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Legend Shia Islamic orator Allama Talib Jauhari passes away
ID: 630 Publish Date: 22 June 2020 - 13:58 Count Views: 6391
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Legend Shia Islamic orator Allama Talib Jauhari passes away

Legend Shia Islamic orator Allama Talib Jauhari passes away in Karachi after illness.

The family confirmed the sad demise of the eminent octogenarian Shia Islamic scholar, orator, author, philosopher and intellectual.

Legend Shia Islamic orator Allama Talib Jauhari

Earlier, the family had shifted him to a private hospital for treatment. He suffered from diabetes and cardiac issues.

Finally, he welcomed the call from God to eternity at midnight between June 21 and 22.

Born in pre-partition India’s Bihar province in August 1938, Talib Johari brought up among a well-known family of his pious father Allama Muhammad Mustafa Johar.

Few people know this fact that Allama Talib Jauhari got his religious education in Najaf (Iraq). Hence, he was a qualified Shia Islamic scholar.

Najafi scholar

Allama Talib Jauhari studied Islamic theology in Najaf, under Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Abul Qasim al-Khoei. He also remained a pupil of Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Baqir al-Sadr who later embraced martyrdom.

Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Sistani was one of his seniors while Allama Zeeshan Haider Jawwadi was also one of his class fellows in Najaf.

Allama Talib Jauhari also ran a Shia Islamic seminary in North Nazimabad and taught as principal and teacher.

However, he always dressed like an ordinary Shia Islamic orator of the subcontinent due to which people view him as zakir or khateeb (orator).

During 1980s and 1990s, Pakistan Television (PTV) broadcast his lectures on Holy Quran and Islamic issues under the topic of Tafheem-e-Deen and Fahmul Quran.

Then, he succeeded Allama Naseer Ijtihadi as the main scholar of Ashura under the title of Khateeb-e-Shaam-e-Ghareeban.

Due to these programmes on PTV, the entire Pakistan began respecting him in high esteem and gradually he became their favourite Islamic scholar and orator.

Sunni and Shia Muslims respect him alike

Both Sunni and Shia Muslims respect him alike beyond the sectarian lines.

When he had addressed Moharram mourning congregations for Martyrs of Karbala at Hussainia Iranian Kharadar, even Iranians and Ismaili Bohra community’s people had come to listen to his speech.

Ayatollah Abul Fazl Bahaudddini, the representative of Wali-e-Faqeeh Grand Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei also attended his majalis in Karachi.

This much-acclaimed high-profile Shia Islamic scholar left this temporal world with the deep adoration for Quran and Ahle Bayt (AS).

Legend Shia Islamic orator Allama Talib Jauhari

While answering a question regarding his political affiliation, he had cited he had share that in a congregation at Nishtar Park that he never believed in switching to other parties.

He made historic disclosure that he belongs to Ghadeer-e-Khum party that showed he followed Prophet Hazrat Mohammad (PBUH) and his successor Amirul Maumineen Maula Ali (AS). Hence, he proudly shared he belongs to the party of Ghadeer-e-Khum, the venue of declaration of Wilayah of Maula Ali (AS).

Because, God’s last apostle and prophet Mohammad (PBUH) formally shared divine declaration Man Kunto Maulah Fa Ali-yun Maulah regarding Wilayah of Ali.

Nationwide mourning

Pakistani nation and specially Shia Islamic community mourns his passing away. They consider this a loss of Pakistan, Islamic world and humanity.

Shiite News Network requests readers to recite Surah Fateha and pray God rest in eternal peace with all blessings nearest to the Ahle Bayt (AS).

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