Wednesday 3 July 2024
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Feqeh Section
Research done in this section include:

Jurisprudential discourses:
List of all
Jurisprudential discourses from "taharat" to "Diat" on a regular basis include 80 Shiite religious books and 150 Sunni religious books including the Hanbali Hanafi Shafi`i Maliki Zaidi and zaheri.

Jurisprudential books:
have extracted A list of all useful Jurisprudential books in the library of Qom and some other cities.
books ID:
in this part has been provided the complete list from
Jurisprudential books that includes: subject author including (all fields of jurisprudence most of the fields of jurisprudence or some fields of jurisprudence). expression (text description or marginal). the method of (narrative a fatwa or arguments). written history history of printing the number of components and volumes and commentary and margins etc
authors ID:
In this section for each of authors has been provided an ID for that includes:author famous name nickname epithet religious date of birth date of death place of burial and the life compilation teachers students and his introduction places.

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