Sheikh “Yusuf al-Dajwi” {Sunni prominent scholar}:
وانظر کتب المذاهب الاربعة (حتی مذهب الحنابلة) فی آداب الزیارته - صلی الله علیه وسلم - تجدهم قد استحبوا التوسل به إلی الله تعالی حتی جاء ابن تیمیة فخرق الاجماع وصادم المروز فی الفطر ، مخالفاً فی ذلک العقل والنقل.
In four sects’ books {even Hanbali denomination}, take a look at this chapter: mores of making pilgrimage to messenger of Allah [PBUH], you’ll see that all have said: resorting to him is “Mustahab” {recommended}, until “Ibn Taymiyah” came up and ripped Muslims community and hurt them. In this case, He opposed reason and narratives.
Maqalat wa Fatawa al-Sheikh Yusuf al-Dajwi – vol. 1, p 256