You say that the prophet did not define a successor and let the people to decide about it.
Considering that his action is alright and also is an interest of people which ensures their wellbeing, it becomes obligatory for everyone to obey him; because his deed must be a pattern for every worshipper who believes in resurrection day. (لقد كان لكم في رسول اللّه أسوة حسنة لمن كان يرجوا اللّه واليوم الآخر) Al-Ahzab: 21.
Therefore, What Abu-Bakr did about defining a Caliph was against the Prophet 's tradition and misled people. Umar also was against the prophet 's tradition and Abu-Bakr 's conduct when he left it to the six-member council to determine a Caliph.
And if you say that what Abu-Bakr and Umar did was to benefit people, you insist that the holy Prophet was wrong, نستجير باللَّه من ذلك
Refer to: Al Monazerat fi Al-Emamah, p, 246 and 259; Qesas Al-Olama: 391; the debate between Sheikh Saddugh and Malik Rokn Al-Doulah and the debate between Ma 'mun and Sunni scholars.