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The confession of Sunni scholars and “Ayesha” to “Ali” [AS]’s superiority
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The confession of Sunni scholars and “Ayesha” to “Ali” [AS]’s superiority

velayat tv - August 21, 2011



Date : August 21, 2011


Hello, dear viewers we’re at your service at this heart-rending night, the night of commander of faithful Ali [AS]’s martyrdom. We express our deepest condolence on this occasion.

Thank you for watching us, in tonight’s program, we are going to talk about Islam history and analyze incidents that happened in the beginning of Islam that most of them are the origins of Muslims’ beliefs. Most of issues that will be mentioned are from Sunni books. Our viewers are wise and conscience and can comprehend the truth.

We have no fear of scientific discussion but we avoid of insulting and disrespecting others. Tonight we are at master Qazvini’s service.

Ayatollah Qazvini:

I say hello to all dear viewers worldwide and wish them prosperity. I express my condolence on the occasion of heart-rending martyrdom of commander of faithful [AS].


Since tonight is the night of Ali [AS]’s martyrdom, I ask you talking about the virtues of Ali [AS] and its comprison to other companions.

Ayatollah Qazvini:

As for the virtues of commander of faithful [AS] and its comparison with others, it’s like compering sun with fine particle of dust and tiny stones on earth planet. 

“Ahmad bin Hanbal” the Imam of “Hanbalies” {one of the branches of Sunni} says:

الإمام أحمد يقول 

ما لأحد من الصحابة من 

الفضائل بالأسانيد الصحاح ما لعلي رضي الله عنه

“Ahmad bin Hanbal” says: as for compering the virtues of commander of faithful [AS] with others, there is no narrative with valid document about the virtues of companions {Sahaba}, but there are narratives with valid documents about “Ali” [AS]’s virtues.

Ibn “Juwzi”, virtues of Ahmad bin Hanbal, p 163/// “Ibn Abd al-Barr”, Al-estia’b- v3, p 51/// “Ibn Hajar”- Tahzib al-Tahzib, v7, p297/// “Hakim Neishapury”, Al-Mustadrak, v3, p 107

Or amongst sayings that “Abdullah” the son of “Ahmad bin Hanbal” quotes:

ما تقول في التفضيل ؟ ويهك ! علي من اهل البيت لايقاس بهم ،  علي مع رسول الله في درجة

I asked my father about “Safinah” Hadith. What’s your opinion about superiority? When we would count companions, would say: first: Abu-Bakr”, second: “Umar” and third: “Uthman”, what do you say: he said: shame on you, “Ali bin Abi-Talib” is amongst “Ahl al-Bayt” [AS]. He can’t be compared to “Abu-Bakr”,” Umar” and “Uthman”. “Ali bin Abi-Talib” is at the same level as prophet [PBUH].

Haskani, Shawahid al-Tanzil, p270

Mr.” Kharazmi” says in the book “Virtues”, p 18

عن ابن عباس ( رض ) قال : قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله : لو أن الغياض أقلام ، والبحر مداد ، والجن حساب ، والانس كتاب ما أحصوا فضائل علي بن أبي طالب عليه السلام

If all plants of the world and all jungles turn into pen and all seas turn into ink and all human and jinns become writer, they can’t write the virtues of “Ali bin Abi-Talib” [AS].

“Kharazmi”, virtues, v18/// “Juiny”, Tazkirah, p 8

Second caliph has been quoted:

عجزت النساء عن تلدن مثل علي بن ابي طالب

Women of the world can’t give birth to a child as “Ali bin Abi-Talib”.

There were some instances that we said and conclude that “Ali” [AS]’s virtues are neither comparable to others nor countable. Virtues that have been made for caliphs, all of them were faked during “Umayyad” caliphate, cursed branch in Quran, even narratives written in “Sahih Bukari” and “Sahih Muslim” books. “Bukhari” says: amongst six hundred thousand narratives I could select two thousand seven hundred Hadiths. 

Narratives about caliphs were made later on. If prophet [PBUH] had really said one of these narratives, thy {caliphs} would have relied on it in “Saqifah” {name of the event in which some group of Muslims swore allegiance with Abu-Bakr right after prophet’s demise} and “Abu-Bakr” and “Umar” would rely on them on the pulpit. How is it that we don’t have a valid-document narrative that they have talked about these narratives, so hadiths related to caliphs’ virtues are fake made during “Umayyad” caliphate.


Dear master! You have long record in searching about historical and Hadith books, what’s the most important narrative that you’ve seen about “Ali” [AS]’s virtues?

Ayatollah “Qazvini”:

It’s very difficult to pick a narrative because each Hadith has a secret. It’s like that we say: which star is better? But there is a narrative in the book “Mukhtasar Basaer al-Darajat” from Shiite resources written by “Hassan bin Salmein Helli”, p 135:

وقال رسول الله ( صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم ) : يا علي ! ما عرف الله - تعالى - إلاّ أنا وأنت ، وما عرفني إلاّ الله وأنت ، وما عرفك إلاّ الله وأنا

Prophet [PBUH] says: O “Ali”! no one could know god other than me and you, and no one could know me other than god and you, and no one could know you except me and god.

But amongst Sunni resources, the books “Al-Sunnah” written by “Umar bin Bani Asim” who just writes valid narratives, It’s written there that prophet said:

قال يا ابن أبي طالب قد برئت فلا بأس عليك ما سألت الله عز وجل شيأ إلا سألت لك مثله ولا سألت الله شيئا إلا أعطانيه إلا أنه قال لي لا نبي بعدك قال القاضي لا أعرف في فضيلة علي حديثا أفضل منه

Dear “Ali”, anything that I wanted for myself I wanted for you as well. It means that any position that god wants to destine for me, I asked god to destine it for you as well except that there is no prophet after me.

It means other than prophecy, commander of faithful [AS] is the same as prophet in all ranks and qualities. 

What interesting is that Mr.” Qadi Ayyad”, who is amongst jurisprudence pillars of Sunni, says: 

Related to the virtue of “Ali bin Abi-Talib”, I didn’t see any narrative higher than this one. 

“Ibn abi Asim”, al-Sunnah, p 582// “Tayrani”, Mu’jam al-Usat, v8, p 47

And another hadith that is well-known:

علي خير بشر فمن ابا فقد كفر

I would think that this is in the mouth of Shiites but after referring to Sunni resources I saw that it’s been quoted by different phrases; it’s even been quoted from “Ayesha” that: 

ذاك خير البشر لايشك فيه الا كافر

“Ali bin Abi-Talib” is the best of human and no one doubts it other than unbeliver.

“Muttaqi Hendi”, Kanz al-A’mal”, v11, p 625

“Ibn Marduyah” who is amongst Sunnis’ scientific pillars quotes from “Ata” with valid document:

سئلت عائشة عن علي قال ذلك من خير البرية ولا يشك فيه الا الكافر

“Ali bin Abi-Talib” is the best of human and no one doubts it unless infidel.

“Ibn Marduyyah”, virtues, p 110

And “Ibn Asakir” quotes this narrative from “Jabir” in the book “History of Damascus”, v42, p173:

علي خير البشر ، لا يشك فيه الا المنافق

“Ali bin Abi-Talib” is the best of human and no one doubts it unless infidel.

Mr.”Khatib Baghdai” says in his book “history of Baghdad”, v3, p193:

  عن عبد الله عن على قال قال رسول الله صلي الله عليه وآله من لم يقل على خير الناس فقد كفر

Prophet [PBUH] said: the one who doesn’t say that “Ali” [AS] is the best is infidel”


Is there any Hadith in Sunni books that anyone who has enmity towards Ali [AS] enmity is infidel?

Ayatollah “Qazvini”:

Of course this saying well-known, and it’s written in “Sahih Muslim”, Hadith No. 131, v 1, p 120, that commander of faithful [AS] said:

عن علي بن أبي طالب قال والذي فلق الحبة وبرأ النسمة انه لعهد النبي الأمي إلي أنه لا يحبني إلا مؤمن ولا يبغضني إلا منافق

Swear by the god who split grain and created human, prophet [PBUH] told me: O “Ali”! no one will like you other than me and no one will have enmity towards other than infidel.

Sahih Muslim, v1, p120

Holding grudge against commander of faithful [AS] was one of the signs of hypocrite at the time of prophet [PBUH].

Mr.”Ghertabi” is amongst Sunni elders, he says his book “Tafsir”, v1, p167:

روي عن جماعة من الصحابة أنهم قالوا : ما كنا نعرف المنافقين على عهد رسول الله صلي الله عليه وآله إلا ببغضهم لعلي عليه السلام 

A group of companions have been quoted: at the time of prophet [PBUH], in order to know if that person is infidel, we’d talk to them, if we’d see that he’s enmity towards “Ali” [AS], we’d find out that he’s infidel.

Holding grudge against commander of faithful [AS] was one of the signs of hypocrite at the time of prophet [PBUH].



Is there any narrative in Sunni books showing that liking “Ali bin Abi-Talib” is the sign of being legitimate child?

These are questions that youths are asked.

Ayatollah “Qazvini”:

Yes it is. “Abu Sa’id al-Khudry” has been quoted:

عن أبي سعيد الخدري : ( كنا معاشر الأنصار نبور أولادنا بحبهم عليا عليه السلام ، فإذا ولد فينا مولود فلم يحبه عرفنا أنه ليس منا

We group of “Ansar” would test our children by love of commander of faithful [AS], after growing up, we’d ask them: do you like this man {commander of faithful}? If he’d say no I don’t like him, we’d have realized that he’s not from our generation and is illegitimate child.

“Ganji”, Kefaya al-Talib, p 70

It’s even written in word books such as: “Nahayah” from “Ibn Athir Jazary”, Lesan al-Arab” from “ibn Manzur”, v4, p 88, “Taj al-Arous” from “Zobeidy”, v3, p:

كنا معاشر الأنصار نبور أولادنا بحبهم عليا عليه السلام

Love towards commander of faithful [AS] has been the sign of being legitimate child and disliking him has been the sign of being illegitimate child. This is what’s written in lexicon as well.

Mr.” Mardouyah” quotes from “Abdullah bin Ahmad” with valid document:

ابن مردويه ، عن أحمد بن محمّد بن الصباح النيسابوري ، عن عبد الله بن أحمد بن حنبل ، عن أحمد ، قال : سمعت الشافعي يقول : سمعت مالك بن أنس يقول : قال أنس بن مالك : ما كنّا نعرف الرجل لغير أبيه إلاّ ببغض عليّ ابن أبي طالب

I heard from “Shafi’i” who said that “Malik bin Anas” the servant of prophet [PBUH] said: to find out that if our child is legitimate we’d test him if he likes “Ali bin Abi-Talib” or not. If he’d like him, we would have realized that this child is legitimate.

“Ibn Marduyah” virtues, p 76


Is there any narrative in Sunni books saying that the condition of entering paradise is having the guardianship of “Ali” [AS]?

Ayatollah “Qazvini”:

It’s written in different books. Mr.” Kharazmi” has quoted in his book “Virtues”, I said this narrative in my debate on “Al-Mustaqillah” channel; but they could find fault with it:

عن علي بن أبي طالب عليه السلام ، عن النبي صلى الله عليه وآله أنه قال لعلي :يا علي لو أن عبدا " عبد الله عز وجل مثل ما قام نوح في قومه وكان له مثل أحد ذهبا " فأنفقه في سبيل الله ومد في عمره حتى حج الف عام على قدميه ثم قتل بين الصفا والمروة مظلوما " ثم لم يوالك يا علي لم يشم رائحة الجنة ولم يدخلها

Prophet [PBUH] said to “Ali bin Abi Talib” [AS]: O “Ali”! if someone worships as much as the life of “Noah” and have gold as much as mount “Uhud” and  distributes it in charity in god’s path, and god gives him long life so that he can pilgrimage god’s house {Kaaba} one thousand times and one thousand years and gets martyred between “Al-Safa” and “Al-Marwa” {two small hills in the Masid al-Haram in Mecca Saudi Arbia between which Muslims travel back and forth seven times during the ritual pilgrimage of Hajj an Umrah} but he dislikes you, he’ll neither smell the scent of paradise nor can he enter paradise. 

“Kharazmi”, Virtues, v2, p67/// “Ghandouzi Hanafi”, Yanayi’i al-Mawadah, v2, p293

This person with such good deeds, if he doesn’t like you, he’ll end up to the hell. We don’t quote this narrative but it’s written in your own books.{Sunni book}

“Ibn Asakir” writes such thing in the book “Damascus history” with little bit change compare to above narrative:

قال رسول الله صلي الله عليه وآله إن الله خلق الأنبياء من أشجار شتى وخلقني وعليا من شجرة واحدة فأنا أصلها وعلي فرعها والحسن والحسين ثمارها وأشياعنا أوراقها فمن تعلق بغصن من أغصانها نجا ومن زاغ هوى ولو أن عبدا عبد الله عز وجل بين الصفا والمروة ألف عام ثم ألف عام ثم ألف عام ولم يدرك محبتنا إلا كبه الله عز وجل على منخريه في النار ح ثم تلا ) قل لا أسألكم عليه أجرا إلا المودة في القربى

If someone worships one thousand years and pilgrimages “Kaaba” one thousand years but if he doesn’t like us “Ahl al-Bayt”, god will put him in hell. then prophet recites this verse: say “I demand of you no wage except the love of the {prophet’s} relatives. {Ahl al-Bayt}

“Ibn Asakir”, Damascene History, v41, p335/// “Haskani”, Shawahid al-Tanzil, v2, p204// “Kharazmi”, al-Manaqib, P87

Prophet says:

عن علي عليه السلام ، قال : قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم إذا جمع الله الأولين والآخرين يوم القيامة ونصب الصراط على جسر جهنم لم يجز بها أحد إلا من كانت معه براءة بولاية علي بن أبي طالب عليه السلام

On the day of resurrection all people will get together and a bridge is made on the Hell, no one can pass through this bridge unless the one who has believes in “Ali”[AS]’s guardianship.

“Juvayni”- Faraed Al-Sematin”, v1, p289


Dear master! Tonight is the night of “Ali” [AS]’s martyrdom, I want to know if prophet [PBUH] has notified of this fact that “Ali” [AS] will be oppressed or not?

Ayatollah “Qazvini”:

That’s nice question. There’s a narrative in the books “Mu’jam al-Kabir” and “Majma’ al-Zawaed” that commander of the faithful [AS] says:

وعن علي ابن أبي طالب قال بينا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم آخذ بيدي ونحن نمشي في بعض سكك المدينة إذ اتينا على حديقة فقلت يا رسول الله ما أحسنها من حديقة فقال إن لك في الجنة أحسن منها ثم مررنا بأخرى فقلت يا رسول الله ما أحسنها من حديقة قال لك في الجنة أحسن منها حتى مررنا بسبع حدائق كل ذلك أقول ما أحسنها ويقول لك في الجنة أحسن منها فلما خلالي الطريق اعتنقني ثم أجهش باكيا قلت يا رسول الله ما يبكيك قال ضغائن في صدور أقوام لا يبدونها لك الا من بعدي قال قلت يا رسول الله في سلامة من ديني قال في سلامة من دينك

prophet [PBUH] and I were in a garden out of “Median”. Prophet took a look at me and shed tear. I said: O prophet! Why are you crying? He said: I see grudges in the heart of people who can’t show their grudges at this time but they will express their grudges after me. I said: will I keep my religion at that time that grudges are flamed against me? He answered: yes, you will.

Tayrani, Mu’jam al-Kabir, v11, p 60/// Heithami, Majma’ al-Zawaed, v9, p 118

It means these grudges can’t cause that I go out of direct path. 

“Hakim Neishapuri” quotes a narrative in the book “al-Mustadrak”, v3, p140:

هذا حديث صحيح الاسناد, عن علي . قال : مما عهد إلي النبي صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم : أن الأمة ستغدر بك من بعدي

One of the wills of prophet [PBUH] to me was that after me my nation will oppress you and hold grudge against you.

Hakim Neishapuri, al-Mustadrak, v3, p140

And many other narratives that these two narratives seem to be enough.


Has commander of faithful [AS] said anything about being oppressed? 

Ayatollah “Qazvini”:

Commander of faithful [AS] has different sayings in this regard. After the martyrdom of Hadrat “Fatimah” [AS], he says:

اللهم إني أستعديك على قريش ، فإنهم أضمروا لرسولك صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم ضروباً من الشر والغدر فعجزوا عنها وحلت بينهم وبينها ، فكانت الوجبة بي ، والدائرة علي . اللهم احفظ حسناً وحسيناً ...

God, assist me against “Quraysh” tribe. They conspired against prophet and wanted to kill him. But they failed to actualize their plans against prophet [PBUH]. God you hindered between “Quraysh” and their plots. After prophet [PBUH] they revenged from me and beat my wife up in front of me and eventually they martyred my wife who was 18 and martyred my son “Muhsen”. Then “Ali” [AS] raises his hands and says: god, protect my “Hassan” and “Hussein” against “Quraysh”.

“Ibn Hazm”, Al-Mahali, v11, p224

قد روى أخبارا فيها ان أبا بكر وعمر وعثمان وطلحة وسعد بن أبى وقاص رضى الله عنهم أرادوا قتل النبي ( ص ) وإلقاءه من العقبة في تبوك

“Quraysh” had 21 years all-out-war against your prophet. When prophet was getting back from battle of “Tabouk”, they wanted to assassinate him and make his camel to fall of the col.

Ibn Hazm”- al-Mahali- v9, p224

“Ibn Taifour” who is amongst well-known Sunni scholars, says:

وما الذي نقموا من أبي الحسن نقموا والله منه نكير سيفه وشدة وطأته ونكال وقعته وتنمره في ذات الله ...

Hadrat “Fatimah” came to the mosque and said: why are they getting revenge from “Ali bin Abi-Talib” [AS]? What wrong has “Ali” done? Has he done anything other than obeying god and prophet [PBUH].

“Ibn Tayfur”, Balaghat al-Nisa’- p20

Commander of faithful [AS] says:

ما لي ولقريش إنما وترتهم بأمر الله وأمر رسوله ، أفهذا جزاء من أطاع الله ورسوله إن كانوا مسلمين عجباً ....

What does “Qurash” tribe want from me? If I perished their leaders, I did it because I was ordered by prophet [PBUH], O people! is the award of the one who obeys god and prophet [PBUH] what they’re doing?

Description of Nahj al-Balagha- v20, p328

“Abu-Na’im Isfahani” quotes from “Utman”:

  فما ذنبي والله ما تحبكم قريش أبدا بعد سبعين رجلا قتلتم منهم يوم بدر كأنهم شنوف الذهب .

It’s not my fault that “Quraysh” people don’t like you, you are the one killed 70 men of “Quraysh” tribe in the battle of “Badr”, How you expect them to be kind towards you?

Abu Na’im Isfahani”- Ma’rifa al-Sahaba

Or another saying from commander of faithful [AS] about being oppressed, he says:

Since prophet [PBUH] is dead, I’ve been oppressed.

Description of Nahj al-Balaghah- v20, p283

Or Hadrat “Ali” [AS] says to Imam “Hassan” [AS]:

Swear by god, my son, since prophet is dead, I’ve been oppressed.

“Dinwari”- Imamate and policy- v1, p68

“Ibn abi al-Hadid” says:

بينا علي عليه السلام يخطب إذ قام أعرابي ، فصاح : وا مظلمتاه ! فاستدناه علي عليه السلام ، فلما دنا قال له : إنما لك مظلمة واحدة ، وأنا قد ظلمت عدد المدر والوبر . قال : وفي رواية عباد بن يعقوب ، أنه دعاه فقال له : ويحك ! وأنا والله مظلوم أيضا ، هات فلندع على من ظلمنا

Commander of the faithful [AS] was speechifying, an Arabian guy came in, “O people I was oppressed, help me” he shouted in the mosque. Commander of faithful [AS] told him: come closer, you were oppressed, while I was oppressed as much as the number of people on the earth. Swear to god I’m oppressed too. Come close to curse those who oppressed us.

Description of Nahj al-Balaghah- v4, p106

فصبرت وفي العين قذى . وفي الحلق شجا

I waited while I had thistle in my eye and bone in throat.{allusion to suffering a lot}.

Nahj al-Balaghah- third sermon 


Dear master, in your opinion what was the utmost oppression that commander of the faithful faced?

Ayatollah “Qazvini”:

There are many things to say about the utmost oppression that “Ali” [AS] faced, but in one word, friends, dears, Sunni brothers and Wahhabis! the utmost oppression that commander of faithful [AS] faced wasn’t being away of caliphate for 25 years or that his wife was beaten up before his eyes and {they} martyred his son “Muhsen” and dragged him to the mosque tied-handed or plots that were made against him after becoming caliph or that he was hit on the head by sword at the 19th night of month of “Ramadan”, the utmost oppression that he faced wasn’t that his body was buried at the 21th night of month of “Ramadan” by four guys. The utmost oppression is that people didn’t know commander of faithful [AS], or even now after 1400 years people don’t know him. And the best book about “Ali” [AS] is written by George Jordac, Christian author.

They keep saying on their satellite networks that if “Ali bin Abi-Talib” [AS] is the caliph after prophet so why prophet [PBUH] didn’t say anything about it. I want you to pay attention to find out that how prophet [PBUH] has talked about “Ali” [AS], hope that you can understand what prophet [PBUH] meant, in the battle of “Tabouk” prophet [PBUH] said “Manzilat”{position} hadith, who has he said this sentence about?:

 حدثنا مُسَدَّدٌ حدثنا يحيى عن شُعْبَةَ عن الْحَكَمِ عن مُصْعَبِ بن سَعْدٍ عن أبيه أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم خَرَجَ إلى تَبُوكَ وَاسْتَخْلَفَ عَلِيًّا فقال أَتُخَلِّفُنِي في الصِّبْيَانِ وَالنِّسَاءِ قال ألا تَرْضَى أَنْ تَكُونَ مِنِّي بِمَنْزِلَةِ هَارُونَ من مُوسَى إلا أَنَّهُ ليس نَبِيٌّ بَعْدِي

1: To me your position is the same as the position of “Aaron” to “Moses”, unless there is no prophet after me.{it means that after me “Ali bin Abi-Talib [AS] will have the same stable caliphate that Quran had cited for “Aaron”}

Sahih Bukhari, v5, p4416

2: Or this narrative:

لاينبغي ان اذهب وأنت خليفتي في كل مؤمن من بعدي

I’ll leave; but after me you’re the caliph of all believers.

Mr.”Albani” says that this narrative is valid.

“Ibn abi Asim”- Sunnah- p 551

“Hakim Nishapuri” and “Zahabi” say that this narrative is valid.

“Hakim Neshapuri”, Mutadrak, v3, p133

3: Also in “Velayat” {guardianship} Hadith that prophet [PBUH] says:

وهو ولي کل مؤمن من بعدي

“Hakim Nishapuri” and “Zahabi” say that this narrative is valid.

“Hakim Neshapuri”, Mutadrak, v3, p110

إن هذا أخي ووصي وخليفتي فيكم

He’s my brother and my successor after me.

Tabari History, v2, p62/// Ibn Athir, al-Kamil, v2, p 448

Elders of Sunni say that this narrative is valid.

4: Also Imamate hadith that prophet [PBUH] says:

انت امام کل مؤمن ومؤمنة

Ali, after me you’re the Imam of all believers.

“Kharazmi”- Al-manaqib, p 61

5: Or this sentence that you’re the Imam of pious people.

“Ibn Athir”- Asad al-Ghayah, v3, p173

6: Or “Ghadir” hadith that prophet [PBUH] says:

الستم تشهدون عني اولي بكل مؤمن ومؤمنة قالوا بلي وقال من كنت وليه فعلي وليه

Don’t you witness that I have priority over any believer man and woman, they said: yes we do, he said: whosever that I’m his leader from now on Ali is his leader.

“Ahmad bin Hanbal”- virtues of Sahaba, v15

Even “Umar bin Kattab” congratulates commander of faithful [AS] after this saying of prophet, “Umar” said:

فقال عمر بن الخطاب : يا ابن أَبي طالب ، أَصبحت اليومَ وَلِيّ كل مؤمن

O “Ali”! Today you’re the leader of all belivers.

“Ibn Kathir”- al-Bedayah and al-Nahayah, v7, p350

If prophet has said this sentence to show that he likes “Ali”, so why did “Umar” say  this sentence?

They say that “Ali bin abi Talib” didn’t rely on his imamate. Well, take look at your own books, it’s written in your famous books such as: “Al-Bedayah and al-Nahayah” v5, p230:

فقام الناس كثير

Commander of faithful [AS] said to people: O people! Did prophet [PBUH] say this sentence on the day of “Ghadir” or not? Many people said: yes he did.

“Ahmad bin Hanbal”- Musnad, v4, p370

And other narratives from prophet [PBUH]:

هذا ولي من انأ مولاه

“Ali bin Abi Talib” is the guardian of anyone that I’m his leader.

“Albani” says: this narrative is valid.

“Sahih ibn Majah”- v1, p43

من کنت وليه فانّ عليا وليه

Anyone whom I’m their guardian, “Ali bin Abi Talib” is their guardian as well.

Heithami says: narrative is valid.

“Heithami”, Majma’ al-zawaed, v9, p107

What other sentences shoild prophet [PBUH] say till people don’t make excuse, despite of prophet [PBUH] has said such sentences about “Ali” [AS] but they {Wahhabis} keep denying this fact.

“Belazeri” says:

قال بعث أبو بكر عمر بن الخطاب إلى عليّ حين قعد عن بيعته وقال : ائتني به بأعنف العنف

“Abu-Bakr” ordered “Umar” to go and bring “Ali” for allegiance as bad as possible.

“Belazeri”- Ansab al-Ashraf- v1, p 580

Is that fair despite prophet [PBUH]’s sayings about “Ali” [AS]?

ثم أخرجهم بتلابيبهم يساقون سوقا عنيفا حتى بايعوا أبا بكر

They took “Ali bin abi-Talib” out of home and tied his cloak around his neck and dragged him {to the mosque} for allegiance with “Abu-Bakr”.

“Juhari”- al-Saqifah and Fadak- p 73

واجتمع الناس ينظرون ، وامتلأت شوارع المدينة بالرجال

When they were dragging “Ali” to the mosque, “Medina” alleys were filled by people.

“Juhari”- al-Saqifah and Fadak- p 70

 “Muawiyyah” said to commander of faithful [AS]: have you forgotten that they dragged you on the ground to swear allegiance with “Abu-Bakr” like a tethered camel? Commander of faithful [AS] answered: 

وقلت إني كنت أقاد كما يقاد الجمل المخشوش حتى أبايع ولعمر الله لقد أردت أن تذم فمدحت ، وأن تفضح فافتضحت . وما على المسلم من غضاضة في أن يكون مظلوما

You said they took me for allegiance like a tethered camel to dispraise me but you praised me, you wanted humiliate me but you were humiliated. being oppressed is not fault for a man but those who oppressed me and dragged me in cruel way for allegiance, this is fault.

“Ibn Qatibah Dinwari” says:

قي عمر ومعه قوم ، فأخرجوا عليا ، فمضوا به إلى أبي بكر ، فقالوا له : بايع ، فقال : إن أنا لم أفعل فمه ؟ قالوا : إذا والله الذي لا إله إلا هو نضرت عنقك

When they dragged “Ali” [AS] to the mosque, They told him: you should swear allegiance. Hadrat “Ali” [AS] said: what if I don’t swear allegiance with “Abu-Bakr”? “Umar” said: swear to god, we’ll cut your head.

“Ibn Qatibah Dinwari”- al-imamate and policy, p12

Is that fair? Did prophet [PBUH] take such allegiance by force and threat? 

Commander of the faithful [AS] said:

قال : إذا تقتلون عبد الله وأخا رسوله ، قال عمر : أما عبد الله فنعم ، وأما أخو رسوله فلا  ، وأبو بكر ساكت لا يتكلم ، فقال له عمر : إلا تأمر فيه بأمرك ، فقال : لا أكرهه على شئ ما كانت فاطمة إلى جنبه ، فلحق علي بقبر رسول الله - صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم - يصبح ويبكي ، وينادي ( يا ابن أم إن القوم استضعفوني وكادوا يقتلونني

If you kill me, you’ve killed a god’s creature and the brother of prophet [PBUH], “Umar” said: that we kill a god’s creature for allegiance, it’s fine; but that your prophet’s brother, No! “Abu-Bakr” is silent and says nothing. “Umar” protested to “Abu-Bakr”, why don’t you order to cut his head out? We don’t force “Ali” as long as he has a supporter like “Fatimah” [AS].

It means if you want to kill “Ali” [AS], at first you should kill “Fatimah” [AS], the commander of faithful who is conqueror of battles of “Kheibar” ,“Badr” and “Hunayn” then:

“Ali bin abi-Talib” went at prophet [PBUH]’s grave and lamented and said: O prophet! After you they decided to weaken me and today they want to kill me.

“Ibn Qatibah Dinwari”- al-imamate and policy, chapter “the way of Ali’s allegiance”

And they formed the habit of cursing “Ali” [AS] on the pulpit for about 70 years. Wasn’t commander of the faithful [AS] fourth caliph, prophet [PBUH]’s son-in-law, the first person who became Muslim and the conqueror of all battles? After all, was not he Muslim? Is that fair to insult a Muslim on the pulpit for about 70 years? Doesn’t it show the utmost oppression towards commander of faithful [AS] to produce T.V series to cover up the crimes and nefarious acts of “Muawiyyah” and his son “Yazid” and show commander of faithful [AS] and Imam Hassan and Imam Hussein [AS] as the defenders of “Muawiyyah” and caliphs?


We’re really touched by all this narratives about oppressions commander of faithful [AS] faced. 

Another question is that if prophet [PBUH] notified about “Ali” [AS]’s martyrdom?

Ayatollah “Qazvini”:

There are many narratives in which prophet [PBUH] has notified about the martyrdom of commander of the faithful [AS], and “Ali” [AS] says that prophet [PBUH] told me:

إِن الشهادة من وراءك ، فكيف صبرك إِذا خضبت هذه من هذه بدم وأَهوى بيده إِلى لحيته ورأْسه ، فقال ، علي : يا رسول الله ، إِما أَن تثبت لي ما أَثبت ، فليس ذلك من مواطن الصبر ، ولكن من مواطن البشرى والكرمة

Martyrdom will come to you. Your head will run with blood. Commander of faithful [AS] said: O messenger of god! You’ll see nothing from me other than tolerance.

“Ibn Athir”- asad al-Ghabah- v4, p 110

“Ayesha” says:

عن عائشة قالت رأيت النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم التزم عليا وقبله ويقول بأبي الوحيد الشهيد بأبي الوحيد الشهيد

I saw Prophet [PBUH] embracing “Ali bin Abi Talib” [AS] and crying and says: my father be sacrificed for “Ali bin abi Talib” who is martyred in cruel way and alone. 

And tens of other narratives like this that prophet [PBUH] has notified about “Ali” [AS]’s martyrdom.


Dear master! Did commander of the faithful [AS] notify about his own martyrdom?

Ayatollah “Qazvini”:

In different narratives Hadrat “Ali” [AS] has notified about his own martyrdom, it’s written in the book “Musnad Ahmad”, p197:

فقال له اتَّقِ اللَّهَ يا علي فَإِنَّكَ مَيِّتٌ فقال علي رضي الله عنه بَلْ مَقْتُولٌ ضَرْبَةٌ على هذا تَخْضِبُ هذه يَعْنِى لِحْيَتَهُ من رَأْسِهِ عَهْدٌ مَعْهُودٌ وَقَضَاءٌ مقضي وقد خَابَ مَنِ افْتَرَى وَعَاتَبَهُ في لِبَاسِهِ فقال ما لَكُمْ وَلِلِّبَاسِ هو أَبَعْدُ مِنَ الْكِبْرِ وَأَجْدَرُ أَنْ يَقْتَدِىَ بي الْمُسْلِمُ

One of companions told “Ali” [AS]: O “Ali”! if you go there you’ll be killed, “Ali” [AS] said: I’m not killed, prophet [PBUH] told me one day my beard is dyed from the blood coming from my head. That day hasn’t come up yet.

“Ahmad binHanbal”- virtues of Sahaba- v1, p 553

 قال علي والذي فلق الحبة وبرأ النسمة لتخضبن هذه من هذه للحيته من رأسه ...

Swear by god who split the grain and created human, one day my beard is dyed by the blood coming of my head.

“Ibn Kathir”- al-Bedayah and al-Nehayah- v7, p324


Is there anything about the assassin of commander of the faithful [AS] in Sunni books?

“Ayatollah Qazvini”:

As for “Ali” [AS]’s assassin, there are two kinds of saying in Sunni books. “Ibn Hazm Analusi” says:

أن عبد الرحمن ابن ملجم لم يقتل عليا رضي الله عنه الا متأولا مجتهدا مقدرا انه على صواب ، وفى ذلك

 “Abd al-Rahman” killed “Ali bin abi Talib” [AS], he believed that he’s done “ijtihad” and got spiritual reward as well {ijtihâd : superior canonical scholarship (enabling the person to develop a capacity for making conclusions, and offer verdict on controversial propositions based on his interpretation of the Holy Quran and Traditions which is the highest level of religious scholarship}.

“Ibn Hazm”- al-Mahali- v10, p 484

Also “Ibn Taymiyyah” says in the book “Minhaj al-Sunna”, v1, p153 and v5, p47:

قتله واحد منهم وهو عبدالرحمن بن ملجم المرادي مع كونه كان من أعبد الناس وأهل العلم

“Abd-al-Rahman ibn Muljam” killed “Ali bin abi Talib” [AS] and he was scholar and amongst the most pious people.

It was what “Ibn Hazm” and “Ibn Taymiyyah” the imam of “Wahhabis” said about “Ali” [AS]’s assassin.  

But commander of the faithful [AS] says about his murderer:

أخبرني الصادق المصدوق صلى الله عليه وسلم انى لا أموت حتى اضرب على هذه وأشار إلى مقدم رأسه الأيسر فتخضب هذه منها بدم وأخذ بلحيته وقال يقتلك أشقى هذه الأمة

Prophet [PBUH] told me that I won’t die unless on a day that my head is hit and blood dyes my beard. O “Ali” the meanest guy of this nation will assassinate you.

Musnad abi Ya’li, v1, p413// “Tabarani”, Mu’jam Kabir, v8, p38

Prophet [PBUH] says that “Ali” [AS]’s assassin is the meanest guy of this nation but “Ibn Taymiyyah” says: he was scholar and pious. 

“Heithami” says in his book “Majma’ al-Zawaed” v1, p 136, that the document of this narrative is valid.


When “ibn Muljam” hit his sword on commander of faithful [AS]’s head, “Ali” [AS] said: “فزت ورب الکعبه” that shows his deep faith, It was the saying of our commander said in the last moments of his life, what did other caliphs say in the last moment of life?

Ayatollah “Qazvini”:

As you said when “Ibn Muljam” hit his sword on “Ali” [AS], he was so happy that said:

فزت ورب الکعبه

Swear by the god of “Kaba” I got to redemption and my wish came true.

But it’s written in Sunni famous books:

 وثلاث تركتهن وددت أنى فعلتهن وثلاث وددت أنى سألت عنهن رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم فأما الثلاث اللاتي وددت أنى تركتهن فوددت أنى لم أكشف بيت فاطمة عن شئ وإن كانوا قد غلقوه على الحرب

When “Abu-Bakr” was at the death’s door people would go to him visiting, he said: I did some works that I regret them, I wish I didn’t do them, I wish I didn’t order them assaulting “Hadrat “Fatimah” [AS]’s home.

“Zahabi”- Islam History, v1, p388/// Tabari History, v2, p619

There is sentence from second caliph written in the book “Sunan al-Kubra” from “Beihaghi”, v10, p97 and other books:

قال سمعت بن عباس رضي الله عنه يقول لما طعن عمر بن الخطاب رضي الله عنه دخلت عليه فقلت أبشر يا أمير المؤمنين فإن الله تعالى قد مصر بك الأمصار ودفع بك النفاق وأفشى بك الرزق فقال عمر أفي الإمارة تثني علي يا بن عباس قال نعم يا أمير المؤمنين وفي غيرها قال فوالذي نفسي بيده لوددت أني خرجت منها كما دخلت فيها لا أجر ولا وزر

When people went to second caliph visiting him at his death’s door, they said: good for you, you’ve already done good deeds. Second caliph said: “Ibn Abbas”! I’ve done many deeds so that if do good deeds they get equal with my bad deeds, I don’t want reward from god.

“Beihaghi”- Sunan Kubra, v10, p97// “Ibn Asakir”, History of Damascene, v4, p424

This is second caliph’s wish when he says: when I took the caliphate, any good deed that I did I hope that it covers my bad deeds. I don’t want anything from god; but I want him not to put me in the hell.

I apologize to Sunni brothers and sisters but following is the narrative written in your own famous books.

 "قَالَ أَبُو بَكْرٍ الصديقُ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُ وَنَظَرَ إِلاى عُصْفُورٍ : ( طُوبَى لَكَ يَا عُصْفُورُ تَأْكُلُ مِنَ الثمَارِ ، وَتَطِيرُ فِي الأَشْجَارِ ، لاَ حِسَابَ عَلَيْكَ وَلاَ عَذَابَ ، وَاللَّهِ لَوَدَدْتُ أَني كَبْشٌ يُسَمنُنِي أَهْلِي ، فَإِذا كُنْتُ أَعْظَمَ مَا كُنْتُ وَأَسْمَنَهُ يَذْبَحُونِي فَيَجْعَلُونِي بَعْضِي شِوَاءً وَبَعْضِي قَدِيدَاً ، ثُمَّ أَكَلُونِي ثُمَّ أَلْقُونِي عَذِرَةً فِي الْحَش ، وَأَني لَمْ أَكُنْ خُلِقْتُ بَشَرَاً ) ( ابن زنجويه في الْوجل )

When he was at the death’s door, “Abu-Bakr” looks at a bird on the branch of tree and said: good for you, you eat fruits and fly above trees, there isn’t punishment for you {on the day of judgment} and need not to be answerable on that day, I wish I was a sheep and my family would feed and then sacrifice me, and make broth with part of my meat and kebab with another part then eat me and throw me in the toilet via defecating.

“Suyuti”- Jame’ al-Ahadith- v13, p51// “Abu Nai’im Isfahani- v1, p52

This is the wish of first caliph written in Sunni books. Compare it to a sentence from commander of the faithful [AS] that he said at the end of his life and then judge to see if it’s fair that we leave gold and grab other things which are incomparable to him.


Dear master! Please tell us the last saying of “Ali” [AS] before martyrdom?

Ayatollah “Qazvini”:

As for last saying of Commander of faithful [AS], “Ibn Athir” says in the book “Asad al-Ghayah”, v4, p114, H No. 3789:

قال : إِني مفارقكم . فبكت أَم كلثوم من وراء الحجاب ، فقال لها : اسكتي ، فلو ترين ماذا أَرى لما بكيت . قال فقلت : يا أَمير المؤمنين ، ما ترى ؟ قال : هذه الملائكة وفود ، والنبييون ، وهذا محمد يقول : يا علي ، أَبْشِر ، فما تصير إِليه خَيرٌ مما أَنت فيه

I went to visit “Ali” [AS], his daughters were behind the curtain and his sons imam “Hassan” [AS], Imam “Hussein” [AS] and Hadrat “Abbas” and his other children were there, he told them: my children it’s time to bid farewell, then I heard the sound of Umm Kulthum’s crying from behind the curtain, “Ali” [AS] told her: calm down, you’d not cry if you were see what I’m seeing.

I said: O commander of faithful, what are you seeing? He said: I see angels have come welcoming me, prophets have come welcoming me. Prophet Muhammad is ahead of other prophets and says: O “Ali”, we’re waiting for you.

قال : أسماء بنت عميس أنا لعند علي بن أبي طالب عليه السلام بعد ما ضربه ابن ملجم لعنه الله إذا شهق شهقة ثم أغمي عليه ثم أفاق فقال : مرحبا الحمد لله الذي صدقنا وعده وأورثنا الجنة فقيل له : ما ترى ؟ قال هذا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وأخي جعفر وعمي حمزة وأبواب السماء مفتحة والملائكة ينزلون يسلمون علي ويبشرون هذه فاطمة قد أطاف بها وصايفها من الحور وهذه منازلي في الجنة لمثل هذا فليعمل العاملون

After “Ibn Muljam Muradi” hit “Ali” [AS]’s head, “Asma’ bint Amis” quotes that at the 21th night of month of “Rmadan”, “Ali” [AS] shouted and passed out. After he came in, he said: thank goodness that he kept his word and made us the heir of the paradise, they said: O “Ali” [AS], what do you see? This is my brother prophet Muhammad and this is my other brother “Ja’far bin Abi talib”. This is my uncle “Hamza” eho have come here. I see that the doors of heaven are open waiting for my entrance. Angels come and greet me and give me glad tiding.

“Asma’ bin Amis” quotes another saying from “Ali bin abi Talib” [AS]:

This is “Fatimah” [AS] who’s come to welcome me alongside angels.

And “Zamakhshari” quotes a narrative which is very heart-rending:

“ibn Abbas” says: I had dyed my beard by Henna in the battle of “Siffin”, I said to “Ali” [AS]: your beard has gotten gray, we’ve prepared Henna you use it as well. “Ali” [AS]: “Ibn Abbas”! Don’t you know that I’m mourner of “Faimah” [AS]?

But at such night when he’s leaving this world, he sees that “Fatimah” [AS] has come welcoming him.


Thank you dear master and honorable viewers, bye.

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