Sunday 16 February 2025

Servis: Part:
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1 The generosity of imam “Jawad” [a.s]
2 Two precious successors
3 Hadrat “Ali ibn abi Talib” [a.s] is imam of the faithful
4 Two valuable memories of messenger of Allah [PBUH]
5 Stars of the nation
6 If scholars didn’t betray, all people would become Shia!!
7 The extension of Shiism
8 “Bani Umayya”, the worst rulers
9 Aisha’s gratitude prostration after the martyrdom of commander of the faithful Ali [AS]
10 Sahaba need commander of the faithful Ali’s [AS] knowledge
11 The reward of making pilgrimage to “Abdul -Azim Hasani” [AS] in the saying of imam “Hadi” [AS]
12 “Muawiyah” is in a coffin in Hell
13 Enmity with god is enmity with commander of the faithful [AS]
14 The reward of making pilgrimage to hadrat “Ma’sumah” [AS] in the saying of Shia imams [AS]
15 “Ibn Taymiyah” tore Islam to pieces {Sunni resources}
16 The superiority of Hadrat “Mahdi” [A.S] over “Abu-Bakr” and ”Umar”
17 Hadrat “Mahdi” [A.S], the guide Imam
18 Denying “Mahdi” is denying God
19 The birth of Hadrat “Mahdi” [A.S] in Sunni books
20 The high position of Imam “Sajjad” [AS]
21 Imam “Kazim” [A.S] in the perspective of Sunni scholars
22 Imam “Baqir” [AS] from the perspective of Sunni {1}
23 Imam “Baqir” [AS] from the perspective of Sunni {2}
24 Imam “Baqir” [AS] from the perspective of Sunni {3}
25 Stars bumped into each other
26 Sky cried blood
27 Sky shed tear on the day of “Ashura”
28 Sky became red
29 The guide of nation
30 Imam “Baqir” [AS] from the perspective of Sunni {2}
31 Making Hadiths in religious issues and making virtue for “Abu-Bakr”, “Umar” and “Uthman”.
32 Turning the house of Hadrat “Khadijah” into W.C by Wahhabism.
33 The confession of Sunni scholars to the weakness of Sunni narratives {2}
34 The confession of Sunni scholars to the weakness of Sunni narratives {1}
35 Commander of the faithful Ali [AS] notifies of Imam “Husayn” [AS]’s martyrdom.
36 Who is the father of “Muawiyah bin Abu Sufyan”?!
37 Imam “Sadiq” [AS] in the perspective of Wahhabism
38 “Ibn Habban” and visiting the grave of Imam Reza so that his needs are fulfilled
39 The enmity of “ibn Taymiyyah” towards commander of the faithful Ali
40 “Abu-Bakr”: I’m not the best of you

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