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Searching about the lie of “ Ibn taimiyyah” about Shiites “iftar”
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Searching about the lie of “ Ibn taimiyyah” about Shiites “iftar”

Translated by: Muhammad hassan heidary

Searching about the lie of “ Ibn taimiyyah” about Shiites “iftar”


During the history, enemies of “Ahl Al bayt” doctrine have always tried to exite their evil goals and root out genuine Islam means “Ahl al bayt” doctrine. They’ve used of different methods in this regard and left no stone unturned. On of tools that “Wahhabis”, relying on the talks of “Ibn taimiyyah” and “ Muhammad ibn Abdu al Wahhab”, have used is projection and spreading falsehood. Foe is trying to take forward their illusory doubts by the weapon of lie till they can get to their evil targets. Amongst all those who tried a lot to spread falsehood is “Ibn Taimiyyah”, intellectual and doctrinal theoretician of “Wahhabis”. After referring to his books we find out that he has considered many of important and historical events and even usual events that there is no doubt In them, as illusory and have tried to deceive people by lying.

In Holy Quran, god almighty has reproached this nefarious act [lying] and mentioned it as the trait of those who don’t believe in divine verses:

إِنَّمَا يَفْتَرِي الْكَذِبَ الَّذِينَ لَا يُؤْمِنُونَ بِآيَاتِ اللَّهِ وَأُولَئِكَ هُمُ الْكَاذِبُونَ.

Only they invent falsehood who believe not Allah 's revelations, and (only) they are the liars.

AL-NAHL. Verse, 105

It’s written in Sunni books quoted by prophet Muhammad [PBUH]:

قال رسول اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم إِيَّاكُمْ وَالْكَذِبَ فإن الْكَذِبَ يهدي إلى الْفُجُورِ وَالْفُجُورَ يهدي إلى النَّارِ.

Avoid of lying, because it drags you to sin and vice, and debauchery will draw you to the hell.

Al-Abu Abdullah Ahmad ibn Hanbal (d. 241 AH), Musnad of Ahmad ibn Hanbal, vol. 1, p. 432.

In many narratives lying is the opposite side of faith:

Imam “Sadegh” [AS] says:

ستة لا تكون في مؤمن : العسر والنكد والحسد واللجاجة والكذب والبغي

Six traits don’t exist in believer: being strict, lack of helping people, stubborn, alousy, lying, transgression.

الكذب مجانب للإيمان وإن العبد ليهبط إلى أسفل درك في جهنم بالكذب

Lying is in contradictory with faith, and perhaps a person falls to the lowest floor of the hell by lying.

Al shajary Al jurjany, (d. 499 AH), the book Al amali known as amali al khamisiyyah, vol. 1, p. 24,

Even “Ibn taimiyyah” restates in the book “ Minhaj al-Sunnah” that lying and concealment of fact are prohibited by god.

والله تعالى قد أمر بالصدق والبيان ونهى عن الكذب والكتمان فيما يحتاج إلى معرفته وإظهاره.

And god almighty has ordered to honesty and saying the truth and has prohibited lying and concealment of the fact of what needs knowledge and citing.

Ibn Taymiyya al harani Al hanbaly Abu al Abbas Ahmad Abdul Halim (d. 728 AH), Minhaj al-Sunnah, vol. 1, p. 16 R: D. Mohammad Rashad Salem,

While after referring to “Ibn taimiyyah” book we’ll realize that he lies as easy as pie.

For instance, he writes about seeing crescent in “Ahl al bayt” doctrine:

أن يقال الرافضة يوجد فيهم من المسائل ما لا يقوله مسلم يعرف دين الإسلام... ومثل صوم بعضهم بالعدد لا بالهلال يصومون قبل الهلال ويفطرون قبله.

It’s said Shiites say issues that Muslims who know Islam religion wouldn’t say them…. For instance, some of them fast according to number [of days] not seeing crescent, before seeing crescent [month of Ramadan] they begin fasting and break their fast [performing iftar]before seeing crescent [month of shawal].

Ibn Taymiyya al harani Al hanbaly Abu al Abbas Ahmad Abdul Halim (d. 728 AH), Minhaj al-Sunnah, vol. 3, p. 417 R: D. Mohammad Rashad Salem,

“Ahl Al bayt” narratives:

But after referring to Shiite books, we realize that what “Ibn taimiyya” said is in contradictory with “Ahl Al bayt” narratives and Shiite scholars’ opinion and is nothing more than a lie.

Though, narratives in Shiite narrative and jurisprudential books in this regard are successive, but we’ll say some of them for instance:

Imam “Sadegh” [AS] says in a valid narrative that late “ Majlesi” has quoted it:

وفي الموثق عن عبد الله بن بُكَيْر عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال : صم للرؤية وأفطر للرؤية وليس رؤية الهلال أن يجيء الرجل والرجلان فيقولان رأينا إنما الرؤية أن يقول القائل رأيت فيقول القوم صدقت.

In a reliable narrative from “Abdu Allah ibn bukeir”, he has quoted ofrom Imam “Sadegh” [AS]: begin fasting after seeing crescent and break your fast after seeing crescent. And seeing crescent is not proved by saying of one or two person, seeing crescent will be fulfilled if some someone says: I saw the crescent and people confirm his talk.

Al majlesy, Mohammad Taghi (d. 1070 AH), the sermon of pious, v 3, p 344, a researcher / editor: Mousavi Kermani.

There is another narrative of “Ahl Al bayt” that fasting and breaking the fast must be done after seeing crescent.

عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام ، قال : صم لرؤية الهلال ، وأفطر لرؤيته.

Imam “Sadegh” [AS] says: fasting in month of “Ramadan” is fulfilled by seeing crescent not by guessing.

Al-Tusi, Muhammad ibn al-Hasan (d. 460 AH), Al-estibsar, vol. 2, p 63,

The matter of seeing crescent or ending thirty days for proving the first of the month is very potent amongst Shiite scholars that they’ve even allocated chapters in their jurisprudence books about it and quoted different narratives too.

In the book “Vasael al Shiite”, late sheikh “hurr al ameli” has made a chapter with this title:

باب ان علامة شهر رمضان وغيره رؤية الهلال ، فلا يجب الصوم إلا للرؤية أو مضى ثلاثين ، ولا يجوز الافطار في آخره إلا للرؤية أو مضى ثلاثين وانه يجب العمل في ذلك باليقين دون الظن.

Title of the chapter: sign of month of “Ramadan” and other months is seeing the crescent. So seeing crescent of month of “Ramadan” is obligated when crescent is seen or thirty days pass and breaking the fast is not permitted unless crescent is seen or thirty days pass, and in this case we should make sure and guessing is not enough.

Hurr al-Ameli, Muhammad ibn al-Hasan (d. 1104 AH), vasael al shiite, vol. 10, pp. 252, research and publishing: Institute of Al al-Bayt.

For instance, it’s written in this chapter:

عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال : إنه سئل عن الأهلة ؟ فقال : هي أهلة الشهور ، فإذا رأيت الهلال فصم ، وإذا رأيته فأفطر .

In surah AL-BAQARA, verse 189, he said:  اهله" Imam “Sadegh” [AS] was asked about the word It means the crescent. If you see the crescent fast and if you see it break your fast.

Hurr al-Ameli, Muhammad ibn al-Hasan (d. 1104 AH), vasael al shiite, vol. 10, pp. 252, research and publishing: Institute of Al al-Bayt.

عن هارون بن حمزة ، عن أبي عبد الله عليه السلام قال : سمعته يقول : إذا صمت لرؤية الهلال وأفطرت لرؤيته فقد أكملت صيام شهر رمضان .

“Araronibn hanzeh” quotes that I heard from Imam “Sadegh”: when you fast after seeing crescent and break your fast after seeing crescent, it means that you’ve completed fasting of this month.

Hurr al-Ameli, Muhammad ibn al-Hasan (d. 1104 AH), vasael al shiite, vol. 10, pp. 256, research and publishing: Institute of Al al-Bayt.

Late “Allameh helli” writes:

وعن إسحاق بن عمّار ، عن أبي عبد اللَّه عليه السّلام ، قال : « في كتاب عليّ عليه السّلام : صم لرؤيته وأفطر لرؤيته ، وإيّاك والشكّ والظنّ ، فإن خفي عليكم فأتمّوا الشهر الأوّل ثلاثين.

Imam “Sadegh” said: it’s written in Ali’s [AS] book, fast after seeing crescent and break you fast after seeing the crescent, doubt in this case is not enough. If you can’t see the crescent, complete the first month by thirty days.

There is another narrative from Imam” Askari” [AS]:

عن أبي الحسن العسكري عليه السلام - في حديث - قال : لا تصم إلا للرؤية .

Don’t fast unless you see the crescent.

Hurr al-Ameli, Muhammad ibn al-Hasan (d. 1104 AH), vasael al shiite, vol. 10, pp. 2569 research and  Publishing: Institute of Al al-Bayt.

And Imam “Reza” [AS] writes in his letter to “Ma’mun Abbasid” about fasting:

وصيام شهر رمضان فريضة يصام للرؤية ويفطر للرؤية.

And fasting in month of “Ramadan” is amongst things that god has obligated for his creatures, and after seeing crescent fasting starts and break your fast after seeing crescent.

Shiite scholars’ jurisprudence opinions.

After saying some instances from “Ahl Al bayt” narratives, we’ll deal with saying the opinion of some Shiite scholars in this regard:

Late Sheikh “Tusi” writes:

مسألة 8 : علامة شهر رمضان ووجوب صومه أحد شيئين ، إما رؤية الهلال أو شهادة شاهدين.

The sign of month of “Ramadan” and the obligatory of its fasting is one of these things: whether seeing crescent [by himself] or two persons say that we saw the crescent.

Al-Tusi, Muhammad ibn al-Hasan (d. 460 AH), Al khelaf, vol. 2, p. 169, researchers: Al-Sayed Ali Al khUrasany, Al-Sayed Jawad al-Shahristani, Sheikh Mehdi Najaf.

And with the same theme in:

Al-Tusi, Muhammad ibn al-Hasan (d. 460 AH), Al mabsoot, vol. 1, p. 267, R: El-Sayed Mohammad Taghi Al kashfy.

Late “Ibn edris helli” mentions to this point too:

علامة شهر رمضان ووجوب صومه أحد شيئين : إمّا رؤية الهلال ، أو شهادة شاهدين .

The sign of month of “Ramadan” and the obligatory of its fasting is one of these things: whether seeing crescent [by himself] or two persons say that we saw the crescent.

Ibn edris al helli (d. 598 AH), Mustatrafat Al saraer, vol. 1, p. 383 and vol. 2, p. 34,

Ayatollah Murvarid writes:

علامة شهر رمضان ووجوب صومه أحد شيئين: إما رؤية الهلال أو شهادة شاهدين ، فإن غم عد شعبان ثلاثين يوما ويصام بعد ذلك بنية الفرض.

The sign of month of “Ramadan” and the obligatory of its fasting, is one of these things: whether seeing crescent [by himself] or two persons [honest] say that we saw the crescent. If crescent is not seen, count thirty days from month of “Sha’aban” and begin fasting from next day with the intention of obligatory [first day of Ramadan].

Murvarid, Ali Aaghar, Al yanabie, vol. 29, p. 24.


after referring to Shiite books including narrative and the opinions of Shiite scholars we found out that Shiites, to prove month of Ramadan, whether they should see crescent or thirty days should pass from the month if crescent isn’t seen,  so  what “Ibn taymiyyah” said was nothing more than a lie.

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