own facilities or these have been provided by America in order to preach Wahhabism Thought. Of course, you should know how ever much Wahhabism increases this promotion and invasion, they will have the reverse result. At the present, most of the Sunni and Wahhabism people disagree with this thought. At the present, Arab has been divided in two groups: one group includes people that are reformers with Mr Abdolah as a leader and they try to change Arab to a country that is liked by America and Europe. The other group includes radicals that have done most of the terrors in Arab and Alghede and Bin Ladan are regarded in this group. Even in the last year, the great Mufti of Arab, Sheikh Abdol Aziz Ale Sheikh,     said very important statement against the radical Wahhabism. There was a meeting in Aban of 1386 in Mecca and a statement was issued there and radical and Takfiri Wahhabism were convicted in the statement completely. Unfortunately, these statements did not cover neither the Radio and Television Organization nor the media and the newspaper. We should have declared these statements in the news for weeks and we should have preached and promoted them. Of course, we put the important part of their talk on the site. Of course, it is not late yet and we can publish the main parts of this statement and their speech so that people can know that Wahhabism is not only against the Shiite, but it is also against the religion. 


How long should we see the deaths of the Shiite people in this province?


It is not our duty. Our duty is to transfer information in the cultural area and to reveal the nature of Wahhabism.


Has Islamic republic holy system of Iran set up a satellite channel in order to answer the doubts that are presented from the Extreme Wahhabi people or not?


We have two or three channels in the satellite in the Arabic language which includes these kinds of programs somewhat. Even in Iraq, there are two or three channels that have been set up by the Shiite and they also answer doubts. A satellite channel has been set up in the name of ‘’ Salam’’ in Los Angeles. Of course, I cooperate with this channel with two conditions. Firstly, you should not insult the Sunni people. Secondly, you should not act impertinently toward Islamic republic holy system of Iran and they have almost acted to these conditions.




                                                                        ««« و السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته »»



Dr Seyed Muhammad Husseini Ghazvini


First name and last name: Majid M. Ali            date: 87/2/27


It is good speech as usual.

Please broadcast those on the Salam Channel even if it be with voice record.

Secondly, the ignorant Wahhabi has said

‘’ if the prophet (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) becomes alive from the grave and says that Wahhabism beliefs are false and there is no problem in resorting to the prophet, we will not accept his remarks’’.

 He has blasphemed the true religion and the Islam and the seductive religions (ارث شجره ملعونه) of Wahhabism that do not believe in becoming alive after death and each living creature نعوذ بالله is better than the prophets or the testers.

لعنه الله و نبينا و اوصيانا عليهم اجمعين

و السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

First name and last name: No/M                   date: 87/2/27

Send me your authentic matters.

First name and last name: Ganji                             date: 87/12/15

Why are the reformers indifferent to the primacy of the top spiritual leader?








The Speech in the meeting of the educated people in the teachers’ house of Zahedan.                           

Professor Ghazvini Husseini:

The topic of Wahhabism and the challenges created have damaged the luminous face of Islam in the contemporary world along with different attempts in relation to the religious and the Quran foundations. At the present time, some of the intellectuals that are against the Quran and Islam have tried to consider Islam a school that is dependent on grimness and killing and they have also introduced Islam as a terror and terrorism religion throughout the International.  

All of us know that there were the Islamic religions in the Islamic society since the early days of the prophet’s decease (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) (apart from four religions that were not formal). The first religion was Hanafi (Naman Bin Sabet Abu Hanife‘s disciples, died in 154A.H.). After the Hanafi religion, it was the Maleki religion (Malek Bin Anes’s disciples, died in 179 A.H.). After the Maleki religion, it was the Shafei School, Muhammad Bin Odris Shafei’s disciples, died in 204 A.H.). The Hanbeli Religion was the last one, Ahmad Bin Hanbel’s disciples, died in 241 A.H.). Along with the mentioned religions, there was a Shiite school from the time of the prophet (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants). Some of them were the leader of believers ‘friends (peace be upon him) and his disciples and even some of the companions obeyed Imam Ali (peace be upon him) in time of the prophet (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) in the interpretation of some of the Sunni intellectuals.

There are different narrations (forty Hadiths in the sources of the Sunnite) related to the fact that the prophet (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) in the different religions and meetings bade

يا علي! انت و شيعتك هم الفائزون.

These five religions and their disciples lived in the Islamic society with all of their disagreements. The disagreement between the Shiite religion and the Sunnite religion was not less than disagreement between the Hanfi religion and the Maleki religion and Shafei with Hanbli. In the history, the severe struggles were founded among the Sunni religions by the colonization in Baghdad, Iran, Esfahan and Neishpur. Massacre among them was not less than the disagreement between the Sunnite and the Shiite. In spite of all of their disagreements, they lived together like a family. Two brothers and sisters( Sunnite and Shiite) from the same parents had disagreement one day and they reconciled with each other in the next day until in 7 and 8 A.H. Wahhabism emerged in the Islamic society and made the severe discord among the Islamic nations ( whether  Sunni or Shiite).

EBin Timieh Harani appeared in the critical stage of the history and in that time, the Islamic society was burning in a state of feverish excitement of the invasion between the western Salibian and the eastern Mongolia. The Islamic cities and the countries had been the victims of the west Christianity and the east Laic one after another and they made Baghdad city destroyed with their steps. In French Gustav Lebun’s interpretation, Salibian did crimes in the history of the Christianity and with these crimes they recorded the horror and the barbarity of the Christianity in the history.  Christian Gustav Lebun writes ‘’ we should say that the way that the Christian nation behaved with the Muslims was the same as behavior of the most wild human with the most civilized human’’.

In this stage of the history, the Islamic society really required the unity word and integration among the Muslims against the eastern and western enemies. Mr.EBin Timieh appeared in the region of Shamat and made discord among the Islamic nations and struggle among the Muslims with the thought of resorting and going to the prophets’ graves and the righteous people’s grave are illegitimate and polytheism and seeking intercession from them is polytheism as well.    

Firstly, he started standing against the Quran with his thoughts and actions. He fought with the Quran that considers resorting to the prophets a religious and legitimate behavior and represents seeking intercession an undeniable affair of the Islamic beliefs in many verses. In the time of EBin Timie, the great theorists of the Wahhabism and the scientists of the Shiite and the Sunnite stood against this intrigue and the discord among the Muslims and they convicted EBin Timie’s thoughts. Even some of the Sunni dignitaries issued a fatwa

من كان علي عقيدة إبن تيميه، حل ماله و دمه[7]                                   

Mr. EBin Hajar Asghalani that was one of the scientific foundations of the Sunnite and died in 852 A.H. ha written about one of the judges of Shafei Dameshgh

‘’ if a person has En Timieh’s beliefs, all of his or her properties and blood will be wasted’’. 

 And then they issued this statement and declared it throughout alleys and streets.

En Hajar Heisami that died in 974 A.H.  was one of the Sunni dignitaries of Arab and the holy Mecca and believed

إبن تيمية عبد خذله الله و أضله و أعماه و أصمه و أذله[8]              

 ‘’ En Timieh is a person that has been degraded, astray, blind, deaf and humiliated by God’’.

Mr. Shokani, one of the scientific pillars of the Sunnite, narrates from Muhammad Bokhari (died in 841 A.H.)

من أطلق القول علي ابن تيميه: أنه شيخ الإسلام، فهو بهذا الإطلاق كافر[9]  

‘’ Whoever addresses EBin Timie ‘’ Sheikh al-Eslam’’ is an unbeliever’’.        

Many of the Shiite and the Sunni scientists decided and convicted En Timieh over and over again. Finally, En Timie was convicted to the prison in the rule of judge 4 of the Hanafi, Maleki, and Shafei and Hanbeli religions in 728 A.H. His life was imprisoned in the prison of Dameshgh forever. 

After few centuries, En Timie’s thoughts were out of minds and only the names of his students were mentioned in books until they encouraged a person in the name, Muhammad Bin Abdol al-Vahab, to revive En Timie Harani’s thoughts that were against the religion and the Quran with the intrigue of the west colonization, especially Britannia and England.                                                                             

A person that has studied the history of Wahhabism knows that Wahhabism was one of the intrigues of the west colonization in order to make discord among the Islamic nations and to eradicate the Othmani Government.

One of the Arabic intellectuals in the name ‘’ Dr Hasan Bin Farhan, has written a book in the name ‘’Daye Va Leise Nabia’’. It means that O’ Wahhabi men, you highly respect Muhammad Bin Abdol Alvahab and consider the rank of the prophet for him and prefer his remarks to the prophet’s remarks (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants), but you do not know that En Timie was a prophet not a reformer.

I recommend you to study books that two persons of the Arabic scientific personalities have written about the criticism of Wahhabism thought, for example: One of Dr Hasan Bin Farhan Maleki’s books and the leader of Arab’s books (Muhammad Bin Alavi Maleki). To tell the truth, they have done well in revealing and abolishing the thoughts of Wahhabism. In most of the Shiite and Sunni sites, their books have been mentioned as the criticism of Wahhabism thought.      They write ‘’ the instructor, Muhammad Bin Abd al-Vahab, felt that their thoughts were against the Islamic thoughts. His instructor, Sheikh Mohammad Bin Soleiman and.., said several times‘’ we feel that he has gone astray’’.

To study better about Wahhabism and EBin Timie’s thoughts and the criticism of these thoughts, you had better refer to the book‘’ al-Derer al-Senie Fi al-Rad Ala al-Wahhabie va Fetne al-Wahhabie’’ that was written by Zini Dehlan, the Mufti of respectful Mecca, (died  in 1304A.H.).The people that are familiar with my remarks on the Internet and the satellite in this topic know that I do not have a sentence and even a word from the Shiite books and Shiite scientists about the criticism of Wahhabism people’s thoughts. I have spent my time criticizing the thought of Wahhabism over twenty five years of my life. I have had over three hundred sessions of discussion and debate with the international students and professors Om Algharaye of Medina in the soil of Arab. Even I had a session with the great Mufti of respectful Mecca, Excellency Sheikh Abdul-Aziz Bin Abdullah Ale Sheikh, in Taef. I was obliged to behave with Islamic and Quran courtesy and respect and the same as Imams’ courtesy (peace be upon them) in the discussion with Wahhabism and it was the secret of my successes.

Mr.  Zini Dehlan has written in the book ‘’ al-Derer al-Senie Fi al-Rad Ala al-Wahhabie ‘’ (volume one / page forty two) ‘’ Muhammad Bin Abd al-Vahab‘s father that was a righteous man and the judges of Darie region felt that his child was astray. In addition, he recommended others not to have relationship with his child because he had deviational thoughts.

Muhammad Bin Abd al-Vahab’s brother, Suleiman, was the first person that stood against his brother’s thoughts, Muhammad Bin Abd al-Vahab, and criticized them. He wrote a book with the name ‘’al-Savaegh Ela Lahie’’. Maybe, it has been  the first book that has been written in the history of Wahhabism rejection.  In this book, he proves that his brother has gone astray in the society and the matters that his brother represents are in contrast with the Quran and the tradition and the Sunnite scientists’ remarks during these twelve centuries.

One day, Suleiman asked his brother, Muhammad, ‘’ how many are the principles of the religion? ' ' he said ‘’the principles of the religion are five’’. His brother, Suleiman, said ‘’ in your opinion, it is six. The sixth principle has been defined  in this way‘’ if a person does not believe in the ideas of Wahhabism, she or he is unbeliever and renegade’’.

It is interesting that Mr. Zini Dehlan in this book ‘’ (volume one/ page forty six) says‘’ when a person wanted to become Wahhabi, Muhammad Bin Abd Alvahab wanted him or her to utter five sentences: 1) he or she should say ‘’ اشهد أن لا إله إلا الله’’. 2) He or she should say ‘’ أشهد أن محمدا رسول الله’’ . All of them said ‘’ we are Muslim and we pray and go Hajj’’. He said ‘’ you are polytheists, but you cannot understand it’’. 3) You should attest that you were polytheist before you became Wahhabi and you have just been Muslim after you accepted the religion of Wahhabism. 4) You should attest that your parents were polytheist when they passed away and they did not have honor to become Wahhabi. Even you should not ask for their salvation.5) you should attest that all of the past scientists were polytheists and unbelievers when they passed away and you should not ask for their salvation. This remark is related to the respectful Mufti of Arab with regard to the idea of Wahhabism.

It is interesting that Mr. Zini Dehlan writes ‘’ al-Derer al-Senie Fi al-Rad Ala al-Wahhabie’’ Muhammad Bin Abd al-Vahab had ordered that no one was allowed to utter praise before call-to prayer, after call-to prayer and in the time of call-to prayer’’. A muezzin that was old, righteous and blind was reciting the izan. When he recited the name of the prophet (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants), he uttered praise. Muhammad Bin Abd al-Wahhab ordered to cut off the old, blind muezzin’s head in the presence of people. What was his crime? Because he uttered praise to the prophet (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) in the call-to prayer, you cut off the old, blind muezzin’s head. To what verse, tradition and the prophet’s life do you refer to justify it?

Muhammad Bin Abd al-Vahab said ‘’ everyone that believes in the intercession of the prophet (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) and the prophets is a polytheist. When others said that there are different verses about the intercession of the prophet (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants), he said ‘’ yes. We have different verses, but God has ordered that we do not seek intercession from the prophet (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants). It is too strange!!! It means that you have gone to a person’s house and the host has set the table, but then he or she says ‘’ no one is allowed to eat’’. He says ‘’ God has allowed the prophet (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) to intercede human, but he has prevented us from seeking intercession from the prophet (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants). How can we justify it? Isn’t this idea against the Quran?

I had discussion with the Mufti of Arab, Mr. Sheikh Abdul-Aziz. Of course, He behaved respectfully and politely. One of questions that I asked him was ‘’ why do you say that resorting to the prophet (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants), the prophets and the authorities is not allowed and it is illegal? Some of the sites and the publications of this province move in this path and they have Wahhabi thoughts and preach these thoughts. He answered ‘’ there are many verses in the Quran which prevents human from resorting everyone except God and the Quran says ‘’            

فَلَا تَدْعُوا مَعَ اللَّهِ أَحَدًا[10].

So invoke not any one along with Allah’’.          

Calling and interceding everyone are polytheism except God. He said several other verses in this topic. I said that we should not be                                                 

يَقُولُونَ نُؤْمِنُ بِبَعْضٍ وَ نَكْفُرُ بِبَعْضٍ  [11]                                       

If the Quran says ‘’ فَلَا تَدْعُوا مَعَ اللَّهِ أَحَدًا ‘’, it will be related to the unbelievers and the polytheists that sought intercession from their idols and worshiped them in addition to the world God. The Quran has said about the legitimacy of resort obviously. In the Yusef Suraf, Honor Yusuf‘s children said to their father

قَالُوا يَا أَبَانَا اسْتَغْفِرْ لَنَا ذُنُوبَنَا  [12]   

 ‘’ O our father! Ask for us forgiveness for our sins’’.                              

If a Shiite person says beside the prophet’s grave (peace of Allah be upon him and hid descendants)

                                                                                                      يا وجيها عندالله اشفع لنا عندالله

What is difference between that verse and this pray?

Honor Yaghub did not say to his children ‘’ you have become polytheists because you have considered intermediate between God and me’’. But he said

قَالَ سَوْفَ أَسْتَغْفِرُ لَكُمْ رَبِّي[13]

‘’Soon will I ask my Lord for forgiveness for you’’.

In the An- Nissa Surah, the Quran says clearly

  وَ لَوْ أَنَّهُمْ إِذْ ظَلَمُوا أَنْفُسَهُمْ جَاءُوكَ فَاسْتَغْفَرُوا اللَّهَ وَ اسْتَغْفَرَ لَهُمُ الرَّسُولُ لَوَجَدُوا اللَّهَ تَوَّابًا رَحِيما’’[14]

‘’We sent not a messenger, but to be obeyed, in accordance with the will of Allah. If they had only, when they were unjust to themselves, come unto thee and asked Allah´s forgiveness, and the Messenger had asked forgiveness for them, they would have found Allah indeed Oft-returning, Most Merciful’’.

Is this something else except resort? This is the logic of the Quran and it is not narration.

Dears refer to the books of the Sunnite, Shafeiha such as : the book ‘’ the collection of Nuvi’’; Hanafi ‘’Mabsute Sarkhesi ’’; Hanabeli ‘’Maghni EBin Ghedame’’; Maleki ‘’Madine al-Kobra Malek’’. All of these books have said this verse about the manners of going on a pilgrimage of the prophet’s grave (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants). In other words, after a person does hajj, she or he should stand beside the prophet’s grave (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants), she or he should say hello and says‘’ God has said this verse in the Quran and now I have come and I request you to seek intercession from God for me’’.

When I recited these verses, the great Mufti said to me ‘’ these verses are related to the time of the prophet (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) and these verses have lost their influence after his death and the prophet’s companions (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) did not resort to his grave after his death’’.  I said ‘’When you say that the companions did not resort to the prophet’s grave (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) after his death, it means that do you not accept that the companions went to beside the prophet’s grave (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) and sought intercession and need from him and they considered the prophet (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) as an intermediate between God and themselves? This is in contrast with the narrations that have been said in the books of the Sunnite.

Beihaghi has said clearly in the book ‘’ Dalael al-Nabu’’ ‘’ there was the draught in the time of the second caliph’s caliphate and one of the companions, Balal Bin Harath, came to the  prophet’s grave (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) and said

                                                                     يا رسول الله! قد هلك الناس، استسق لأمت

‘’ O’ the messenger of God! The people are to be killed since there is famine and it does not rain. Seek mercy from God for the people. The prophet (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) came to his dream and said ‘’ meet the caliph and peace to him from me and say ‘God‘s mercy will fall in the short term’’.

This narration has been narrated in all of the Sunni books. He said ‘’ this narration is weak and it does not have document’’. I said one of the Sunni scientific foundations, Excellency Mr. EBin Hajar Asghalaei, says clearly in the book ‘’ Fath al-Bari’’ (volume two/ page four hundred and twelve) that this narration is valid. Mr. En Kasir Dameshghi in the book “al-Bedaye va al-Nahaye’’ (volume seven/ page one hundred and five) says that the narration is valid. When I narrated this narration from two great scientific dignitaries of the Sunnite, he stated ‘’ this is foundation of polytheism and the foundation of unity and …one of his assistants said to him ‘’ O’ sheikh! Why are you answering in this way? It is not appropriate for his problem. He says ‘’ EBin Hajar and EBin Kasir say clearly that the narration is valid. If you are right, squabble their books with each other’’. He said ‘’bring these two books to the address that has been given to you’’. They brought  and read the narration and they saw that it was valid.

The matter of resort is a traditional and Quran matter and the life of the companions are based on it. It has been said in the narration correctly that Malek, the head of Maleki, and Balal, the muezzin of the prophet (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) and Abu Aub Ansari came beside the prophet’s grave (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) and they expressed their love and interest and resorted to him. It is an important matter to be distorted and also we train people the Wahhabism remarks that are against the Quran, the tradition and the life of the companions as religious principles.

Excellency Mr. Dr Muhammad Ibrahim came to Medina and said in Sahih Bokhari’s meeting ‘’ resorting to  the prophets and the righteous people is polytheism and the prophet (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) will declare jihad with these polytheists. Even a person in the Sunnite did not object that this thought was against the Quran, the tradition and the life of the companions’’. They mentioned the books’’ legitimate resort’’ and ‘’ illegitimate’’ in their sites. Even they said ‘’ every one that resorts to the prophets and the righteous people are to be executed and their propertied to be confiscated. They mentioned some matters against the Quran and the tradition in their newspapers.

I beg dears to try to eradicate the deviations that appear in the society and some persons that are dependent on the thought of Wahhabism and this thought is the tool of the colonization and the performer of the purposes of the worldly hegemonism.

Nowadays, Wahhabism is sure that we are taking order from them. You saw that in the war of thirty three days with the God Party,   the Wahhabism scientists, such as: Jabarin and Abd Alrahman Beraj, defended Zionism instead of defending the Muslim children. Also, they issued a fatwa formally ‘’ helping and praying the God Party against the Zionism is illegal. Did God party fight with the Sunni people, the Christians and the liberal people? Did the God Party not fight against the Zionism that has made the Sunni people of Palestine homeless for sixty years? If you have given up your religion, in Imam Hussein‘s interpretation (peace be upon him)

                                    إن لم يكن لكم دين و كنتم لا تخافون المعاد فكونوا أحرارا في دنياكم هذه[15]



‘’If you have given up your religion and you are not afraid of the doomsday, you will be a liberal man in the world’’.


The people that tried against the vagabonds of the Sunni people of Felistin and fought with them are against sense, conscience and humanity; let alone the Quran, the tradition and the life of the righteous people.    

I have a lot to say with you, dears and if God wills and I have such honor, I will attend your assembly and I will talk about the deviational thoughts of Wahhabism. Imam Khomeini (may God’s mercy be upon him) bade

‘’Wahhabism is the promoter of Abusofyani and American Islam’’. 

The great rank of leadership bade

‘’ we should not stop any try for revealing the malicious nature of Wahhabism’’.

It is necessary for us (whether teacher or student; whether professor or university student; whether clergymen or common people) to stand against Wahhabism that has been in the throat of the Islam world like bone and has introduced the luminous face of Islam a grim and terror face in the International. Everyone tries to get information in his or her share and she or he tries to promote the information of people in the society.   

««« و السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته »»»

Dr. Seyed Muhammad Husseini Ghazvini
















First name and last name: Mahdi Z                               date: 87/2/27


Please mention some examples of struggles and wars of the four religions that happened during history. Thanks.                                  


1) Imprudence to the Imams of the religions: Shafei was born in the year that Abuhanife passed away. Hence, Hanafian said to Shafeian ‘’ your Imam did not dare to be born as long as our Imam passed away’’ and they answered ‘’ your Imam could not tolerate the birth of our Imam’’.al-Ghis al-Majsem Fi Sharh al-Ajm Lamie   volume one /page one hundred and sixty five).

2) Dividing mosques between Hanafian and Shafeian: there was struggle between Hanafian and Shafeian in Trabeles; therefore, they divided mosques between each other. Even some of their jurisprudents considered other religious groups the same as the habitats of Zame and they has disagreement about this fatwa (can Hanafi man marry Shafei woman? Because they said that this woman’s belief is not right and she is considered unbeliever. al-Feke al-Sami( volume two/ page thirty eight )

3) Burning mosques, malls and schools: Hanabian       fired Shafeian’s mosque and Khatbian cursed Hanabian and Shafeian’s their enemies over  the pulpits. Therefore, struggle was made between Hanafie and Shafei and they burned the schools and malls of each other. Mara al-Janan( volume three/ page three hundred and forty three).

4) Massacre between Hanafian and Shafeian in Isfahan:

Yaghut Hamvi says about Isfahan ‘’ there are a lot of ruins in this city because there were biases and riots between Hanafian and Shafeian. Majam al-Beldan ( volume one/ page two hundred and nine).        

5) Massacre between Hanafian and Shafeian in Rei: struggle was made between Hanafian and Shafeian and the victory was with Shafeian although the number of   forces was less in Shafeian, God helped them against Hanafian. Majam al-Beldan ( volume three/page one hundred and seven).

6) Excommunicating everyone that is not Hanbeli.

 En Hatam Hanbali says ‘’ a person that is not Hanbeli is not Muslim’’.

Tezkere al-Hefaz( volume three/ page three hundred and seventy five)

Tarikh al-Eslam (volume thirty three / page fifty eight)

Zehbi writes in the book ‘’ the history of Islam’’ in this regard ‘’ the story of Sheikh Aleslam Ansariwith him (En Hatam Hanbali) is famous and also his saying ‘’ a person that is not Hanbeli is not Muslim’’.          

Tarikh al-Eslam (volume twenty nine / page three hundred and four )

7) A person that is Hanbeli is unbeliever.                                    

Abu Bakr Maghari has excommunicated all of Habali people.Shezrat al-Zeheb (volume three/ page two hundred and fifty two).

Ali Ghari Hanafi says‘’ if a Hanafi person becomes Shafei, she or he should be whipped. This is common among Hanafi people. If a Shafei Person becomes Hanafi, she or he should be given garb’’.Ershad Al-Neghad SenaniVa al-Dinal-Khales (volume three/ page two hundred and fifty five).


Many other cases

The group answering doubts

First name and last name: Dash Ali                               date: 87/3/11

Thank you for your answer.

First name and last name: Shoreh Nabavi                     date: 87/4/1

I express you hello and courtesy.

I love you and I pray you a lot that you get better soon. Good bye. If she or he does research, woe upon us.

The meeting of knowing doubts in the theological school of Imam Jafar Sadegh (peace be upon him) in Zahedan 15 / 02 / 87


Professor Hosseini Ghazvini  

All of know that one of problems of the Shiite world is invasion that has been imposed on the luminous culture of the Shiite although this invasion is not a new matter and the luminous culture of the Shiite has been invaded during the history. These invasions have appeared with different forms in the society every day from the time of the leader of believers (peace be upon him) and after the prophet’s death (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) and especially after the beginning of Soghra Absence.

The books that have been written about invasion against the culture of the Shiite   during the history demonstrate the fact that the opponents of the prophet’s family (peace be upon them) and the culture of the Shiite suffered from the spread of the Shiite culture as time was elapsing and they applied all of their ability to eradicate the Shiite and to distort to the culture of the Shiite.

The first book that was written against the Shiite is ’al-Othmanie  ' ' by Mr. Jahez, died in 255 A.H...This book is available in libraries and it is available to anyone. He wrote this book and criticized the culture of the Shiite. Moreover, he acted impertinently toward the leader of believers (peace be upon him) and denied the courage of the leader of believers (peace be upon him).even some of the Sunni scientists recognized that it was not fair not to react against this invasion; therefore, they wrote some maters and published them in relation to rejecting this book. As far as I remember, Mr. Skafi, the great scientist of the Sunnite, was the first person who wrote about rejecting the book of Jahez. In his time, since there were a lot of objections about his book, he had to criticize his book and to write another book in the rejection of that book.

We had better no involve in fighting with this invasion. If we get involve in that, we should do it like gentlemen. In one of the poets’ interpretation:

I never recommend you to be a salamander or a butterfly, but if you want to burn, behave like gentlemen.   

After Jahez, the judge Abd Aljebar Motazeli (died in 415 A.H.), wrote a book with the title ‘’ al-Meghni Fi al-Emam’’ in twenty volumes. Nowadays, definitely the invaders of the Shiite (especially Wahhabism) are vassals of his income. Deceased Seyed Morteza Elm Alhoda (May God’s mercy be upon him) wrote a firm book ‘’al-Shafi Fi al-Emame‘’with the overwhelming answer’’.

 During these thousand years, some great people, such as: Sheikh Tusi (God’s mercy be upon him) and Alame Amini(God’s mercy be upon him), used Seyed Morteza’s book. In fact, one of the unknown books in theological schools is this book and it should be subsumed as the books of the theological schools. Although thousand years has passed from the time of his sayings, they are still new in defending the boundary of the guardianship.

After the judge, Abd Aljebar Motazeli, EBin Timie (died in 728 A.H.), was a person that invaded against the Shiite widely. He wrote a book with the title ‘’ ’ Menhaj al-Sene’’.Mostly, some of the radical Sunni scholars and all of Wahhabism scholars used this book as a strong document against the Shiite. At the present, this book has been surveyed and analyzed in the theological schools of Wahhabism in Arab and other countries and they are trying to publish EBin Timie’s thoughts widely.      

Deceased Alame Hali (May God’s mercy be upon him) (                  died in 728 A.H.), has written the book‘’ Menhaj al-Kerame ‘’to reject ‘’ Menhaj al-Sene ‘’.                          

After Deceased Alame Hali (May God’s mercy be upon him), Mr. Fazl Bin Ruz Bahan wrote a book in the name ‘’Ebtal al-Ebtal’’ in order to criticize Deceased Alame Hali’s books (May God’s mercy be upon him). Also, judge, Nurollah Shushteri, (may God’s peace be upon him) wrote a book in the name ‘ Ehghagh al-Hagh’’ that is a complete dictionary for defending the boundary of the prophet’s family (peace be upon them) and recently it has been published in thirty eight volumes.                

After Judge Nurollah Shushteri (may God’s peace be upon him), Mr Dehlavi wrote a book in the name ‘’al-Tahfe al-Esna Eshrie ‘’ and he included the matters that arerelated to EBin timie, Fazl Bin Ruz Bahan and Judge Abd Aljabar along with harsh remarks, abuse and insults in a scientific book that is against the Shiite. The leader of the Faithfull’s one of his friends, deceased Mir Hamed Hussein (may God’s mercy be upon him) wrote a book in the name ‘’ Abghat  '‘. Deceased Alame Amini (may God’s mercy be upon him) said ‘’ if                                the book ‘’Abghat  '‘had not been written, I would not have been able to write ‘’ الغدير’’. During the history, no book has been written as well as the book ‘ al-Ghadir’’ in this area or few books have been written.

After deceased Mir Hamed Hussein (may God’s mercy be upon him), many persons wrote books in this area and Deceased Alame Amini (may God’s mercy be upon him) has reacted to the prattlers’ nonsense against the Shiite in some of Alghadir magazines.

Nowadays, invading against the Shiite has a different way and it is different from the past invasions in quality and quantity. In the past, books were published in one thousand volumes and one thousand persons read it, but books are published in millions volumes nowadays. In 1385, in Khartoum (the capital city of Sudan), deceased Seyed Abol Hasan Esfahani’s grandson, Dr Musa Musafi, wrote a book about criticizing the Shiite and they published eight million volumes of this book and distributed them  in all of the Islamic countries. Do all of our publications include this number or not during a year?

I had gone to Mecca and a Farsi bulletin in eight pages was distributed in the Iranian tents from the government of Arab in 1385in Zelhajjeh eleventh or twelfth and I brought it with me Iran. The minister of Guidance of Arab had interviewed and said ‘’ in a month of Hajj, we distributed ten million newspapers, pamphlets and compact disk among the pilgrims of God’s house. Ninety percent of content of these pamphlets and compact disks was against the Shiite. The Shiite is polytheist, unbeliever, and innovator and …

In the Internet, as far as I know, forty thousand sites of Wahhabism make doubts all of time against the Shiite as Honor Ayatollah Sobhani has mentioned it in the introduction of the book ‘’the Shiite youth reaction ’’. Three months ago, a meeting was held from the minister of Guidance and I could collect data about the number of the Sunnite sites in Farsi, English, Arabic French, Germany languages and … and it was not more than five thousand sites. This corresponding is incorrect and invalid. If there is the motivation of defending from boundary of the prophet’s family, definitely ever thing will be right.    

Two months ago, we criticized about the meeting of Sahih Bokharai end that was held in Zahedan in the last year. They invited the head of Medina court here and he laughed at all of the Shiite people and declared that all of persons that resort to the prophet (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants), to the Imams (peace be upon them) and authorities are polytheists and the prophet (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) declared jihad with the polytheists in his time. He came here from Arab and said such remarks in the Islamic republic country of Iran. Apart from the Shiite, they criticized about millions the Sunni people that believed in resort. Now you see that Muhammad Bin Odris Shafei’s grave, Shafei‘s head, is a holy shrine for people. Abu Hanife’s grave in Baghdad, Ahmad Bin Hanbal’s grave in Baghdad, Malek Bin Anas’s grave in Medina (before it was dominated by Wahhabism, but afterwards, the Baghi cemetery was destroyed) used to be holy shrines. Ahmad Bin Hanbal says ‘’ I had problem, went to Abu Hanife’s grave, resorted to him and sought need from him. These stories are not related to only the Shiite world, but the Islamic world also considers resort legitimate (except few Wahhabi people) and introduces the ways of Wahhabism against the religion and the Quran.  

The Quran defines resort for people clearly and obviously:                      

وَ مَا أَرْسَلْنَا مِنْ رَسُولٍ إِلَّا لِيُطَاعَ بِإِذْنِ اللَّهِ وَ لَوْ أَنَّهُمْ إِذْ ظَلَمُوا أَنْفُسَهُمْ جَاءُوكَ فَاسْتَغْفَرُوا اللَّهَ وَ اسْتَغْفَرَ لَهُمُ الرَّسُولُ لَوَجَدُوا اللَّهَ تَوَّابًا رَحِيمًا[16]

‘’We sent not a messenger, but to be obeyed, in accordance with the will of Allah. If they had only, when they were unjust to themselves, come unto thee and asked Allah´s forgiveness, and the Messenger had asked forgiveness for them, they would have found Allah indeed Oft-returning, Most Merciful’’.                

Does the Shiite say something else? You see that all of the Sunni jurisconsults (Mr. Sarkhesi, the great jurisconsult of Hanafi in the book‘’Mabsut’ that is the religious, greatest and the most detailed of Hanafi), Mr EBin Abedin (one of the famous jurisconsults) in the book ‘’ al-Red al-Mokhtar ‘’, Mr. EBin Ghodame Maghdesi (  the great jurisconsult that is accepted in  Wahhabism  ) in the book ‘’  al-Maghni  ' ' have mentioned about the pilgrimage of the prophet ( peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) ‘’ one of pilgrimage manners is that human read this verse after saying hello to the prophet ( peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants). Then he or she  should say ‘’ I am sinner and I am seeking for God’s forgiveness ‘’ and… 


Does God not confirm this from Honor Yaghub’s children (peace be upon him)?       

قَالُوا يَا أَبَانَا اسْتَغْفِرْ لَنَا ذُنُوبَنَا إِنَّا كُنَّا خَاطِئِينَ[17]                                          

What is difference between Honor Yaghub’s children (peace be upon him) that say استغفر لنا or the Shiite people that say ‘’ يا رسول الله اشفع لنا        ‘’?

If resorting to anyone except God and considering an intermediate between us and God had been polytheism and blasphemy, why would Honor Yaghub’s children (peace be upon him) have not told his children when they blasphemed God, but he said to them ‘’سَوْفَ أَسْتَغْفِرُ لَكُمْ رَبِّي. ‘’.

 As a matter of fact, Denying Quran is denying the culture of the Quran and the culture of the companions that people were proud of and denying the culture of the prophet’s family that people benefited from.

They have brought this man from Medina here. It seems that there is no problem in the world of Islam except resort and I never saw even a person that criticized him in newspapers, magazines, sites and media.

They have put Mr. Bin Jebrin in their sites. He considers the Shiite people unbelievers with mentioning four certain reasons. He issued fatwa to the destruction of the imams holy shrine (peace be upon them). After destruction of the imams holy shrine (peace be upon them), he wrote the message of congratulation in his site.

We have no problem with the Sunni people. We address them our brothers and we have declared over and over again in programs, meetings and satellites ‘’at the present, impudence to the Sunnite is unforgivable and betray and we have no problem with them, but it is not tolerable for us to see people that sacrifice themselves for the sake of Wahhabism, beat their breast under the flag of Wahhabism and abuse the facilities of the Islamic republic holy system of Iran that has been obtained by the victims of thousands martyrs. After such remarks, about five hundred Sunni sites and weblogs stood against me and fourteen Shiite sites supported them. They were such active persons and we are sluggish.

At the present, Wahhabism is using all of its capacities and facilities against the Shiite In the International and has not stopped it. Twenty six Wahhabism satellites are working all time of day such as: Emirate, Arab, Egypt, London and America. One of the satellites that I was listening myself said ‘’ I am Shiite and I am proud of it, but believing in Imam Zaman (may God hasten his glad advent) is superstitious. See ! This is a new idea from the Shiite. One of their main plans is to deny the beliefs of the Shiite. They say the same remarks in Farsi that Wahhabism broadcasts in Arab. Hence, what is our duty against such heavy invasion?

Rank of great leadership bade special remarks in relation to any stage of history and expressed some good points and he used some interpretations (such as: cultural invasion, cultural bloodshed and …). In the last year, his interpretation was cultural NATO that was used by enemies. I do not know how we were able to accept the call of Zahra’s child (peace be onto her).

This responsibility is left to the theological schools, you and me in the first stage and we have honor to wear the soldier clothes of the twelfth Emam (ارواحنا لتراب مقدمه الفداه). If we neglect, we should know that we will be definitely summoned in the doomsday. At the present time, neglecting against the defense of the Prophet’s family (peace be upon them) is not a minor sin.

 I have said over and over again the sentence of ‘’"هل من ناصر ينصرني of the twelfth Emam (ارواحنا لتراب مقدمه الفداه) can be heard from walls and doors, but there are few ears to hear and to accept it. At the present time, defending the boundary of the guardianship is not like the past which we need a lot of cost. If we connect to the internet and make a weblog that is free, we can defend the boundary of the guardianship and we have no reasons to avoid doing it.                                                 

I said to one of staff that we were talking about invasion against the Shiite ‘’ we should have at least twenty million Shiite sites against forty thousand Wahhabi sites so that all of the Shiite sites can defend and react simultaneously if they invade against the Shiite as this verse of the Quran says ‘’  تُرْهِبُونَ بِهِ عَدُوَّ اللَّهِ وَعَدُوَّكُمْ’’[18].

In other words, we do not let them feel tranquility and have a safe place to work against the culture of the Shiite and present matters against the Shiite every day.          

I should say to you, dears and patrons, some points.

You have scattered in the front to defend from this invasion and you are more deserved and suitable to this defense than others. In Shahid Motahari martyr’s interpretation of his revolution book

‘because of  the greatness of this revolution and expansion that will happen for the culture of the Shiite in the short term, there will be a lot of doubts for the Shiite world. I recommend the clergymen to work twenty times more than the past and study a lot to answer the doubts’’.                                                  

 How and where did this dear martyr see the future? We can just say ‘’ المؤمن ينظر بنور الله ‘’. Now we can understand what the martyr said.        

He says obviously in the book ‘’ Imamate and leadership’’

‘’ we believe that unity is one of the Islamic essentials and is undeniable. But we believe that we do not want to ignore small and abominable praiseworthy for intensity.  In addition, we do not want to compromise small praiseworthy for unity. Harsh and grim matters are harmful for unity and the cause of discord and they provoke the emotions of the Sunnite people; otherwise, scientific discussions deal with sense not with logic’’.                                                                                   

His remarks should always be a pattern and be in our vision.         

Then he says

‘’ what we need in unity is not the party unity, but it is the  front unity because party unity needs the ideology unity. Two persons with different ideas cannot work in a party. But it is possible to form a line with different ideas and ideologies against enemies in a front’’.

At the present, in spite of their expansion and activity, they have concluded that the Shiite is to be expanded beyond the boundary. The Wahhabi and Sunnite youth have been fascinated in the culture of the Shiite unintentionally. The Shiite originates from the verses of the Quran and the prophet’s true tradition ( peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants). One of Wahhabi scientists says

’we (Wahhabism) have concluded and believed that all of the Sunni and Wahhabi persons will be fascinated in the Shiite that will follow twelve Imams in short term’’.

Dr Ghafari declares danger formally in the introduction of the book ‘’the principles of the Shiite religion’’ (pages nine and ten) and he says ‘’ the culture of the Shiite corrupts our young people’’. I know some tribes that have become Shiite. One of dears has come from Lebanon and narrated from Seyyed Hasan Nasrollah. He said ‘’after thirty-three day war of Israel against the God party, the  Sunnite, Wahhabi ,and Christian youths have become interested in the Shiite as much as we do not have persons that can teach  the elementary essentials and education to these persons that have just become Shiite’’.

One of our friends had gone to Mali country and he was there for two years.

He said in the meeting that we attended together ‘’when I was there for two years, we did nothing and just we  tried to let the youths get familiar with the culture of the Shiite clearly and during these two years, over three hundred thousand persons of the Mali Sunnite youths chose the religion of the Shiite.

Some people (whether in the country or out of the country) are in touch with us by means of telephone, internet or fax every week and they declare that they are Shiite.

We talked with one of instructors of Khorasan province about twenty minutes. After two months, He called and said ‘’the twenty- minute talk changed all of my thoughts. I decided to study more, but I found out that the house was destroyed basically .After a year, he came over our house and some Honors (Ayat Shobeiri Zanjani, Sobhani, Khezali and Moghtadai) were there as well and he declared that he was Shiite formally in the presence of them. He has one hundred fifty clergymen and invites them to the culture of the prophet’s family (peace be upon them) unnoticeably.

Of course, we do not want to make the Wahhabi and Sunnite persons Shiite. We are not happy that they are Shiite, but we are happy that we are introducing the realities that are related to the religion of the prophets’ family Internationally. We are happy that we have given an ultimatum to people. During the history, it was common that people changed their ideas from a religion to another religion (from Shafei to Hanafi; from Hanafi to Hanbeli; from Maleki to Shafeiand…).      

A point that I want to say to you is that the sentence of "هل من ناصر" of the twelfth Emam (ارواحنا لتراب مقدمه الفداه) can be heard and it is more in your province than other provinces at the present.  They expect you more than others. The first expectation from you is to get familiar with the culture of the Shiite and to defend from the boundary of the prophet’s family (peace be upon them). I believe that one of obligations (that is even more necessary than earning our living) for the theological schools is to form scientific and research discussion.

You should react to the Sunnite sites of your province that act impertinently toward the culture of the prophet’s family (peace be upon them) and the culture of the Shiite. We also promise that we will cooperate with you as much as possible.

At the present, the way that they are invading the culture of the Shiite in the different sites is not fair. We expected everything from the Sunnite brothers, but we did not expect such actions. Of course, these kinds of persons are few. In your province, Ninety five percent of the Sunnite people do not have any struggle and problem with the Shiite religion such as the Sunnite people of Kordestan province and ….they can also say their own beliefs and they are free to defend their own culture in the framework of Islamic republic constitution in their own provinces societies. But preaching the culture of the Sunnite is one affair and invading the culture of the Shiite is something else.

A lot of books are written in this province and even some of them are published illegally. In addition, some magazines (curse to their managers and groups thousand times) invade against the beliefs of the Shiite and the culture of the prophet’s family (peace be upon them).                                                                     

They denied the story of Ghadir Khom in a magazine of a province and introduced EBin Kasir Dameshghi Selfi Nasebi’s idea as a religious idea and said ‘’ the story of Ghadir is the same story of Yaman people’s complaint from Imam Ali (peace be upon him) and the prophet ( peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants)

Said in Ghadir Khom‘’ O’ people! Do not complain from Imam Ali (peace be upon him). He is a good person. "من كنت مولاه علي مولاه". When the prophet’s sayings were finished, he left there. It means that all of these events (the prophet (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) took allegiance from people for Imam Ali (peace be upon him) and the prophet said his sermon in the hot and burning weather) happened because the prophet (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) wanted to say ‘’ O’ people! Do not complain from Imam Ali (peace be upon him). He is a good person and whoever likes me does not complain from him’’.

It deserved that the theological school of Zahedan published a firm and overwhelming article at the same magazine in the next number and defamed people that have immersed in Wahhabism and introduced their culture as the culture of the Sunnite.

In the last year, when I was in the meeting of religions in this province, after the meeting, I had a meeting with Mr.…and I said ‘’I declare danger. Some of the Sunnite scientists had the Sunnite thoughts in the previous meetings in your province and we did not have any problems with them. But this year the same men that had a moderate method in the last years had the same ideas toward the Shiite and said ‘’why do the Shiite people say"يا علي" and"يا حسين". These are all polytheism’’. I was really surprised. It turned out that Wahhabism invested on clergymen that scientific information.

Zini Dehlan that is the Mufti of Mecca and the great personalities of Arab and died in 1304 has a book about the criticism of Wahhabism ideas and it obviously says‘’ when Muhammad Bin Abd Alvahab appeared in the Arab government, he said ‘’ all of the Muslims are unbeliever and polytheist.  Every one that wants to enter the religion of Wahhabism should attest to five things. 1) She or he should attest to the oneness of God and the prophet (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants)’’. They said ‘’ we are Muslims and pray’’. He said ‘’ you pray in polytheism. You went Hajj whereas you were polytheist. After you become Wahhabi, you should do the worship rituals from the beginning. Now that they have become Muslims, they should attest because they were polytheist and unbeliever before they entered the religion of Wahhabi and they have become Muslims after they have entered the religion of Wahhabi. They should attest that their parents passed away when they were polytheists and they are not allowed to seek forgiveness for them. They should attest that all of the scientists (before him) passed away when they were polytheists and they are not allowed to seek forgiveness for them[19].   

When Wahhabism wanted to seize Mecca, in 1218, they cut off ten thousand the Sunni scientists because they made accuses ‘’ the scientists are Sunnite and we cannot expand the culture of the Sunni’’.  They do not care about whether it is Sunni, Shiite and so forth. I want dear Sunni brothers be ashamed of themselves and understand what purposes the founders of Vahabbiat School follow. Hence, I want dears to form scientific groups and devout an hour of their time to the leader of the faithful every day even although they have a little time and money and swear him that you will spend an hour of twenty four hours for defending the boundary of  the prophet’s family ( peace be upon them).



You were supposed to have a debate meeting with Professor Abd Alhamid, but why was it not held?


Excellency Molavi Abd Alhamidin insulted to the name of Iran’s Radio and television organization, Mr. Dr Tijani as well as Mr. Dr Esam Alemad and we invited him to the debate according to many friends’ request, but he declared Mobahele. We said ‘’ the prophet (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) debated and when he reached a deadlock, he Mobahele . Therefore, at first, you can also debate and if we do not come to any results, we will have  Mobahele. The last answer that  he said was ‘’ we do have any security in the country and we cannot debate with you. If you would like to debate, we can bring some persons to debate with you’’. I said ‘’ this is the sign of your scientific weakness and whenever they declare for debate, we will be ready. Recently, Mr. Molavi Abd Almajid Morad Zehi declared that he was ready for debate and so did we and said ‘’ we are ready wherever it happens’’.

Of course, we had better consider it friendly talk rather than debate.


Why do Shiite people utter praise when it is said to utter praise to the prophet (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) and the prophet’s family (peace be upon them), but the Sunni people do not do such thing? 


There are a lot of narrations in Sahih Bokhari and Sahih Mosalam.

حدثني سعيد بن يحيى حدثنا أبي حدثنا مسعر عن الحكم عن ابن أبي ليلى عن كعب بن عجرة رضي الله عنه، قيل: يا رسول الله! اما السلام عليك فقد عرفناه، فكيف الصلاة؟ قال: قولوا اللهم صل على محمد و على آل محمد كما صليت على آل إبراهيم انك حميد مجيد، اللهم بارك على محمد وعلى آل محمد كما باركت على آل إبراهيم انك حميد مجيد[20]    

After this blessed verse was descended,

إِنَّ اللَّهَ وَ مَلَائِكَتَهُ يُصَلُّونَ عَلَى النَّبِيِّ يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آَمَنُوا صَلُّوا عَلَيْهِ وَ سَلِّمُوا تَسْلِيمًا

They came over the prophet (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) and asked him‘’ we do not know how to say hello to you, O’ God’s messenger and please say us how to utter praise?’’

The prophet (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) bade to say

اللهم صل على محمد وعلى آل محمد كما صليت على آل إبراهيم ...      

Even it is narrated that the prophet (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) prevented us from Betra prayer.

فإن ابن حجر يروي في الصواعق 144: أن النبي (صلى الله عليه و آله) قال: لا تصلوا علي الصلاة البتراء، فقالوا: و ما الصلاة البتراء؟ قال: تقولون: اللهم صل على محمد و تمسكون، بل قولوا: اللهم صل على على محمد و آل محمد[21]      

The prophet (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) bade ‘’ do not

Utter Betra prayer to me’’. They asked ‘’ what does it mean? He bade’’ do not say اللهم صل على محمد, but say ‘’ اللهم صل على محمد وعلى آل محمد.’’.

However, the Sunni people utter praise in contrast with the prophet’s tradition (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) in their Friday prayers, pulpits and speech and they use the sentence of Sahih Bokhari in their books   the narrations. Even they utter praise in contrast with what they say in Tashahod of prayer and just say ‘’ اللهم صل على محمد’’.


What do you think about the stand of the Shiite against the Sunnite when they invade against the ideas of the Sunnite?


Our problem is not with the Sunnite religion, but it is with the Wahhabism.

We have no complaints from the Sunni men and they do not invade against our beliefs. Our main problem is with the Sunni men that have fainted toward Wahhabism and they are promoting the culture of the Wahhabism by introducing themselves as Sunni.


Is it right that we do not react against the Wahhabism persons that have overreached in this province because of unity?


No. this is against Imam Khomeini’s idea (May he reside in God’s paradise) which bade

‘’Wahhabism is the promoter of Abusofyani and American Islam’’.

The great rank of leadership bade in the last year

‘’ In relation to Wahhabism, no one is allowed to stop any actions against Wahhabism. We should not stop any attempts in instructing doubts, answering and introducing them’’.

                                                                                                ««« و السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته »»»    

Dr Syyed Muhammad Husseini Ghazvini 












First name and family name: Min Karimi Pur        date: 90/1/21      23:49:00

Please up to date the matters of Zahedan.

The theological school of Zahedan is active, but you have forgotten that it is not bad that Mr. Ghazivni come and see our theological schools. In particular, the activities of the theological school have been so noticeable in years 89-90. Generally, behave us better than you are with creatures of the world.


First name and family name: Seyyed Ali Zaki    date: 90/2/18     23:49:00

Hi. The activities of Zahedan theological school have highly improved in this year. I would like you to take care of these activities more.








Interviewing with Ikna reporting in Sistan and Balujestan province

 Say hello to you. I have some questions; please answer them.

1) Introduce yourself completely:

I was born in Ghazvin and I have been in the theological school of Qom for forty years. I got the certificate of qualification for religious leadership and I have got a Ph .D degree (that has been confirmed by the council of Cultural Revolution, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and judiciary branch) from the managing centre of the Qom theological school. In addition, my thesis has been confirmed by Islamic sciences university of London and they will send the certificate in few next days. I have been teaching in the theological school for twenty years about the topics of men, beyond the symmetrical religious jurisprudence and answer to the newest doubts related to Wahhabism. I have written about twenty seven or twenty eight books and some of my books have been known as the best  books in the year, such as the book ‘’ Mosue al-Emam al-Javad’’

2) What has been your purpose for travelling Sistan and Balujestan Province? Is it for personal affairs or for business?

In fact, our purpose was to come here and some persons that work in cultural activities of the province wanted us to attend in the meetings of clergymen or cultural staff in order to answer and solve doubts or matters that are introduced here in spite of the fact that I feel pain in my heart and even different provinces (Kermanshah, Isfahan, Ahvaz, Shiraz, Khorasan and Ferdosi Mashhad University)    had invited me, but I cancelled all of them. However, Sistan and Balujestan province is strategic and some of Wahhabi people prance here and some of Shiite and Sunni scholars have been influenced by Wahhabism thoughts and they think that the Wahhabism thought is the same as the Islamic thought. Presenting reasons from the sources of the Sunnite, We proved that the Wahhabism thought was against the Islamic and Quran thought in the meeting that I was in the service of dear cultural staff and We have come here for this purpose.

3) Explain about the research areas and specialized topics that you had speech:

Mostly, we surveyed and answered about the invasions that were done against the culture of the Shiite and Islamic republic system in the International and we maneuvered on the motivation of these invasions and explained about the way of dealing with this cultural invasion. We were in the service of some elites in this province last night and we explained all of them in detail. Regarding the teacher week, we explained deceased martyr Motahari’s thought (may God’s mercy be upon him) that is related to dealing with cultural invasions. We also explained about this week (doctrinal and political week) for the scholars.     

4) How do you compare this province with other provinces with regard to religious beliefs?

We observe the routine situation for Sistan and Balujestan province the same as other provinces (such as: Hormozgan, Kordestan, Azarbayejane Gharbi and Khusestan) that Shiite and Sunni people live. Only difference can be observed wherever the Wahhabism dominates and works will create difference between the Shiite and the Sunni people or even among the Sunni people. We observe ninety five percent of Sistan and Baluchestan province in the path of Islamic revolution and support from the Islamic republic system and to tell clearly, five percent of Sistan and Baluchestan province have been deceived by Wahhabism. They are considered as a connection bridge between Arab and Wahhabism. They put Wahhabism books on the sites or they invite some excommunicated and radical Wahhabion for speech in this province and they laugh at four hundred million Shiite people’s beard and a milliard Muslims that consider resort and intercede legitimate and invade against them.

If their equipments be left out of the Islamic society or they be trained or they be ready for debate, we will be ready to go wherever they are (theological schools, university and Iran’s Radio and Television Organization ) and they can come with their reasons.  If their reasons be convincing, we will accept them gallantly and if we have convincing reasons that demonstrate that Wahhabism thought (they have got stuck in it) is against the Quran and the Islam and it is contrast with the righteous people’s the way of life, they should repent from their past actions and apologize from dear nation and they should also apologize formally from all of Iranian people especially families of martyrs and families of devotees about distributing the compact disc of martyr and hero Sadam. As long as they do not apologize, we will say such stories in all of sites, satellites and personal and public meetings.     

As Imam Khomeni (may God’s mercy be upon him) bade ‘’ Wahhabism is the promoter of American Islam and the great rank of leadership bade ‘’ we should not stop any try against the nature of Wahhabism’’.            

If everybody has little tendency to Wahhabism, we will consider this tendency toward America and the worldly hegemonism. 

5) Have you got any research that demonstrates the degree of religious beliefs in this province?

Some of our friends in the theological school of Qom came and stayed here for several months.  They did some surveys privately and wrote the result of their reports and they were in touch with different people (whether Shiite and Sunni), theological schools, political and cultural personalities. In addition, we had many travels to this province and took part in the meetings of religions every year. But I did not take part this year because I felt pain in my heart. I was in the meeting of religions in Cha Bahar in last year and we had a meeting after that. Excellency Mr. Molavi Ahmad Narui along with Excellency Molavi Abdolmajid Morad Zehi came over our resort and we solved some cases that we had disagreement and the meeting was useful. Moreover, some staff of great rank of leadership representative in this city attended in the meeting. The information staffs were informed of everything. Mr. Molavi Narui and Mr. Morad Zehi were satisfied with the meeting.

When we are in Qom, we are in touch with them by means of telephone even with Mr. Dehvari Molavi. Although he has Wahhabi and Selfi beliefs completely, he is a mild, sensible and sincere person and we are in touch with each other by means of telephone. Although I work in the theological school of Qom, I believe in his thoughts and ideas (in spite of his Wahhabi and Selfi beliefs) more than people that claim the Sunni and Shiite system and unity, but they are hypocritical, stab us in the back and promote the Wahhabi thinking.

6) What do you think of literacy, beliefs and bias of people in this province? In other words, how do you compare the literacy and the beliefs that are mostly religious matters in theological schools especially in the Sunni theological schools in this city?   

We had discussion with a lot of Molavi scientists face to face. Even some of their professors have written forty and fifty books. However, I understood that they did not have enough information in Fiqh Mogharen and they also do not have enough information in the belief system. Even I understood that their information about Sahih Bokhari and Sahih Mosalam was less than me as a Shiite clergy man. I feel sorry that the professor of theological school has read these books carefully and they have not surveyed and studied some Hadiths in these books enough. I communicated with some of Molavi clergymen and I think that they were not as knowledgeable as the Shiite clergymen. Of course, maybe, I could not discover and recognize their knowledge. Of course, ignorance cannot be related only to belief foundations, Shiite and Sunni, but our Shiite people also have not worked in this area. It is our cultural leaders’ problem which we could not promote the culture of the Shiite among youths and public. Of course, the Sunni scientists were not successful in this area and when we talked with most of them, we understood that they did not have enough information about the fountains of their thinking and beliefs.         

7) What do you think of the unity discussion between the Shiite and the Sunni scholara according to the certain features of this province?                           

In this province, ninety five percent of the Sunni people have common beliefs with the Islamic republic system and they fight against the worldly hegemonism and enemy with the Shiites in a line and we have no problem with them. We try to prevent some of the radical Shiites from insulting the holy things of the Sunnite. As I have said over and over again, insulting the holy things of the Sunnite is an unforgiveable sin. After the meeting of religions, we had a meeting in the governor’s office with Excellency Mr. Molavi Dehvari in last year. He asked my opinion in this case and I said ‘’ in my opinion, insulting the holy things of the Sunnite is betraying to the Shiite religion and it is an unforgiveable sin’’. He said to me‘’ do you dare to represent it on the Salam channel in the satellite’’. I said ‘’ I have represented this sentence at least twenty times in different channels and I will send you their compact disks. After the meeting, I came back Qom and I called with the person who was in charge of the Salam channel and I said to broad cast this sentence ‘’ insulting the holy things of the Sunnite is an unforgiveable sin’’ and the sentence ‘’ I apologize all of the Sunni people ahead, if I unintentionally say remarks that seem to insult you’’ be broadcast at the beginning of my program whenever my program is broadcast on the satellite.  

I recommend the radical Shiites no insult the holy things of the Sunnite. The Sunni people should prevent some radicals from insulting and acting impertinently toward the holy things of the Shiites and unintentionally representing remarks that provoke the feelings of the Shiites. We have no problem with the Sunni people and our main problem is with persons that are considered as a connective bridge among Arab, Wahhabism and themselves. These kinds of persons cannot be deserved for unity and they are trying to obtain benefits from Islamic republic government and Shiite people. Firstly, we advise them to join their nation and ninety five percent of the Sunni people; otherwise, we have to introduce and reveal their nature and whatever is hidden about them and the relationship that they have with counties that Wahhabi people live in, America, Israeli and the Alghaede party that are terrorists and they introduce Islam with grim appearance.                     

8) Are the Sunni scientists’ remarks and ideas (they talk about the Shiite religion, invade against their beliefs and create doubts) accepted by the Shiite scientists or specialists?

Some Sunni people reveal a series of realities. There are people to defend the culture of the Shiite obviously in Alazhar University of Egypt and in Arab. Eight religions were introduced as the religions of the world of the Islam in the global organization of jurisprudence that was held in last two years (five religions of the Sunnite: Maleki, Shafei, Hannifin, Hanbeli and Abazi religions and three religions of the Shiite: Shiite, Esmaeili and Zidi). Hence, if there is any criticism between the Shiite and the Sunni, it will be among the Sunni people as well. I think that the disagreement that there is among the religions of the Sunnite is more than between the Sunnite and the Shiite. It is said ‘’

 من لم يكن حنبليا، فليس بمسلم

‘’Everyone that is not Hanbeli is not Muslim’’.

Or ‘’every one that tries to create a book like the Quran is an unbeliever and a renegade’’. During the history, these made riot among the four religions of the Sunnite and also these made them invade each other, destroy the houses of each other and fire the malls. Similarly, such events happened in Gilan, Neishapur and …there were such struggles in different countries and they are not related only to the Shiite and the Sunnite. However, there were such struggles in the four religions of the Sunnite and we should pay attention that these differences can be solved by debate if they be scientific. If there is friendly talk among the religions, especially the Sunnite and the Shiite, we will be ready for any kind of discussion and debate and I have said it over and over again.                                    

9) What do you think of the Sunni group that preaches and how famous are they? How familiar are the researchers of the theological school and the religion with them and their activities and what solutions do they suggest for their inappropriate actions?                                                       

As far as I know about the group of preachers in different provinces, Khorasan Junubi Golestan, and some provinces in the north and the west of the country, they are preaching Wahhabism, for example: holding mourning meetings for Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) and funeral service for the dead are polytheism and these kinds of beliefs that Wahhabism has. These kinds of beliefs are not tolerable for us and we cannot tolerate them any longer more and the sources of authorities, the Islamic republic government of Iran and great rank of leadership (Khamenei, the leader of Iran) cannot tolerate too. If they continue to do them, the sources of authorities, the Islamic republic government of Iran and great rank of leadership (Khamenei, the leader of Iran) will definitely react harshly. Of course, invading against the holy things of the Shiite is not tolerable and we know completely about the way that they preach and preachers that they send to all over the word.

10) If you be invited formally from university or institutions, will you come for this semester or other semesters?

I cannot teach because I feel pain in my heart and heart. I was invited from other places, but I did not accept them. However, if there are any meetings in university or in cultural centers or meetings that are held to answer doubts, I will come by all means although I have some physical problems. But I cannot teach any university courses even in Qom.

I really appreciate for answering our questions carefully.      

««« و السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته »»»

Dr Syyed Muhammad Hosseini Ghazvini.


















First name and family name: Mahdi Z           date: 87/2/27

I would like to say hello and good job to all of the truthful people and the Shiite preachers. I would like to know what book the source (Everyone that is not Hanbeli is not Muslim) is.


EBin Hatam Hanbeli says ‘’ everyone that is not Hanbeli is not Muslim’’.

Tezkere al-hefaz (volume 3/ page 375)

The history of Islam (volume 33/page 58)

Zehbi writes about the book ‘’ the history of Islam’’ ‘’ the story of Sheikh al-Eslam Ansari with Ebvn Hatam Hanbeli and his saying (everyone that is not Hanbeli is not Muslim) are famous.

The history of Islam (volume 29/page 304)

Of course, there is contrast idea about this narration from the dignitaries of Hanife ‘’ all of Hanbali people are unbelievers’’.

Abu Bakr Maghari curses all of Hanbali people ( Shezrat al-Zehb( volume 3/page 252)

Mola Ali Ghari Hanafi says ‘’ it is common among Hanafi people which if a Hanafi person becomes Shafei, she or he should be beaten , but if a Shafei person becomes Hanafi , garb should be given him or her( Ershad al-neghad Sanaei and al-din al-Khelas( volume 3/ page 255).

First name and family name: Mehrdad          date: 87/3/9

بسم رب المهدي:

ا...هم عجل لوليک الفرج

I would like to say hello to all of honorable audience

توکلت علي ا...

I was so worried about Dr Ghazvini‘s disease. I hope that it is not a serious problem and I seek God to heal this Shiite great man. If I say how this site helped me, I should say it in a lot of lines. However, since I have no words to say it, I can say only in a sentence, you need to know that you and this site have kept my beliefs. I say without any exaggeration that we are ready to help in any ways with our few facilities and abilities.

ا...هم عجل لوليک الفرج

يا حق                                

















The visit with the elites of Sistan Va Balujestan

Professor Husseini Ghazvini

At the present, the issue that is discussed and is the officials’ worry is the controversy of cultural invasion.  Although the Shiite supporters were regularly invaded by enemy and dealt with them in past few years, writing precious books and taking part in the struggles and so forth, they have been able to keep the luminous culture of the Shiite and to leave it to us. Hence, it is our duty to take care of the luminous culture of the prophet’s family (peace be upon them) and transmit it to next generations.

The great rank of leadership (the current leader of Iran) represented the matter of cultural invasion in their delightful remarks and he admonished that we should not neglect and stop struggles against this cultural invasion. After a while, the word of cultural invasion changed into cultural nigh attack and then in cultural bloodshed and recently it is considered as cultural Natu (in the interpretation of the great rank of leadership)

This demonstrates that the farsighted and sagacious leader could understand the realities of this invasion completely and he used an appropriate word with regard to danger made by this invasion in each stage so that we can hear his proclamation with all of energy and riot as our duty.  

This invasion changed after the victory of Islamic revolution of Iran.  During fourteen centuries, especially after emergence of Wahhabism (after century eight) and in the highest point of Wahhabism promotion (after century 12), some introduced the Shiite religion as a religion that originated from Judaism and  polytheism and they also considered the philosophy of Shiite origin as fighting against the righteous Islam.  The Shiite officials could conquer powerful enemy that was always armed and in the support of the east and west countries and went back a long way 2500 years and they could  eradicate it forever with the victory of Islamic revolution of Iran and the participation of millions Shiites in responding to their leader’s proclamation and in the fight moments. The Shiite officials could set up the Islamic government with the culture of the Shiite and the prophet’s family (peace be upon them). As this system (the Islamic government) with the culture of the Shiite was establishing, it was flourishing and expanding all over the world. Hence, the Shiite officials changed the ways that are appropriate with the culture of the Shiite against invasion regarding the expansion of the Shiite culture in the International. In one of research centers in the theological school of Qom in the name ‘’ the centre of al-Abhas al-Eghaedie’’ decided to collect all of the books that were written against the Shiite during the history. Therefore, they suffered from a lot troubles and collected the books that were against the Shiite in the country and out of the country. Even they took picture of the books that did not have any copy in book shops and collected about five thousand books that were against the Shiite. Jaheze’s book (died in 255 AH) as the first book against the Shiite and the books of contemporary Wahhabism, especially Liderha and their ideologies (such as: Osman al-Khamis, Abd al-Rahman Dameshghie and Dr Ghafari and …) that at the present are dealing with defending Wahhabism and invading against the Shiite in the International were collected.

The person that was in charge of this institute said ‘’ we surveyed and understood that seventy or seventy five percent of these books was published after the Islamic revolution of Iran. In other words, some books were written against the Shiite during thirty years (2.5 times fourteen centuries).

 Refer to Wahhabism sites, especially the site ‘’ Fisel Nur’’ (FNOOR.COM) that is one of the most powerful sites of Wahhabism. We decided to download some books of this site, but it took four days to download this site because the speed of the internet was low in Iran. We informed that this site had twenty five thousand books and articles against the Shiite. Ninety nine percent of these books were left without any reactions. At the present, some books are written against the Shiite and are available in this site, but no reaction is given to these absurdities from theological schools and universities.                            

For example, at the present, one of books that Arab focuses on is the book ‘’Osul al-Mazhab al-Shiiteal-Esna Eshrie’’. It was written by Dr Abdollah Ghafari in three volumes and in fact, it was his thesis in the philosophy doctor degree and he got the highest mark and grade in Arab and was appreciated by Malek Fahd. During eight years, the book was reissued fifteen times and it has been considered as the book taught in the international university of Medina and it has been taught for the master of art students for three years.                                                                     

Honor Ayatollah Fazel Lankarani (may God’s mercy be upon him) bade in last two years when I met him ‘’ I studied this book and the beliefs of the Shiite have been invaded unfairly. Moreover, surprisingly, its writer was informed of the Shiite books very well and I have never seen such a book against the Shiite’’. I said to him ‘’ I believe that I have never seen such a detailed book against the Shiite during fourteen centuries and twenty years of my experience in answering the doubts of Wahhabism’’. He bade ‘’ this book has been published for eight years, but neither theological schools nor university have reacted to it so far’’. I talked with some of the scientists and made excuses that they were not able to react to this book because they were too busy. Honor Ayatollah Fazel Lankarani that was kind with me bade ‘’ for the sake of defending your great grandmother, Honor Fateme Zahra (peace be upon her), roll up your sleeves and answer it firmly with some friends that can cooperate with you. Of course, we tried to prepare two volumes of responding to this book  within two years and half a year with Honor Ayatollah Fazel Lankarani’s bless and other dear friends and if God wills, we will likely publish two volumes of that this summer.                                                                   

At the present, Wahhabism has introduced cultural invasion against the Shiite and has used all of their abilities and facilities in this way (whether satellite, Internet      or whatever and…). At the present, the universal hegemonism   is trying to make riot among the Islamic countries and burning the fire of riot against the Shiite and their attempt is to support group that is against the Shiite by all means.

Nowadays, mostly America is applying Dr Huntington’s malicious plans (one of theorists of the white palace) in the Middle East. Of course, in the recent years, different criticisms have been presented about his ideas in the Radio and Television Organization and his book in the name ‘’ the reaction of civilizations’’ has been translated in Persian. He says clearly ‘’what is important for America is cultural confrontation and confrontation with civilizations available in the International’’. The American governors think that they can achieve their purposes with military confrontations and dominate on the world, but they are wrong. The period of military confrontation and domination have been passed and the history has demonstrated that the current world is not the world of military confrontation.

If America wants to perform the liberal civilization of American International in the world, especially in the Middle East, there will not be any way out, but they will leave out the civilizations available in the International’’. Then he has surveyed each and every civilization and said‘’ these civilizations are not able to confront against the liberal culture of the west. We consider danger about the culture and the civilization of Islam. Hence, America should find a solution for that’’. He has also divided the Islamic civilization and has mentioned the Islamic civilization with the leadership of Pakistan and Arab and …he says ‘’ we can dominate on them with bribing and threat’’.      

’Only civilization that is a severe danger for America is the Islamic civilization by the leadership of Iran. We should use all of our abilities to eradicate in the International and reduce its influence and domination and if we can, we should leave out it in the International forever’’.                                                                    

One of other theorists declared formally

‘’ if we want leave out the Shiite civilization by the leadership of Iran in the International and make people pessimistic toward it, we can only support all groups that are against the Shiite and encourage them to introduce Shiite as culture against the Islam and the Quran. Moreover, they make youths pessimistic toward the culture of the Shiite and reduce the domination of spirituality and authority. We also apply illiterate clergymen and worldly eulogists in order to promote superstitious remarks among people and make youths pessimistic toward them in mourning ceremonies that the Shiite people hold for the prophet’ grandson ( peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) every year and they make them ready for self-sacrifice and martyrdom’’.                                                   

This is the policy of the universal hegemonism. At the present, only factor that is performing the ominous means and purposes of the universal hegemonism is Wahhabism in the Middle East.                                                                           

They issued fatwa formally that the Shiites were unbelievers and polytheists. However we cooperate with them is prohibited. Even the super committee of Arab issued fatwa that it was false to  تزويج و تزوّج                with the Shiite people and if a person marries a Shiite person without knowing this, he 0r she can separate from him or her and there is no need for divorce.

I had an expanded meeting with the great Mufti of Arab, Sheikh Abd al-Aaziz Bin Abdollah Al sheikh that was one of Muhammad Bin Abd Alvahab’s grandchildren in 1383. He gave us a book in the name ‘’ Fatavi al-Jene al-Daeme ‘’in twenty volumes. In volume eighteen (from page two hundred and fourteen to two hundred and ninety five) there are about forty استفتاء about whether it is allowed to marry Shiite or not? Whether it is allowed to eat the meat of killed sheep of the Shiite? and …they issued fatwa that marrying a Shiite person was false and the meat of killed sheep of the Shiite was prohibited and impure and …it is interesting that it was asked ( in volume eighteen/ page three hundred fourteen) ‘’ is it allowed to marry Yahud and Nesari?’’ they issued fatwa ‘’it is allowed to marry them’’. This is so painful! A Yahudi person said in the Quran

وَ قَالَتِ الْيَهُودُ عُزَيْرٌ ابْنُ اللَّهِ

‘’Azir is God’s son’’.

وَ قَالَتِ النَّصَارَى الْمَسِيحُ ابْنُ اللَّهِ[22]

Christian people say ‘’ Christ is God’s son’’.

يدعون عليا و الحسين و يتوسلون بأهل بيت و هذا شرك أكبر يخرجهم من الدين

Their Marriage is allowed, but it is prohibited for the Shiite people. Why have the Shiite people committed crimes?

 because the Shiite people say‘’ O’ Ali and O’ Hussein’’ and they resort to the Prophet’s family. This is the greatest polytheism and it makes them be dismissed from the religion.

Mr. Bin Jebrin, as the second personality after the great mufti of Arab, was asked ‘’ are we allowed to give alms to the poor Shiites or not?’’ he said ‘’you should know that thirty percent of Arab is Shiites and as it was said in Medina, Ghatif, Ahsa and … ‘’we consider a Shiite person an unbeliever for four reasons’’. In fact, giving alms to the poor Shiites is considered as fighting against Islam and promoting the religion. This is considered as Wahhabism thought to the Shiite.

Mr. Bin Jebrin said about the story of the thirty-three day war of God’s party with Israeil ‘’ it is prohibited to help or pray for the victory of the God’s party’’. It is interesting to know that one of the scientific personalities of Wahhabism, Sheikh Abd al-Rahman al-Braj, issued fatwa this statement(it is prohibited to help or pray for the victory of the God’s party). In last years, they issued fatwa about destroying the holy shrines of the Imams and said ‘’it is necessary to destroy the holy shrines of the Imams since they are the places of worshiping idols’’. The holy shrine of Askarin was destroyed because of Bin Jebrin’s fatwa. In the last year, after the minarets of the Askarin holy shrine and the holy cellar were destroyed, the malicious man (Bin Jebrin) congratulated this event in his site. Writing a letter, they encouraged thirty eight persons of their university teachers to launch a jihad against the Shiite and to destroy the holy places.

A statement was mentioned by Malek Abdollah, the king of Arab, in sites ‘’ we spent twenty milliard dollar in the eight-year war between Iran and Iraq and moreover, we spent forty milliard dollar so that Kuwait could get rid of Sadam’’. We are ready to spend two hundred and fifty milliard dollar in order to fight with the Shiite and to eradicate the Maleki government of Iraq. At the present, this news is available in sites and if you search, you will find it. We have also put it in our site. The activities of Wahhabism were mentioned in abroad and the activities of Wahhabisme in the country will be mentioned. The Wahhabi governors did not avoid any try to promote Wahhabism. When I was in Birjand last year, some of my friends said to me ‘’ some of the preachers come from the theological school of Zahedan and preach Wahhabism in Birjand as well as the towns and the villages around it every week’’. When I was in Golestan province, all of the clergymen said unanimously ‘’some of the preachers come here from Zahedan and preach the culture of Wahhabism in Gorgan, Gonbad, Agh Ghola and …’’.when I was in Rezvan city of Gilan province, it was too difficult for me to believe the preach of Wahhabism in those cities and I got really surprised by hearing it. I came over respectable Friday Imam and there were some radical clergy men there as well and they were saying ‘’ the preachers come from Zahedan regularly, bought stuffs from the shops and preached the culture of Wahhabism on the pretext of financial support’’. One of our friends said ‘’ in one of the villages in Khalkhal, they come and preach ‘’ what mourning for Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) is for? Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) was killed 1400 years ago and it is false to hold funeral ceremony when your relatives die’’. He added ‘’their preach caused that religious ceremonies were held in the villages of Khalkhal less than before’’.    

Before the Noruz Vacation of this year, we had a meeting with the scientists and the scholars of Azarbayejane Gharbi in Feizie School of Qom and they also said ‘’they come from Zahedan and preach thought of Wahhabism in Urumieh and Nagde and …every week’’. I cannot understand what kind of situation it is? Are we awake or asleep? What are we doing? These are alarm for us.

When we were in the meeting of Sahih Bokhari in your province (Zahedan), we heard from the persons in charge that the compact disks of Sadam Shahid and Bin Laden Ghahreman were distributed. This is dishonor and it is betrayal to martyrs’ families. How dishonorable they are! When the head of the Medina court was invited here, he stated in fifteen minutes ‘’ resorting to the prophet’s family (peace be upon them) is polytheism and the prophet (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) declared jihad in order to fight with the polytheists. According to the statement of the head of the Medina court, it seems that there is no problem in the world except resort to the prophet’s family (peace be upon them). What is its message? I did not see reaction against such nonsense remarks from the persons that were in charge of the cultural centre of the province and from the persons that were in charge of the cultural centre of the country and other dear friends. Books about Wahhabism that are put on the site of the Sunnite include the theses of Muhammad Bin Abd Alvahab, ibn Taymiyyah  and Bin Jebrin. In fact, these theses consider the Shiite people unbeliever and no one protests against them. Some books were put on the site before when we protested about them in the media and Salam channels of the satellite, they omitted some of them on the site. One of the great scientists bade ‘’ some of them have no fixed ideas and firm beliefs to fear and avoid committing sins, but they are afraid of their honor. Hence, if we transfer information and reveal realities to people, they will draw us back’’. I have used this policy a lot and we should try transfer information in a mild behavior and avoid grim and harsh behaviors because they overuse of pretending innocence by observing harsh behaviors from us. Hence, I want all of dear Shiites to behave logically if we want to introduce the culture of the Shiite or invade with people that are against the Shiite.

                                                                                                     قُولُوا لِلنَّاسِ حُسْنًا[23]

فَقُولَا لَهُ قَوْلًا لَيِّنًا[24]                                                                                                      

If we express our remarks harshly and insultingly, we will definitely have reverse effect. I have said this in different places ‘’ at the present, insulting the holy things of the Sunnite is an unforgiveable sin and insulting the Sunnite is the same as betraying the Shiite. They really would like that we express our remarks harshly, grimly and insultingly and then they use them against us. Whoever can behave mildly and bite back his anger should debate with them; otherwise, they will have disadvantages more than advantages for the culture of the Shiite. Even if they abuse us in controversies, we should ignore them for the sake of the leader of the faithful (Imam Ali) ;

إِذَا مَرُّوا بِاللَّغْوِ مَرُّوا كِرَامًا[25]

Regarding some of matters, Wahhabi supporters preach in Tehran apart from Zahedan. Mostafa Tabatabaei Nasebi and Khabis hold the meetings of the interpretation of the Quran and Friday prayer and … in Tehran. I beg all of dear Shiite friends to stand against this invasion and to react to the weak-minded matters that they say in sites and magazines against the Shiite with forming scientific groups. In addition, we summon all of university and theological school professors, hold criticism sessions and reveal their realities. If we do not stand against this minority that have been obedient of Wahhabism and make a fuss, we will be responsible against the Imams (peace be upon them), the twelfth Imam (ارواحنا لتراب مقدمه الفداه), Imam Khomeini (may God’s mercy be upon him), the great rank of leadership (Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the current leader of Iran) and martyrs.

Having twenty five years experiences and taking part in over three hundred debate and scientific sessions, I believe that we should work in three pivots; otherwise, there will be any advantages. When the Friday Imam and clergymen want to speech, if they should not consider these pivots, we will be way behind in the Shiite.

The first pivot: introducing the culture of the Shiite. As Imam Reza bade (peace be upon him)

فإن الناس لو علموا محاسن كلامنا لا تبعونا[26]                                                         

We should state firm and strong reasons related to the Quran and the narrations in order to prove the rightness of the Shiite and the innocence of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) for public (especially educated people) without prevarication and negligence.

The second pivot: we should answer doubts that they have about the beliefs of the Shiite well and clearly. For example, if I want to discuss about the reference of the guardianship verse to the guardianship of the leader of the faithful (peace be upon him), I should mention the Ghadir Hadith and answer firmly.       

The third pivot: it is the pivot of invasion. During fourteen centuries, one of our mistakes was that we were always in the trench of defense and we were not in the trench of invasion. Our main purpose was not to reveal wrongs that they had and to respond their criticisms. If you refer to all of the books that were written during the history, you will understand that they are answers, defenses and rejections to books that were criticized, but there is no book that has criticized other books. Even if there had been a book that had criticized other books, it would have been noticeable. In the third pivot, if they state ten doubts against the culture of the Shiite, we should say then thousand doubts against them. In fact, the culture of their religion can have a lot of doubts and we should answer these doubts nicely and clearly from their own sources. The youths should prevent them bravely and do not let them behave impertinently. We should promote ourselves scientifically and culturally and leave the political affairs to the politicians. 

At the present, the problem of Wahhabism is different from the hypocrites, Bahaeiat and Christian. Wahhabism leads the Shiite youth to the stage of انتحار. You cannot find in any religions which change the thought of a youth as much as the youth fastened a belt and vest and killed himself as well as several persons. Imam Khomeini (God’s mercy be upon him) bade in the statement that he stated for the martyrs of Mecca 

‘’ Wahhabism is the promoter of Abu Sufyani  and American Islam’’.    

The great rank of leadership (Syyed Ali Khamenei , the current leader of  Iran,) bade in his speech and  emphasized several times

‘’ we should not avoid any try in relation to Wahhabism , we should  introduce them to people and  state their  malicious culture to people’’.

Of course, at the present, I did not get surprised about the great rank of leadership’s interpretation (Syyed Ali Khamenei, the current leader of Iran,) regarding the cooperation of Iran with Arab and other countries. When he sees that no one shows reaction against Wahhabism, he has to act in this way and to endanger himself toward Wahhabism.

««« و السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته »»»

Dr Syyed Muhammad Hosseini Ghazvini.







The visit of some of the Sunni scientists of Afghanistan with Professor

Husseni Ghazvini in Qom



                     The meeting answering to the doubts of Wahhabism




The persons that attended in the meeting:

Mr. Esmaeili: in charge of the friendly club between Iran and Afghanistan;

Mr Hayat Ferghani: from the eastern provinces of Afghanistan; instructor and writer;

Dr Abd al-Hamid Hamas: from one of eastern south provinces and the member of the national powerful front of Afghanistan;

Mr. Molavi Seyed Naghibollah: the professor of the theological school and the member of the national powerful front of Afghanistan;

Mr. Professor Mohaghegh Fazl al-Rahman Mahmud: the member of the sciences academy of Afghanistan;

Mr. Molavi Seyed John Muhammad: the professor of the theological school, writer and the member of the national powerful front of Afghanistan;

Mr. Molavi Syed Najib al-Rahman: in charge of the Takbir library and the youth department of the national powerful group of Afghanestan;

Mr. Molavi Seyed Hafizollah: from Kabul.

Professor Husseini Ghazvini

At the present, the enemies of Islam have come to fight with all of their abilities and they are trying to make discord among the Islamic scientists, Shiite and Sunni supporters since they know that they cannot have any power in the Islamic countries with the existence of unity between the Sunni and Shiite supporters.

The enemies of the Islam do not care about whether they confront with the Sunnite or the Shiite, but at the present, Islam is the factor of threat for them and it can endanger their benefits. One of the conspicuous personalities of the white palace and the theorists, Dr Huntington, has introduced different plans in order to make discord between the Shiite and the Sunni supporters in the Middle East and he has suggested different solutions in the book ‘’ the Clash of the civilizations’’. It has been clearly stated in this book    

‘’ if America wants to succeed in relying on the military power, it will be impossible. The time of relying on spearheads, canon, tank, machine gun and bomb has been passed and at the present, America should deal with cultural invasion and civilization. If America wants to succeed in the Middle East, it should eradicate the civilizations one after another and no civilization can remain in the Middle East  except the liberal civilization of America’’.

He surveys the civilizations and he does not consider the Jewss, Christianity, Buda and Indi civilizations that can put up America and Islam is only culture that is dangerous for America and they should think deeply and invest in relation to this culture. Then he suggests some solutions to eradicate the Islamic culture from the society such as:  leading the youth to corruption, creating disagreement among the Muslims and among the religions of the Shiite and the Sunnite and other plans.    

It is said that America has appeared in the Middle East because it wants to follow Dr Huntington’s suggested plan.   

Dr Mikel, the previous assistant of the CIA Organization said about two years ago (it has also been said in the book ‘’a plan for the separation of God’s religions’’)

‘’one of problems of America in the Middle East is Islam’’.

If you pay attention to Iraq and Afghanistan countries, you will know that both the Sunni people and the Shiite people were killed with the same weapons and the bullets and they are no difference for the enemies. The explosions of Iran and Iraq have had the victims of both the Shiite and Sunni people. In our country, some of the Sunni scientists were killed in these explosions in Sistan Va Balujestan. Hence, we should be alert and careful enough not to perform the plan of the enemy in the Middle East intentionally and unintentionally. In martyr Motahari’s interpretation (may God’s mercy be upon him)

‘’Unity between the Shiite and Sunni nations is one of essentials in the Islam world’’.

People (whether Shiite or Sunni) that do some actions to disintegrate unity between the Shiite and Sunni nations have the worst betrayal for the Islam world.

I have said over and over again in the Salam Channel (I had this program for four years)

‘’ insulting to the Sunni nation is an unforgiveable sin’’.

Even I said this interpretation

‘’ I will apologize the Sunni nation ahead, if I utter remarks that seem to insult them unintentionally’’.

I said in the meeting that I had with Molavi Ahmad Narui (he is from Afghanistan originally and he the temporary Friday Imam of Zahedanm), Molavi Abd al-Majid Morad Zehi and some other scholars

‘’ I am not in the rank to denigrate, but have you ever heard my interpretation ‘’ insulting to the Sunni nation is an unforgiveable sin’’ (that was broadcast on the Salam Channel) in the Islamic republic Radio and Organization of Iran?’’

They said ‘’ no’’.                                                                              

I had a live program in the martyrdom days of Imam Bagher (peace be upon him) and Imam Sadegh (peace be upon him) in the channel three and I said this interpretation there. Even I recited a narration from Kafi and the narrator asks from Imam Sadegh (peace be upon him)

كيف ينبغي لنا أن نصنع فيما بيننا و بين قومنا و بين خلطائنا من الناس ممن ليسوا على أمرنا؟ قال: تنظرون إلى أئمتكم الذين تقتدون بهم، فتصنعون ما يصنعون، فوالله! إنهم ليعودون مرضاهم و يشهدون جنائزهم و يقيمون الشهادة لهم و عليهم و يؤدون الأمانة إليهم

‘’How should we behave with persons that are against the Sunnite? He bade ‘’ see how your leader and Imams behave with them and you behave as they behave with them. I swear God that they visit their sick people and take part in their funeral ceremonies and they attest in their advantage and disadvantage and give back what they give for safekeeping’’.

I was in holy Mashhad and when I entered the holy shrine of Imam Reza (peace be upon him), a man stopped me and said ‘’ why did you said such narration in the channel three?’’                                                                                           

I said ‘’ has there been any problem for you?’’                           

He said ‘’ you should not have said these narrations at the present’’. What should I have said? I should have told ‘’O’ people! Abuse and insult the Sunni nation’’. The Imams have been our pattern in the life. Give me an example that Imam Bagher (peace be upon him) or Imam Sadegh (peace be upon him) insulted to the Sunni nation and their holy things in the pulpits. You are usually in your houses and you do not have enough information about all over the world. But we are almost in touch with all over the world by means of the institute and the Internet and we travel different countries and the Shiite and Sunni people communicate with us. We should understand that your chances have been lost to hold meetings in Mashhad, Qom, and Tabriz and …and to say whatever you like the same last years. Even if you express sentences in these matters, when you talk on the phone in your house, they will be published in all over the world tomorrow. You should not do things that create any disagreement, discord and struggle in other countries. As you do not like that others insult to your holy thins and Imams, the Sunni people consider respect for their leaders and it will not tolerable for them, if a person acts impertinently toward them. If you have scientific reasons and remarks, please express them. The Sunni people also express scientific remarks and there is no limit in expressing scientific remarks because they deal with sense and logic not with feelings and emotions. One of our main duties, the Sunni and Shiite scholars, is stand against the extremists and this is only way out for us. If there are few Shiite and Sunni extremists or radicals, they will fire and make a fuss in the Islamic society. Even I invited Esfahani, a scientist that is famous in giving sermons, said to him

 ‘’don’t you think that this way of expressing ideas is in contrast with the logic of the Imams (peace be upon them)? Has Imam Sadegh (peace be upon him) stated your interpretations? Don’t you think that some of the  Shiite people will be accused and invaded in Iran, Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iraq because of your remarks?’’

Of course, he apologized and said                                                  

‘’I am regretful of my last remarks and if you hear my recent remarks, you will know that I have changed my thoughts’’.         

Even when I attended in the live program ‘’ recent nights’’ in the channel one about the topic of unity from point of view of the Quran and the tradition last nights, he called me and said

 ‘’I have a request from you: if you attend in television in the next session and find it a wise action, please say ‘’ one of our friends that was so harsh in his ideas has changed them after we advised him’’.

I said ‘’ it is my satisfaction to say that’’.

He said ‘’ even I have given sermons several sessions about unity and I have had speech against my last remarks’’.

I said ‘’send those records for me and if I find them good, I will send them to some of the satellite channels to broad cast them’’.

We should be dutiful against these kinds of events. I called Mr. Hashemi, in charge of the Nur Channel and the Sunnite in Iran, and said 

‘’The statement that Molavi Abd Alhamid had said ‘’the Sunni supporters were always looking for the satellite channel and we thank God which the Nur Channel would like to broadcast the ideas of the Sunnite.

I got happy and I decided to have my programs in your channel. But unfortunately, since your programs were broadcasted on European and Asian channels, your channel did not express the ideas of the Sunnite, but they have been expressing the thoughts of Wahhabism.

Mr. Hashemi said ‘’ Mr. Ghazvini! I did not expect you accuse us of supporting Wahhabism’’.

I said ‘’ your discussions are clear and obvious’’.

He said ‘’ give us an example’’.

I said ‘’ Mr. Khedmati, one of experts in your program’’ said few nights ago ‘’holding any celebrations in the birth day of the prophet is illegal and it is considered as an innovation and polytheism’’. Is this considered the idea of the Sunnite or the Wahhabism? At the present, in our country, even the Sunni people celebrate and express their joy more than the Shiite people   in the ceremonies of the birth of the prophet (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) in Sistan Va Balujestan Province and in Golestan, Khorasan and Kurdistan. Of course, we can see their celebrations in the different Sunni countries. The Sunni people hold celebration ceremonies for the birth day of the prophet more than the Shiite people. Is this not considered as an innovation and polytheism? What has made you give priority to the idea of the Wahhabism? Mr. Khedmati has said ‘’even if a person holds a birthday celebration for his or her child, it will be considered as an innovation’’. Where has he got such matters? Which one of the Sunni scientists has said such matters a part from the previous mufti of Saudi Arab, Mr. Bin Baz and Mr. Esimin? Has any told that holding a birthday celebration for children and a celebration for marriage anniversary are considered innovations from the first century of Islam until now?

 You brought Mr. Dorrani that had escaped from Iran and he abused others there. What is his meaning from telling these statements? He says ‘’ the holy shrine of Imam Reza is an idol temple and going there is the same as going to an idol temple. Is this not considered as insult and impudence? Do you dare to say that if a person goes to the holy shrine of Abu Hanife, Ahmad Bin Hanbel and Shafei, it will be the same as going to an idol temple?

He has said in a live program several nights ago ‘’ the autocracy of the primacy of the top spiritual leader has done …in Iran for thirty years’’. Are these interpretations correct?                                                                            

He said ‘’ we do not have such matters’’.                                       

I broadcasted the recorded video of these matters. We do not like that you spread the fire of disagreement and riot.

I had a program in the Salam Channel for four years. I understood that the head of the Salam Channel, Mr. Hedayati, does not respect the holy things of the Sunnite and acts impertinently toward them. I also believe that insulting the holy things of the Sunnite is an unforgiveable sin. I have never broadcasted this program for several months. If you insult to the holy things of the Sunnite, they will insult to the holy things of the Shiite. 

I said to Mr. Hashemi ‘’ if it is supposed not to prevent some crazy persons, such as Dorrani, the Salam Channel will bring some crazy persons; consequently, these crazy persons will run riot in the Islamic society’’.

We should be alert enough to prevent these extremists. If any extremes be done by the Shiite or Sunnite, it will be in the favor of our religion and world. If we do not like our religion and we want to have a flourishing world, these disagreements will run riot the world of the Shiite and the Sunnite. We thank God that all of the officials have tried to move toward unity and they have been able to prevent many extremists and radicals with the bliss of the martyrs’ blood and Imam Khomeini (may God’s mercy be upon him) during thirty years although they have not done well, we have done some minor mistakes and have committed some sins.                                   

One scientist in Qom has written a book and he has insulted the holy things of the Sunnite in the book. He was captured and defrocked and on the face of it, he is at the jail now. Of course, we had a lot of confrontations in such cases. Because one of the young clergymen had written a book and published it illegally, he was captured and defrocked and he was also prohibited from giving sermons. The Islamic republic system reacts harshly in these kinds of actions against the Sunnite. If you go to courts related to clergymen, you will understand that the judiciary branch of Iran reacts harshly to the radical scientists that behave against the Sunnite (whether in their sermons or books). However, unfortunately, because two radical clergy men of the Sunnite were arrested, all of radical clergy men of the Sunnite protested and they announced on the satellite that such and such clergy men were arrested. But the Sunni clergymen do not about the Shiite clergy men are arrested. The Islamic republic system behaves frankly in such cases. When Excellency Molavi Abd al-Hamid wrote a letter to the great rank of the leadership (Syyed Ali Khamenei, the current leader of Iran), he answered

‘’if any one insults to the Sunnite in this country, I will develop a conflict with him or her personally’’.

He bade in his speech in Kordestan

‘’insulting to the Sunnite is the red line of Islamic republic system of Iran’’.

The officials have stood against and reacted to the Shiite scientists or clergymen that insult to the Sunnite in such a strong way. Of course, we do not claim that definitely there are no wrongs and mistakes from both sides Shiite and the Sunni), but they can be ignored. However, if one of the Shiite or Sunni scientists or clergymen insult the holy things, God, the prophet (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants)        and Imam Zaman (عجل الله تعالي فرجه الشريف) will not be satisfied and it will not be beneficial for our religion, this world and doomsday. Hence, we should follow the message of the Quran 

وَ اعْتَصِمُوا بِحَبْلِ اللَّهِ جَمِيعًا وَ لَا تَفَرَّقُوا[27]

إِنَّمَا الْمُؤْمِنُونَ إِخْوَةٌ فَأَصْلِحُوا بَيْنَ أَخَوَيْكُمْ وَ اتَّقُوا اللَّهَ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُرْحَمُونَ[28]

In particular, we expect the Sunni honorable scientists are expected to react to the extremists among themselves.

I have relationship with the Sunni scientists in the country and they come to my house and they are served for dinner and lunch such as Mr. Molavi Morad Zehi, deceased Sheikh Ali Dehvari and others. Even I go to the Sunni scientists’ house and all of my family members have relationship with the family members of the scientists in Golestan. At the present, there are about thirty thousand book s in my library and about twelve thousand books are the Sunni ones.

We are trying to do whatever is good for the Islam world, but we do not avoid telling our realities. We express our reasons with the Shiite beliefs and trends and we request the Sunni scientists to express their remarks with reasons.

It is addressed in the Quran

فَبَشِّرْ عِبَادِ  /  الَّذِينَ يَسْتَمِعُونَ الْقَوْلَ فَيَتَّبِعُونَ أَحْسَنَهُ[29]

I have such an honor to have several debates on the satellite channels. Even I had a two-hour debate with Excellency Molavi Abd Almajid Morad Zehi. I had a debate with Mr. Molazade (that is an extremist and an abuser). I had a debate for three nights and expressed the beliefs of the Shiite in last year on the al-Masghale channel (dependant on Saudi Arab) with Hazrat Ayatollah al-Ozma Makarem Shirazi’s order and they expressed the beliefs of the Wahhabism. At the present, we have set up the channel of the satellite‘’ guardianship ‘’ with support of the grandees of the sources of the authorities and our programs will have been likely broadcasted within two years in the Middle East. From now on, we invite the scientists of the Sunnite to express their ideas in Persian once or twice a week and we are going to express our ideas and let other people hear them. I am in the charge of the satellite channel ‘’ guardianship TVC’’ and if the scientists of the Sunnite can support me, if they would like. When I had program on the Salam Channel, about twenty five million Sunni and Shiite viewers watched it and we followed the logic of the prophet’s family (peace be upon them) and We try not to have political controversies. The Sunni scientists can express their cultural and doctrinal discussions controversies with reasons and The Shiite scientists can express their remarks. Scientific remarks are not prohibited and they can also provide an appropriate ground for unity and understanding.


One of the Sunni scientists of Afghanistan

The meeting was so fruitful for us and we enjoyed your remarks. The Muslim nations are in poor situations because there is disagreement among them. Moreover, the enemies of the Islam try to make disagreement among Muslims because they are afraid of unity among the Muslims. Since there is unity in Iran, they are afraid of Iran. We should demonstrate ourselves in the world and achieve our goals with unity and the Islamic power.

One of other Sunni scientists of Afghanistan

I am in charge of the youth department and the Kabir library and I express salutation and friendly courtesy to the great rank of leadership, the Islamic republic system of Iran and the friendship club of Iran and Afghanistan as a representative from the Islamic powerful party              by the sagacious leadership of Ahmad Shah, the head of the ministers and the inner minister, professor Rabani, and the temporary leader of the temporary government of the crusaders.           

First of all, it is my pleasure and honor to have face-to-face communication with the great personalities and scientists of Iran. We are all brothers with each other and the Iranian people are like our brothers. All of the Muslims are brothers with each other and there is no boundary in the Islam, but the colonialists make discord among the Muslims.

Each nation has its own history and they are proud of it. Thus, next generations will study it and the history of each nation is common in its language and books. The hearts of people in each nation are dependent on its history. In this case, the Islamic nation is not like other nations since the history of this nation is great and valuable as much as no one has seen such a luminous history in the history of human so far. This history has some features that distinguish it from the history of other nations. Our history was accompanied with God’s prophets and at the present, the history of Iran is luminous and the manly fortitude and tolerance of the Islamic republic system of Iran against conspiracy of the worldly hegemonism of America is unique in the world. Moreover, the support of the Islamic republic system of Iran from the rights of innocent people of Felestin and collaboration and cooperation of Iran with the brave people of Afghanistan in the time of jihad are admirable. When we devote sometime of our life to others, as a matter of fact, we have increased our life span and we will be more hopeful in the life.

The real leaders of the Muslims had high spirit and will have high spirit. They revived to all of the theologies that were destroying, taught them to people and will continue their superb purpose. The thought that has no humanity will not remain and no living creature that lives like human accepts such belief without humanity. If a person does not believe this thought (the thought that has no humanity will not remain), she or he will not exist. Each thought that has remained has fascinated human. The thoughts that are not holy and have not been permanent have not guided human. We want the Muslims to fight with the evil conspiracies of Israeli that deal with making discord among the Islamic nation regarding the critical and dangerous situation of the world.

In the meantime, I appreciate Mr. Esmaeili, in charge of the friendship club of Iran and Afghanistan, that provided a chance for the Afghani and Iranian scientists to have a meeting and discuss about the Islamic and worldly unity. I want God to keep the relationship between the Islamic republic government of Iran and Afghanistan in order to have a firm relationship and brotherly interest between the Muslims of Iran and Afghanistan.                                              

The Islamic party of Afghanistan achieved to the following works during its activity:

1) The Takbir super school for male and female students;

2) The super educational institute in the majors: economy, journalism and business;

3) The research centre of the Islamic sciences and religions;

4) The printing office of justice;       

5) The youth department of the Islamic party;

6) The set up of Takbir the Islamic and religious sciences centre soon.

In the end, we express our love toward the Muslims of Iran.

Professor Husseini Ghazvini

My last remarks are that we were fighting with the royal regime in Iran while you were fighting with the Russian soldiers in Afghanistan and both of us provided victory simultaneously. The secret of our successes was two things and we thank God which these have survived our nation for thirty one years. One of them was leadership since one person talks in Iran and all of the authorities and scientists are obedient of the leader. When Imam Khomeini (God’s mercy be upon him) was alive, they obeyed him and at the present, they obey the great rank of leadership (Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the current leader of Iran). If the great rank of leadership (Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the current leader of Iran) expresses an idea, all of the scientists will agree with him and no scientist, whether Shiite or Sunni, will be against him. For example, in the Ramadan month, the great rank of leadership (Seyed Ali Khamenei) bade ‘’ today is Eid’’, but it was not proved for the sources of the authorities that it was Eid. However, none of the sources of the authorities prayed in order to respect the great rank of leadership’s idea. The sources of our authorities consider such respect for the leader. The sources of our authorities did not break their fast because it was not proved for them that that day was Eid. But they did not go to the mosque to say Eid prayers tomorrow because if one of the sources of the authorities had prayed in the mosque, it would have been considered degrading the leader and they did not pray. Even our Shiite people that were Follower of other sources of the authorities did not go to the mosque to say Eid prayers in the next day. Thus, the rank of leadership is so important for us. Although they have some different ideas about some cases, they follow and support their leader. This was one of secrets of our success, but there is not such thing in other countries. Our Sunni brothers should think about such matter deeply. In other words, they consider a person as leader and all of the scientists (whether Shiite or Sunni) follow him. The people will definitely follow the scientistsa.

Unity among Iranian people was the second secret of our success. All of the people (Shiite, Sunni or Christian) were and will be in a line in all of the demonstrations, in the time of the king, after the king and in the front and will be in a line. It was not in a way that the Shiite and Sunni people demonstrate separately. 

We would like that our brothers take care of these two points wherever they live in the world.                                                                                     

وَ لَا تَهِنُوا وَ لَا تَحْزَنُوا وَ أَنْتُمُ الْأَعْلَوْنَ إِنْ كُنْتُمْ مُؤْمِنِينَ[30]

If God wills, we hope that all of the riots be quelled in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Yaman, Saudi Arab. Enemy can appear anywhere. I really appreciate you again. If we be devout, lordship will be devoted to the  Muslims.

So lose not heart, nor fall into despair: For ye must gain mastery if ye are true in


                                                                                    و لا جعله الله آخر العهد منا لزيارتكم                                                                                                            

 ««« و السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته »»»

First name and family name

: Mansur Jafari            date: 89/1/10


Hi. Good Job. I hope you have a good year. In this debate, I informed that the guardianship channel is going to be on the satellite by the manager ‘’ Ayatollah Ghazvini’’ soon. It was the best gift that I received for the New Year and the best news that I read. God willing, the programs of this channel will be broadcasted soon and the light of the prophet’s family will remove the false lights in the satellite with the logic of the prophet’s family and the enemies of the prophet’s family go blind by seeing those programs one the satellite. 


First name and family name: Saeid Hosseini (Shah Esmaeile Safavi)    date: 89/2/4


I want one of the persons in the charge of this site to give me an example of the Sunni and Shiite people that had unity and brotherly relationship with each other during the history.

Such unity has not existed among the Shiite and Sunni people and if they had had such unity with each other, they should have had it in the favor of themselves.         

I should say that you can never find a real Sunni person.               

A real Sunni person succumbs against realities and tends to whatever is right about the Shiite religion as the great scientists of the Sunni with their pure nature have tended to whatever is right about the Shiite religion in dealing with realities

You should know that some people keep their relationships with others in the favor of themselves.                                                                                

O’ Ali.                                                                                             

First name and family name: Ali (Shah Esmaeile Safavi)    date: 89/2/16

Hi, Power to your elbow.

The Kosar Channel has good matters about the religion, but unfortunately, they are in Arab. The Salam channel is broadcasted on the satellite and on the face of it, the programs of the Velayat channel are produced for the satellite. Is n’t it better to set up some channels in the Persian Language in Iran in addition to the satellite channels? Thanks.

First name and family name: Mohammad Vali Izanlu   date: 89/2/30 10:50:58

I express hello to Hazrat Ayatollah Ghazvini Dam Zeleh and I also express hello and good job to his colleagues. I hope that God helps you to achieve to a lot of successes and God makes Wahhabism fall into their own evils. 

God willing, the Sunni brothers act according to this verse ‘’  عِبَادِ )    ..........فَبَشِّرْ

( الَّذِينَ يَسْتَمِعُونَ الْقَوْلَ فَيَتَّبِعُونَ أَحْسَنَهُ..............انشاالله

First name and family name: Abd al-Reza Najafi date: 89/2/30 13:13:16

Hi, power to your elbow.

I agree to Excellency Ali’s suggestion. I hope that such a channel can set up with the support of Iran’s Radio and Television Organization. Please put the exact and up-to-date information from the Velayat Channel in order to use them.

Curse the enemies of Imam Ali (peace be upon him) and Fateme Zahra (peace be upon her)


First name and family name: Muhammad Omidvari Abarqui date: 89/3/27


I wish all of dears had read all of the matters related to the articles once exactly before they expressed their ideas.

First name and family name: Yahya Anvari from Aghanistan date: 89/6/17


In my opinion, if all of the scientists in our religion (whether Shiite or Sunni) agree with your ideas, we will not have some events such as the event in Moharam of 1386. In other words, the Afghani children will not see the repetition of the Karbala event (a mosque be burned or the Quran be torn up or burned with the title of the Shiite Quran or the Iranian Quran.

First name and family name: Abbas   date: 89/6/18 11:26:04

Hi. I thank all of the staff in this site and Mr. Ghazvini in transferring information and defending from the boundary of the prophet’s family (peace be upon them). 

First name and family name: A.F   date: 89/7/19     00:10:45  

Hi, power to your elbow. I would like to know what your idea is about the channel of the prophet’s family (peace be upon them)? Are the predictions done about the time of the presence of Imam Zaman (My God hasten his glad advent) true? In addition, if Imam Zaman takes revenge of his mother, Hazrat Fateme (peace be upon her) in the time of his presence will it be insult to the Sunnite? Please put my question in the row of ideas list and answer it at the same row because most of them can not announce their email for some reasons. Thanks, A.F.


Dear friend:                

If a person behaves against the ideas of the sources of the authorities and has good features, his/her good features will be admired and his/her ideas against the sources of the authorities will be criticized.

The channel of the prophet’s family acts in this way (If a person behaves against the ideas of the sources of the authorities and has good features, his/her good features will be admired and his/her ideas against the sources of the authorities will be criticized) and you should ask the ideas of the sources of the authorities about that. It has been said in the Shiite books that Imam Zaman will defend the rights of the prophet’s family and will make the tyrants alive and torture them (  it does not matter who he be and everyone whose tyranny to the prophet’s family be proved is considered as a tyrant). After their tyrannies are proved, no one will defend them (even Sunnite).


First name and family name: Mehran   date: 89/8/13 12:28:25

I think that all of them are the Islamic fascism and I am ready to have debate with them.

First name and family name: Mehran   date: 89/9/15 11:45:15

Hi. I hate Wahhabism. When the people resorted to the prophet in the time of the prophet and they went to the grave of Ibrahim in Jordan (al-Khalil city), the prophet did not say that they were polytheism.

[1] - The history of Tabari( volume two/page 63)-al-Kamel Fi al-Tarikh (volume 2/page 63)-Albedaye and Alnahaye ( volume 3/page 53)-Kanz al-Emal( volume 13/page 133)

[2]- Mostadrek Hakem( volume 3/page125)-Majma al-Zavaed( volume 9/page 114)-Fath al-Bari( volume 7/page 13)-Sonan Kebri Nesaei(volume 5/page 18)-Majam Kebir Tirani ( volume 12/page 78)-Sonan Termezdi ( volume 5/page 305)-Mosnad Ahmad (volume 5/page 369)

[3]-Majam Rejal al-Hadith Khui ( volume 9/page 160)-Jame Ahadith al-Shiite ( volume 25/page 119)-Tafsir Nur al-Saghalein ( volume 4/page 189)

[4] -Tahzib al-Kamal Mezi ( volume 20/page 429)-Sir Alam al-Nablae ( volume 5/page 102 and volume 7/ page 281)- Tarikh al-Eslam Zehbi ( volume 7/page 427)-Tarikh Dameshgh( volume 41/page 481)

[5]-Tobe/ verse 32

[6] -Anfal Surah/ verse 60

[7]-al-Derer al-Kamene  ( volume one, page 147)

[8] -Al-Fetavi al-Hadithe ( page 86)

3-al-Badr al-Tale ( volume two/ page 260)    



[10] -Jiin Surah /verse 18

[11] -Nissa Surah/verse 150

[12] -Yusef Surah/verse 97

[13]- Yusef Surah/verse 98

5-Niisa Surah/ verse 64


[15] -Lahuf/page 71

[16] -Niisa Surah/verse 64

[17] -Yusef/verse97

[18] -Anfal/verse60

[19] -al-Drer al-senie( volume 1/46) page

[20] -Sahih Bokhari ( volume six/ page twenty seven)


[21] -Ahzab Surah/verse 56

[22] Tobe Surah/ verse 30                                                                                      

[23] Baghare Surah ( verse 83)

[24] Ta Surah ( verse 44)                         

[25]Ferghan ( verse 72)

[26]- Vasael al-Shiite ( Al al-Beit publication ( volume 27/page 92))

[27]- Ale Emran Surah /verse 103

[28]- Hojrat Surah / verse 10

[29] -Zomar Surah/ verses 17,18

[30] -Ale Emran/ verse 139

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