Friday 14 February 2025

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1 Studying  Ali [AS]’s guardianship verses in Sunny resources
velayat tv - August 08, 2012
2 Reviewing of  destruction of the Islamic Prophet
velayat tv - July 17, 2016
3 Excommunicating all Sunnis by “Ibn Taymiyyah”
velayat tv - January 01,2017
4 Resorting and asking for help in Shia and Sunni culture
velayat tv - December 25,2016
5 High Scientific and moral position of Imam “Sadiq” [AS]
velayat tv - December 18, 2016
6 Great event of “Ghadir Khum” in Ahl al-Bayt’s sayings
velayat tv - September 16, 2016
7 Proving the blasphemy of Muawiyah with authentic-document narratives!
velayat tv - October 30, 2016
8 Imam Ali’s emphasize on his “Imamate” in “Nahj al-Balagha”
velayat tv - April 17, 2016
9 The reliance of Imam Ali [AS] on “Laylat al-Mabit” in six-person council
velayat tv - December 04, 2016
10 Muawiyah, founder of insulting and putting curse on leader of the faithful
velayat tv - November 13, 2016
11 “Muawiyyah” and Banu Umayyad the tree cursed in Quran
velayat tv - October 16, 2016
12 The confession of Sunni scholars and “Ayesha” to “Ali” [AS]’s superiority
velayat tv - August 21, 2011
13 Were Shiites the murderers of Imam “Hussain” [AS]?
velayat tv - December 22, 2011
14 Mourning for Imam Hussein (AS)
15 Mourning for Imam Hussein (AS) 01
16 Mahdavism 01
17 Distributing video clips against the Shiite to create discord in provinces where Sunni people live 01
18 The Deviation of the Islamic community after the prophet Mohammed (peace be upon him)
19 Distortion in Sahih Bokhari and Sahih Muslim
20 Responding to the Misgivings
21 Imam Ali`s Birth Anniversary
22 The international channel of Welayat’s opening ceremonies
23 Mourning for Imam Hussein (AS)
24 Belief in Raj`ah from the viewpoint of Qur`an, the Shiites and the Sunnites
25 Imam Hussein’s (AS) Birth

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