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Did Imam Hassan (peace be upon him) curse any companions?
ID: 231 Publish Date: 27 January 2016 - 11:06 Count Views: 3719
Question & Answer » Imam Hasan
Did Imam Hassan (peace be upon him) curse any companions?



Although we mentioned these matters in the article ' ' the legitimacy of curse from the point of view of Sunni scientists ' ', it has been discussed in this part separately once more duce to the day of martyrdom of Hazrat Mojtaba (peace be upon him). In fact, these days belong to Hazrat Mojtaba (peace be upon him) and I hope the dear heart of Hazrat Mojtaba be satisfied of all of us.


This article is going to be presented to you in two sections


1. Persons that Imam Hasan (peace be upon him) cursed;

2. Persons that cursed Imam Hasan (peace be upon him).


The companions that Imam Hasan (peace be upon him) cursed:


The companions that have been cursed by Imam Hasan (peace be upon him) include:


Moavie and Marvan Ben Hakam


Moavie Ben Abi Sofyan:


وخطب معاوية بالكوفة حين دخلها والحسن والحسين رضى الله عنهما جالسان تحت المنبر فذكر عليا عليه السلام فنال منه ثم نال من الحسن فقام الحسين ليرد عليه فأخذه الحسن بيده فأجلسه ثم قام فقال أيها الذاكر عليا أنا الحسن وأبى على وأنت معاوية وأبوك صخر وأمى فاطمة وأمك هند وجدي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم وجدك عتبة بن ربيعة وجدتي خديجة وجدتك قتيلة ، فلعن الله أخملنا ذكراً ، و ألامنا حسباً ، وشرنا قديماً وحديثاً ، وأقدمنا كفراً ونفاقاً فقال طوائف من أهل المسجد : امين.

Moavie came to Kufe when Imam Hasan (peace be upon him) and Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) were giving sermon. He started talking about Imam Ali (peace be upon him) and abused him. Then he abused Imam Hasan (peace be upon him). Afterwards, Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) stood to answer him back, but Imam Hasan (peace be upon him) took his hand and made him sit down and he said in a stood way


O ' person that has talked about Imam Ali (peace be upon him)! I am Hasan (peace be upon him) and my father is Imam Ali (peace be upon him) and you are Moavie and your father is Sakhar. My mother is Hazrat Fateme (peace be upon her) and your mother is Hend. My grandfather is the messenger of God (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) and your grandfather is Rabie. My grandmother is Hazrat Khadije (peace be upon her) and your grandmother is Ghatile. God curses each of us that has more abject ancestry; whose devil deeds have remained from the past until now and has been pioneer in polytheism and blasphemy.

 Then all of people in the mosque said ' ' amen ' '.


Jamharat Khotb Al-Arab, v 2 p 14, chapter Rod Al-Hasan Ben Ali Ali Moaviye Hein Nala Manho va Min Abih

Maghatel Al-Talebin, v 1 p 19, Athor name: Abu Al-Faraj Al-Esfahani, Ali Ben Al-Hossein (died in 356 hejira)

Sharh Nahj Al-Balaghe, v 16 p 27


The amen of the Shiite and Sunni dignitaries for the curse of Hazrat Hasan:


As it was said, all of the people said amen after the curse of Hazrat Hasan (peace be upon him). After Abu Al-Faraj has narrated this narration, he has written in his book

فقال طوائف من أهل المسجد: آمين. قال فضل(بن الحسن البصري): فقال يحيى بن معين: ونحن نقول: آمين. قال أبو عبيد: ونحن أيضاً نقول: أمين. قال أبو الفرج: وأنا أقول: آمين.

Fazl Ben Hasan Basri said ' ' Yahya Ben Moein has said ' ' we also say amen ' '.


Abu Ubeid has also said ' ' we also say amen ' '.


Abu Al-Faraj (the writer of the book) has also said ' ' we also say amen ' '.


Maghatel Al-Talebin, v 1 p 19, Athor name: Abu Al-Faraj Al-Esfahani, Ali Ben Al-Hossein (died in 356 hejira)


Ibn Abi Al-Hadid has also written after the narration of amen of the scientists


قال أبو الفرج : قال أبو عبيد : قال الفضل : وأنا أقول : آمين ، ويقول علي بن الحسين الأصفهاني : آمين .

قلت : ويقول عبد الحميد بن أبي الحديد مصنف هذا الكتاب : آمين .

Abu Al-Faraj has said that Abu Ubeid has narrated from Fazl ' ' I say amen and Abu Al-Faraj also says amen.


I , Abd Al-Hamid ( the writer of this book ) say amen. 

Sharh Nahj Al-Balaghe, v 16 p 28, Author name: Abu Hamed Ez Al-Din Ben Habatollah Ben Muhammad Ben Muhammad Ben Abi Al-Hadid Al-Madaeni (died in 655 hejira), Published by: Dar Al-Kotob Al-Elmie, Beirut, Lebanon, 1418 Hejira -1998, First Edition, Researched by: Muhammad Abd Al-Karim Al-Namari


Deceased Alame Marashi has written about the explanation of the book ' ' Ehghagh Al-Hagh ' ' in relation to this narration 


نقل القاضي نور الله التستري هذا الحديث عن السيد العالم الصفي أبو تراب المرتضى بن الداعي بن القاسم الحسني رحمه الله ، ثنا المفيد عبد الرحمن بن أحمد النيسابوري إملاء من لفظه ، أنبأ السيد أبو المعالي إسماعيل بن الحسن بن محمد الحسني النقيب بنيسابور قراءة عليه وأبو بكر محمد بن عبد العزيز الحيري الكرامي قالا : أخبرنا الحاكم أبو عبد الله محمد ابن عبد الله الحافظ إجازة ، ثنا أبو بكر أحمد بن كامل بن خلف القاضي ، ثنا علي بن عبد الصمد لفظا ، ثنا يحيى بن معين.


ثم قال: قال ابن عبد الصمد (علي بن عبد الصمد من روات الحديث) : وأنا أقول : آمين . وقال لنا القاضي(أبو بكر أحمد بن كامل بن خلف القاضي من روات الحديث) : وأنا أقول : آمين ، فقولوا آمين . وقال محمد بن عبد الحافظ : وأنا أقول : آمين . قال السيد والحيري (هما: السيد أبو المعالي إسماعيل بن الحسن بن محمد الحسني وأبو بكر محمد بن عبد العزيز الحيري الكرامي كلاهما من روات الحديث) : ونحن نقول : آمين آمين آمين . وقال الشيخ المفيد عبد الرحمن (هو عبد الرحمن بن أحمد النيسابوري من روات الحديث): وأنا أقول : آمين آمين ، فإن الملائكة تقول : آمين . قال السيد الصفي (أبو تراب المرتضى بن الداعي بن القاسم من روات الحديث): وأنا أقول : آمين اللهم آمين . قال ابن بابويه : وأنا أقول : آمين ثم آمين ثم آمين ثم آمين . 

Ghazi Nur Allah Tostari has narrated this narration from sayad of the world, Safi Abu Torab Morteza Ben Daei Ben Ghasem Hasani (may God 's mercy be upon him) and he has narrated it from Mofid Abd Al-Rahman Ben Ahmad Neishapuri and he has narrated it from Say ad Abu Al-Maali Ismaeil Ben Hasan Ben Muhammad Hasani Naghib in Neishapur and Abu Bakr Muhammad Ben Abd Al-Aziz Heiri Kerami and he has narrated it from Hakem Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ben Abdullah Hafez and he has narrated it Abu Bakr Ahmad Ben Kamel Ben Khalaf  Ghazi and he has narrated it from Ali Ben Abd Al-Samad and he has narrated it from Yahya Ben Moein.


Then he has said ' ' Ibn Abd Al-Samad, one of narrators of the narration, said to us ' ' we also say amen ' '. Ghazi (Ahmad Ben Kamel, one of narrators of the narration) also said ' ' we say amen as well and you also say amen ' '.


Muhammad Ben Abd Al-Hafez has also said ' 'I say amen as well ' '.


Sayad and Heiri (the narrators of the narration) have also said ' ' I also say amen, amen, amen ' '.


Sheikh Mofid Abd Al-Rahman (narrators of Hadith) has also said ' ' I also say amen because the angels say amen ' '.


Sayad Safi (the narrators of the narration) says ' ' I also say amen, amen, amen ' '.


Ibn Babuye has also said ' ' amen, amen, amen, amen and amen ' '.


Sharh Ehghagh Al-Hagh, Al-Seyed Al-Marashi, v 26 p 534


Sayad Mohsen Amin has also written after the narration of the remark of Abu Al-Faraj Isfahani 

 قال المؤلف وانا أقول آمين .

I also say amen.

Ayan Al-Shia, v 1 p 570, Lel Seyed Mohsen Al-Amin


Deceased Sharaf Al-Din has bade after the narration of the remark of  Ibn Abi Al-Hadid

أقول : ونحن بدورنا نقول : آمين.

' 'We also say amen in our share ' '.

Solh Al-Hasan, p 289, Lel Seyed Sharaf Al-Din



Sheikh Ali Najal Muhammad Al Seif Al-Khati has said after the narration of the remark of  Ibn Abi Al-Hadid

 ويقول مؤلف هذا الكتاب : آمين ، ورحم الله عبدا قال : آمين.

The writer of this book has said ' ' amen. God 's mercy be upon a person that says amen ' '.

 Vafiyat Al-Aeme, Min Olama Al-Bahrein va Al-Ghateif, p 108


Saeid  Ayub that is one of persons that has joined the Shiite religion has also written

 ويقول سعيد أيوب مصنف هذا الكتاب : آمين .

Saeid Ayub, the writer of this book, has also said amen.

 Maalem Al-Fetan, v 2 p 178, Le Saeed Ayub


You also say amen; I , the writer of this matter say amen and you , respectable reader, also say amen.


Marvan Ben Hakam:

1- ومروان كان أكبر الأسباب فى حصار عثمان ... وقال له الحسن بن على لقد لعن الله أباك الحكم وأنت فى صلبه على لسان نبيه فقال لعن الله الحكم وما ولد والله أعلم


Marvan was one the most reasons of surrounding Usman …Hasan Ben Ali (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) said to him ' ' God had cursed your father when you were in his loins . He also said to him ' ' God curses his rule and his children ' '.

Al-Badaye Al-Nahaye, v 8 p 259

2- وأخرج ابن سعد عن زريق بن سوار قال كان بين الحسن وبين مروان كلام فأقبل عليه مروان فجعل يغلظ له والحسن ساكت فامتخط مروان بيمينه فقال له الحسن ويحك أما علمت أن اليمين للوجه والشمال للفرج أف لك فسكت مروان

There was struggle between Imam Hasan (peace be upon him) and Marvan. Marvan talked harshly, but Imam Hasan (peace be upon him) was quiet. In this time, Marvan cleaned his nose with his right hand. Hence, Imam Hasan (peace be upon him) said to him ' ' woe you! Didn 't you know right hand was face and left hand was for pudenda?


Curse be upon you.


In this time, Marvan remained silent.

 Tarikh Al-Kholafa, v 1 p 190


Persons that abused Imam Hasan (peace be upon him):



 1- وكان علي إذا صلى الغداة يقنت فيقول: اللهم العن معاوية وعمراً وأبا الأعور وحبيباً وعبد الرحمن بن خالد والضحاك بن قيس والوليد! فبلغ ذلك معاوية فكان إذا قنت سب علياً وابن عباس والحسن والحسين والأشتر.

When Imam Ali (peace be upon him) prayed in the morning, he said in his prayer ' 'O ' God! Curse Moavie, Umarv Ben Al-As, Habib, Abd Al-Rahman Ben Khaled and Zahak Ben Ghis.


Moavie informed of it. Therefore, when he stood to say his prayer, he abused Ali, Ibn Abbas, Hasan , Hussein and Malek Ashtar.


 Al-Kamel Fi Tarikh, v 2 p 81, chapter Zakara Ejtema Al-Hakamein

 Nahayat Al-Arab Fi Fonun Al-Adab, v 20 p 96

 Tarikh Ibn Khaledun, v 2 p 637, chapter Amr Al-Hakamein



2- وخطب معاوية بالكوفة حين دخلها والحسن والحسين رضى الله عنهما جالسان تحت المنبر فذكر عليا (عليه‌السلام) فنال منه ثم نال من الحسن

Moavie came to Kufe when Imam Hasan (peace be upon him) and Imam Hussein (peace be upon him) were giving sermon. He started talking about Imam Ali (peace be upon him) and abused him. Then he abused Imam Hasan (peace be upon him).


Jamharat Khotb Al-Arab, v 2 p 14, chapter Rod Al-Hasan Ben Ali Ali Moaviye Hein Nala Manho va Min Abih

Sharh Nahj Al-Balaghe, v 16 p 27


A group that got together around Moavie in order to abuse Amir Momenan and Imam Hasan (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants):


اجتمع عند معاوية عمرو بن العاص ، رضي الله عنه ، والوليد بن عقبة ، وعتبة بن أبي سفيان ، والمغيرة بن شعبة ، فقالوا : يا أمير المؤمنين ، ابعث إلى الحسن بن علي رضي الله عنهما يحضر لدينا ، قال لهم : ولم ؟ قالوا : كي نوبخه ونعرفه أن أباه قتل عثمان ...

فأرسل له معاوية ... فقال الحسن رضي الله عنه : فليتكلموا ونحن نسمع .

فقام عمرو بن العاص رضي الله تعالى عنه ... ثم قال : يا حسن ، هل تعلم أن أباك أول من أثار الفتنة وطلب الملك ، فكيف رأيت صنع الله تعالى به ؟

ثم قام الوليد بن عقبة فحمد الله وأثنى عليه ، ثم قال : يا بني هاشم كنتم أصهار عثمان بن عفان ، فنعم الصهر كان لكم لقربه من رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ، يقربكم ويفضلكم ، ثم بغيتم عليه وقتلتموه ، وقد أردنا قتل أبيك فأنقذنا الله منه ، ولو قتلناه ما كان علينا ذنب .

ثم قام عتبة بن أبي سفيان فقال : يا حسن ، إن أباك قد تعدى على عثمان فقتله حسداً على الملك والدنيا ، فسلبهما الله منه ، ولقد أردنا قتل أبيك ، حتى قتله الله تعالى .

ثم قام المغيرة بن شعبة ، وقال كلاماً سبا لعلي وتعظيماً لعثمان .

فقام الحسن ، رضي الله عنه ، فحمد الله وأثنى عليه ، وقال : بك أبدأ يا معاوية.

لم يشتمني هؤلاء ولكن أنت تشتمني بغضاً وعداوة وخلافاً لجدي رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم

ثم التفت إلى الناس ، وقال : أنشدكم الله إن الذي شتمه هؤلاء أما كان أبي ، وهو أول من آمن بالله وصلى إلى القبلتين ، وأنت يا معاوية كافر تشرك بالله ؟ وكان مع أبي لواء النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم يوم بدر ، ولواء المشركين مع معاوية ؟

ثم قال : أنشدكم الله تعالى ، أما كان معاوية يكتب لجدي صلى الله عليه وسلم ، فأرسل إليه يوماً فرجع الرسول ، وقال : هو يأكل . فرد إليه الرسول ثلاث مرات ، كل ذلك يقول هو يأكل فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم : لا أشبع الله بطنه ، يا معاوية أما تعرف ذلك من بطنك ؟

ثم قال : وأنشدكم الله أما تعلمون أن معاوية كان يقود بأبيه ، وهو على جمل ، وأخوه هذا يسوقه ؟ فقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ما قال ، وأنت تعلم ذلك ؟

هذا كله لك يا معاوية .

وأما أنت يا عمرو . فقد تنازعك خمسة من قريش . فغلب عليك شبه الأبهم ، وهو أقلهم حسباً وأسوأهم منصباً ، ثم قمت وسط قريش فقلت : إني شانيء محمداً بثلاثين بيتاً من الشعر .

فقال النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم : اللهم إني لا أحسن الشعر . اللهم العن عمرو بن العاص بكل بيت لعنة ...

وأما أنت يا ابن أبي معيط فكيف نلومك على سبك لأبي ، وقد جلدك أبي في الخمر ثمانين جلدةً ، وقتل أباك صبراً بأمر جدي ، وقتله جدي بأمر ربي ...

وأما أنت يا عتبة فكيف تعيب أحداً بالقتل ولا تعيب نفسك ، فلم لا قتلت الذي وجدته على فراشك مضاجعاً لزوجتك ؟ ثم أمسكتها بعد أن بغت .

وأما أنت يا أعور ثقيف (مغيره) ، ففي أي شيء تسب علياً ؟ أفي بعده من رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ، أم لحكم جائر في رعيته في الدنيا ؟ فإن قلت في شيء من ذلك كذبت وكذبك الناس ، وإن زعمت أن علياً قتل عثمان فقد كذبت وكذبك الناس ، وإنما مثلك كمثل بعوضة وقعت على نخلة فقالت لها : استمسكي فإني أريد أن أطير . فقالت لها النخلة : ما علمت بوقوعك فكيف يشق علي طيرانك ؟ فكيف يا أعور ثقيف يشق علينا سبك ؟ ثم نفض ثيابه وقام

Umarv As, Valid Ben Aghabe , Atabe Ben Abi Sofyan and Moghayere Ben Shoabe got to gether around Moavie and said ' ' O ' Amir Al-Momenin! Send a person to Hasan Ben Ali (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) and visit us so that we tobikh him and inform him that his father has killed Usman!...


Moavie sent a person to Imam Hasan (peace be upon him)…Imam Hasan (peace be upon him) said ' ' you talk and we listen to you ' '.                               

Umarv As said ' ' …O 'Hasan! Do you know that your father was the first person that made riot and sought caliphate? Did you see how God tortured him?       


Then Valid Ben Aghabe stood and praised God and said ' ' O '! Bani Hashem! You were the father-in-law of Usman. What a good brother-in-law he was for you. You were the relatives of the prophet (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants). He had close friendship with you and respected you, but you fought against him and killed him. We wanted to kill your father (Ali), but God saved us from him. If we had killed him, we would have been sinner.


Then Atabe Ben Abi Sofyan stood and said ' ' O ' Hasan! Your father fought against Usman and killed him because of greedy to caliphate and the world. God also usurped caliphate and the world from Imam Ali. We wanted to kill your father, but God killed him.


Then Moghayere Ben Shoabe stood and he said remark in relation to abusing Imam Ali (peace be upon him) and bowing Usman.                                        


Then Imam Hasan (peace be upon him) stood and said the praise of God and afterwards, he bade ' ' O ' Moavie! I would like to start my remark with your name ' 


 Only they did not abuse me, but you also abused me from your animosity and due to your disagreement with my grandfather, the messenger of God (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants).


The he looked at the audience and bade ' ' I swear you to God; was the person that they abused my father? Wasn 't the first person that believed in God? Wasn 't the person that prayed toward two kiblahs? O ' Moavie! At that time, weren 't you unbeliever? On the day of the Badr War, the flag of the Muslims was with my father and the flag of the unbelievers was with Moavie.


Then he bade ' ' I swear you to God; did you know that Moavie wrote matters for my grandfather, the prophet (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants). One day, Hazrat Muhammad summoned him, but the harbinger came back and said ' ' Moavie was eating ' '. It happened three times. The messenger of God (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) bade ' ' God made his stomach full ' '.  


O ' Moavie! Can 't you understand the curse of the messenger of God (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) in relation to your stomach?


I swear you to God; do you know that one day Moavie took the rein of his father 's camel and he pushed his father from behind. Hazrat Muhammad (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) said whatever he should have said and you know it.


O ' Moavie! All of these were for you.


But O ' Omar! Five persons from the Ghoreish tribe fought with each other about you because Abham was similar of you, he defeated them even although his     ancestry was baser than all and his position was worse than all. 



In spite of all of them, you stood against the Ghoreish Tribe and said ' ' I will make Muhammad dishonorable with 30 verses of poetry.


The messenger of God (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants) bade ' ' I don’t know good poems. O ' God! Curse Umarv As instead of each verse.


O ' Ibn Abi Moit ! How can I censure you because you abused my father although my father hit eighty lashes because you had got drunk?                     


My father according to the order of my grandfather      your grandfather killed


Hazrat Muhammad (peace of Allah be upon him and his descendants). My grandfather did such action according to the order of God.


O ' Atabe! Why do you find faults in others because they killed some persons, but don 't you find faults about yourself?


Why didn 't you kill a person hat had sexual intercourse with your wife. Afterwards, although your wife had done adultery with, you lived with her.


O ' Aur Saghif (Moghayere)! Why do you abuse Imam Ali (peace be upon him)? because Imam Ali ( peace be upon him) is far from the messenger of God ( peace of Allah  be upon him and his descendants) or he orders to tyrannize to his people he abuses him. If you claim such thing, you have lied and people will consider you liar and if you guess Imam Ali (peace be upon him) has killed Usman, you have lied and people will consider you liar.


You are like a mosquito that has sat on the tree of date and has said to it ' ' keep yourself firmly; I want to fly. And the tree will say to him ' ' I did not feel that you sat on me; therefore, I cannot feel that you want to fly.


O ' Aur Saghif! How can your abuse be intolerable for me?


Then he shook his clothes and stood.


Elam Al-Nas Bema Vaghaa Lelbaramake Maa Bani Al-Abbas, v 1 p 27, Athor name: Muhammad Deyab Al-Etlidi (died in 1100 hejira), Published by: Dar Al-Kotob Al-Elmie, Beirut, Lebanon, 1425 Hejira- 2004, First Edition; Researched by: Muhammad Ahmad Abd Al-Aziz Salem






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