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Is it true that it took twelve years for Umar Ben Al-Khatab to learn the Baghare Surah?
ID: 112 Publish Date: 18 January 2016 - 19:42 Count Views: 2858
Question & Answer » Sunni
Is it true that it took twelve years for Umar Ben Al-Khatab to learn the Baghare Surah?

This question has been come up by: Jafar Al-Sadegh



Most of the Sunni scientists have narrated that the second caliph tried twelve years to learn the Baghare Surah and when he succeeded, he sacrificed a camel to thank God for that. 

Beihaghi in the book ' ' Shoab Al-Iman ' ', Ghortebi in the book ' ' interpretation ' ', Ibn Asaker in the book ' ' the history of Medina and Damascus ' ', Siuti in the book ' ' Tanvir Al-Havalek and Al-Dor Al-Mansur ' ' , Zarghani in the book ' ' his explanation about Muta Malek ' ' , Katani in the book ' ' Nezam Al-Hokume ' ' and… have written


وَأَخْبَرَنَا أَبُو الْحُسَيْنِ بْنُ الْفَضْلِ الْقَطَّانُ، ثنا أَبُو عَلِيٍّ مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ أَحْمَدَ بْنِ الْحَسَنِ الصَّوَّافُ، ثنا بِشْرُ بْنُ مُوسَى أَبُو بِلالٍ الأَشْعَرِيُّ، ثنا مَالِكُ بْنُ أَنَسٍ، عَنْ نَافِعٍ، عَنِ ابْنِ عُمَرَ، قَالَ: " تَعَلَّمَ عُمَرُ بْنُ الْخَطَّابِ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُ الْبَقَرَةَ فِي اثْنَتَيْ عَشْرَةَ سَنَةً، فَلَمَّا أَتَمَّهَا، نَحَرَ جَزُورًا " 

It has been narrated that Abdullah Ben Umar said ' ' it took twelve years for Umar Ben Al-Khatab to learn the Baghare Surah. When he finished it, he sacrificed a camel. 

-Al-Beihaghi, Ahmad Ibn Al-Husain Ibn Ali Ibn Musa Abubakr (died in 458 Hejira) Shoaib Al-Iman v 2 p 1954; researched by: Muhammad Al-SaeedBesivaniZeghulul; published by: Dar Al-Kotob Al-Elmie; Beirut; First Edition; 1410 Hejira


-Al-Ansari Al-Ghortobi, Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Ahmad (died in 671 Hejira) Al-Jame Al-Hakim Al-Ghoran v 1 p 40; published by: Dar Al-Shoib; Cairo


-IbnAsaker Al-Dameshghi Al-Shafei, Abi Al-Ghasem Ali Ibn Al-Hassan Ibn Hebe Allah Ibn Abdullah (died in 571 Hejira) The History of Median and Damascus and ZekrFazleha and Tasmie Min Halha Min Al-Amasel; v 44 p 286; researched by: Moheb Al-Din AbiSaeed Omar IbnGharame Al-Amri; published by: Dar Al-Fekr; Beirut; 1995


-Al-Zahabi Al-Shafei, Shams Al-Din Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn Osman (died in 748 Hejira) The History of Islam and Vafiat Al-Mashahir Al-Alam v 3 p 267; researched by: D. Omar Abd Al-Salam Tadmeri; published by: Dar Al-Ketab Al-Arabi; Lebanon; Beirut; First Edition; 1407 Hejira; 1987


-Al-Souti, Jalal Al-Din AbulfazlAbd Al-RahmanIbnAbiBakr (died in 911 Hejira) Tanvir Al-HavalekSharhMowta Malik, v 1 p 162; published by: Al-Maktabat Al-Tejarie Al-Kobra; Egypt; 1389 Hejira; 1969


-Al-Zarghani, Muhammad IbnAbd Al-BaghiIbnYousef (died in 1122 Hejira) Sharh Al-ZarghaniAlaAlaMowta Al-Imam Malik v 2 p 27; published by: Dar Al-Kotob Al-Elmie; Beirut; First Edition; 1411 Hejira


-Al-Katani, Abd Al-Hay IbnAbd Al-Kabir (died in 1383 Hejira) Nezam Al-Hokumat Al-Nabavie Al-Mesmi Al-Taratib Al-Aderyat v 2 p 280; published by: Dar Al-Ketab Al-Arabi; Beirut


Analyzing the document of the narration


Abu Al-Hussein Ben Al-Fazl Al-Ghotan


Khatib Baghdadi has written about him 

محمد بن الحسين بن محمد بن الفضل بن يعقوب بن يوسف بن سالم أبو الحسين الأزرق القطان... كتبنا عنه وكان ثقة .

I have written a narration from him and he has been reliable. 


Al-Baghdadi, Abu Bakr Ahmad Ibn Ali IbnSabet Al-Khatib (died in 463 Hejira) The History of Baghdad, v 2 p 249; no 718; published by: Dar Al-Kotob Al-Elmie; Beirut


Sham Al-Din Zahabi has written

 محمد بن الحسين بن محمد بن الفضل الأزرق . أبو الحسين القطان ، بغدادي ، ثقة مشهور.

Al-Zahabi Al-Shafei, Shams Al-Din Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Ahmad AhmadIbn Osman (died in 748 Hejira) The History of Islam and Vafiat Al-Mashahir Al-Alam v 28 p 391; researched by: D. Omar Abd Al-Salam Tadmeri; published by: Dar Al-Kotob Al-Elmie; Lebanon; Beirut; First Edition; 1407 Hejira; 1987


Abu Ali Muhammad Ben Ahmad Ben Al-Hasan Al-Savaf


Khatib Baghdadi has praised has praised him in this way


140 محمد بن أحمد بن الحسن بن إسحاق بن إبراهيم بن عبد الله أبو علي المعروف بابن الصواف ... وكان ثقة مأمونا من أهل التحرز ما رأيت مثله في التحرز.

Muhammad Ben Ahmad Ben Al-Hasan was known as Ibn Savaf , a reliable person and a pious person.


The History of Baghdad v 1 p 289


Bashar Ben Musa 

بشر بن موسى . ابن صالح بن شيخ بن عميرة الامام الحافظ الثقة المعمر أبو علي الأسدي البغدادي .

قال الخطيب كان ثقة امينا عاقلا ركينا.

قال أبو بكر الخلال الفقيه كان أحمد بن حنبل يكرم بشر بن موسى وكتب له إلى الحميدي إلى مكة . وقال الدارقطني ثقة.

Bashar Ben Musa is a leader, a Hafez( he has memorized a hundred thousand Hadiths) and he had long life span.


Khatib has said about him ' ' he was reliable, honest, wise and permenant.

During the jurist Abu Bakr said : Ahmad ibn Hanbal , Ibn Musa to respect the human . Darqtny said was reliable .


Al-Zahabi Al-Shafei, Shams Al-Din Abu Abdullah Muhammad Ibn Ahmad Ibn Osman (died in 748 Hejira) SiarAlam Al-Nobala v 13 p 352; researched by: Shoaib Al-Arnwot; Muhammad Naeem Al-Arghasusi; published by: Al-Resalat Institute; Beirut; Ninth Edition; 1413 Hejira


Abu Balal Al-Ashari


Zahabi has remembered him as Imam, Mohades, and one of scientists in Kufe.


أبو بلال الأشعري . الإمام المحدث أحد علماء الكوفة. 

SiarAlam Al-Nobala v 10 p 582 


Ibn Haban has mentioned as one of Saghat


أبو بلال الأشعري من أهل الكوفة يروى عن قيس بن الربيع والكوفيين روى عنه أهل العراق اسمه مرداس.

Al-Tamimi Al-Basti, Abu Hatam Muhammad IbnHebanIbn Ahmad (died in 354 Hejira) Al-Segat v 9 p 199; hadith no 15992; researched by: Al-SayyedSharf Al-Din Ahmad; published by: Dar Al-Fekr; First Edition; 1395 Hejira; 1975



Malek Ben Anas

Malek Ben Anas one of four Imams of Sunnis and the head of Maleki Religion. There is no doubt about his reliability as Ibn Hajar has said 

مالك بن أنس بن مالك بن أبي عامر بن عمرو الأصبحي أبو عبد الله المدني الفقيه إمام دار الهجرة رأس المتقنين وكبير المتثبتين حتى قال البخاري أصح الأسانيد كلها مالك عن نافع عن بن عمر من السابعة مات سنة تسع وسبعين وكان مولده سنة ثلاث وتسعين وقال الواقدي بلغ تسعين سنة ع .

Malek Ben Anas is the jurisprudent and the leader of people of Medina is better than the permanent persons and greater than reliable persons as Bokhari has said ' ' the most valid documents are the narration of Malek from Nafe and the narration of Nafe from Abdullah Ben Umar. 

Taghrib Al-Tahzib v 1 p 516; no 6425 



Nafe is the servant of Abdullah Ben Umar. Ibn Hajar says ' ' he reliable, permanent, jurisprudent and famous.

نافع أبو عبد الله المدني مولى بن عمر ثقة ثبت فقيه مشهور من الثالثة مات سنة سبع عشره ومائة أو بعد ذلك ع .

Taghrib Al-Tahzib v 1 p 559; hadith no 7086


Ibn Umar 

Abdullah Ben Umar, a companion. 


In conclusion, there is no doubt about the validity of this narration and it proves that the second caliph spent twelve years learning the Baghreh Surah.  

Of course, it is not clear whether learning is memorizing Quran or learning is reciting it. 






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