Monday 22 July 2024
Firefighters can break their fast at noon!
ID: 198 Publish Date: 25 January 2016 - 12:55 Count Views: 3501
Wahhabism » Wahhabism
Firefighters can break their fast at noon!


A Wahhabi Mofti announced in his Fatwa that firefighters can break their fast at noon.

Shaykh <<Abdolmohsen Alabykan >>, one senior official of the Ministry of Justice of Saudi Arabia, issued a Fatwa yesterday which announced: firefighters who are on mission can break their fast due to their hard job.


The consultant of Saudi kingdom court emphasized: everyone who is busy doing this job and other hard jobs can break their fast at noon.

Regarding the Quran Verse (وما جعل عليكم في الدين من حرج) and the jurisprudence law (عند الضرورة تباح المحرمات), he declared it permissible for them to eat at noon.    

It is interesting to know that this Wahhabi Moftie had earlier declared that fasting while power outage is Mubah.


Source: Abna

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