“Yusuf bin sayed Hashim al-Rufa’i” writes:
رضيتم ولم تعارضوا هدم بيت السيدة خديجة الكبرى أم المؤمنين والحبيبة الأولى لرسول رب العالمين صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم المكان الذى هو مهبط الوحى الأول عليه من رب العزة والجلال , وسكتم على الهدم راضين أن يكون المكان بعد هدمه دورات مياه وبيوت خلاء , وميضآت. فأين الخوف من الله تعالى ؟ وأين الحياء من رسوله الكريم عليه الصلاه والسلام؟
You agreed with the destruction of the house of mother of the believers, lady “Khadija”, loyal companion of Prophet Muhammad [PBUH]. The place that Prophet [PBUH] was first revealed to. You remained silent when this place was being destroyed and agreed with them turning it into W.C. Where is your fear of god? Are not you ashamed of messenger of god [PBUH]?
“Nasiha li Ikhvanina Ulama’ Najd- p 59-60
We ask Wahhabism:
Why did you destroy Prophet [PBUH]’s house?
Why have you turned the house that according to the history 173 verses were revealed in there, into W.C?